Larissa Waters

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Black Orchid
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Larissa Waters

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:22 pm

This topic is getting ridiculous at OzPol so I thought I would start one here.

Sorry but I find it unprofessional, inconsiderate, shows no class, exhibitionism at its finest and more of a stunt than a necessity. Passing a motion in Parliament with a baby hanging off your breast? I mean really?

The baby is 3 months old and she could easily have expressed milk for its feed. Whilst breastfeeding discreetly is the most natural thing in the world, in public or private, is this really ok?


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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by cods » Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:44 pm

a stunt a pretty tasteless one at that...

maybe she will tell her child bedtime stories of her standing up in parliament breastfeeding her with a sick nappy on her shoulder..

I am sure her child will be enthralled....what about changing the poopie nappy in public why not its a perfectly NORMAL event and babies do poop more often than feed sometimes.. and I am sure she wouldnt want to leave the house every time to change the bub... maybe a bin at the end of the seating.....maybe even under the seat would be acceptable..

some women just dont really care you know.

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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:13 pm

She said the baby passed its own 'motion' just prior to the feeding. *shakes head*

She also said her partner took time off work to help with the baby. Which means there is absolutely no reason not to express milk and leave the baby with him but she wanted to "raise awareness of the need for better family friendly workplaces and for affordable child care"

A stunt pure and simple. Parliament is full of clowns.

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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:46 pm

seriously, the lady is breastfeeding her baby. Irrespective of what you think of Larissa and her politics, you lot need to get over it. I can't believe the crap the usual suspects are making over this. That some over there find it offensive says more about them than Larissa. Breastfeeding is a perfectly natural and normal behaviour. Not only that but it is the BEST option for babies. Why anyone would try to prevent that defies belief.

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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:26 pm

See that's what a small handful of regressive overly politically 'correct' people cannot understand. It's not about denying the baby anything nor is it about what is best for a baby. Most women express milk if they have important professional engagements and I consider passing a motion in Parliament to absolutely be one of these.

There are many things that are perfectly normal behaviour, bodily functions included, but performing them in public and in front of cameras is something that only the bogan sub-culture seems to approve of. Those who have no knowledgeable bearing on what is polite, considerate and acceptable social etiquette.

It's a perfectly normal behaviour to urinate and defecate too but to squat in the street, or in someone's front yard, is not appropriate social behaviour, yet I am sure you approve. I bet you let your kids run rampant in restaurants and public settings too.

It was a stunt that backfired on her.

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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:29 pm

Which she all but admitted by saying that she wanted to raise awareness for family friendly work environments. Stunts like this are more likely to cost women positions rather than creating 'baby and me' work environments.

She has set women back!

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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:31 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Most women express milk if they have important professional engagements and I consider passing a motion in Parliament to absolutely be one of these.
Most women express milk because the people around them are too precious to let them do anything else. Up until recently there was no other option, and in many places there is still no option. That doesn't make it right. There was absolutely no reason for her to not breast feed. Your sensitivities are your problem.

Black Orchid wrote:It's a perfectly normal behaviour to urinate and defecate too but to squat in the street, or in someone's front yard, is not appropriate social behaviour, yet I am sure you approve. I bet you let your kids run rampant in restaurants and public settings too.
now this is the sort of absurdly ridiculous level I expected you to take the argument. You didn't disappoint.

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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jun 24, 2017 5:37 pm

Pay attention John! Stop going off on bizarre tangents and actually READ what is typed and stop trying to put your own spin on it. Try really hard to comprehend and keep up ok?

No-one is denying her the right to breastfeed her baby. Not even discreetly in public. Can you grasp that? NO-ONE!

The fact is that many potential employers of new mothers will watch that and pass over them in favour of another who has no children, grown children or is male.

She has done new mothers a great disservice just for the sake of her ego.

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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Sat Jun 24, 2017 7:50 pm

Black Orchid wrote: No-one is denying her the right to breastfeed her baby. Not even discreetly in public. Can you grasp that? NO-ONE!
except for all the retards who are crying because Larissa tried to do just that.
Black Orchid wrote:The fact is that many potential employers of new mothers will watch that and pass over them in favour of another who has no children, grown children or is male.
another load of shit. Potential employers already have to decide whether to allow a baby on the premises or they're not. Those that do aren't going to be overly concerned about breast feeding unless their from the retarded right.
Black Orchid wrote:The fact is that many potential employers of new mothers will watch that and pass over them in favour of another who has no children, grown children or is male.
and when they get pregnant they sack them?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you need something a little more substantive than hysterics.
Black Orchid wrote:She has done new mothers a great disservice just for the sake of her ego.
I haven't heard one new mother complain. In fact, the only complaints have been from bitter old hags or men.

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Re: Larissa Waters

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jun 24, 2017 8:19 pm

Hardly surprising the lefty virtue signallers are falling all over themselves to praise a green signalling her virtue by performing nothing special after getting her spawn handed to her by her taxpayer funded nanny from the taxpayer funded crèche. :roll:
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