Libtards double debt in half the time

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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:22 am

Sir Bobby wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:
Sir Bobby wrote:
Gillard was such a clueless fucking idiot, but the above thinking is typical of the left.
And Malcolm continues to borrow $100M per day just like dick brain Rudd.
Yes, because Turnbull is a leftard and the left have infiltrated the Libs.
The senate is dominated by GRALPs and assorted other self absorbed independents and minor parties who refuse to pass saving measures.
Turnbull has to design policy around what is possible due to the senate road block. So it's half arsed, ineffective or plain fucking useless.

Anyone who voted for GRALPs in either house should be shot for treason.
Their stupidity is responsible for the state of the countries finances.

That's typical of socialists -
their idea is to destroy the economy then
allow communists to take over.

They are doing a good job - or so they think.
The Leftwingers, GreggaryPeccarys, John Smiths, Aussies, dnarever, etal are all part of the problem and should pay a price for their support and undermining of working society by promoting, excusing and calling for more socialism, wasteful GRALP spending, Muslim terrorism, increasing dole, whinging about people on the dole being questioned about overpayments, higher taxes, identity politics, classier, safe schools, cultural marxism, their ABC, the HRC, global fucking warming, renewable bullshit, Australia Institute, Grattan Institute, every other taxpayer draining "think-tank" and the lies dribbled by them spouting disproven leftard economic theories.

Filthy dirty fucking lefty fluffy bunnies, who deliberately ignore evidence in front of them, continue to goose step along while the most vulnerable people in society are hurt the most by the shit they spew. Fucking pond scum.
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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by Bobby » Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:18 am

Yes IQ,
it won't be long before we get ultimatums from the banks - just like Greece.

We're bankrupt and Malcolm holds the poisoned chalice.

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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:33 am

Numpties like Leftwinger like to display their retardedness like a kind of idiot peacock, flashing his plume of stupid Ina vulgar display that seems to attract the attention of other economic morons from the left trying to reinforce the fake news from ALP sources.

The truth of the matter has always been easy to see, but not for one eyed lefty Muppets
The GRALPs and their lefty cheersquad are nothing but economic vandals.
The debt and deficit were all driven up by Rudd/Swan-Gillard/Swan to record levels and the GRALPs locked in that spending (with no funding models) for a decade and a half. This is the only reason why the debt level is where it is.

Filthy fucking leftist retards like Rudd, Swan, Gillard and their arselicking goon squads like the Leftwingers, GreggaryPeccarys, John Smiths, Aussies, dnarever, etal should all be strung up, skinned alive and left to rot in the sun. Fucking deadshits :mad :mad :mad
When Shepherd delivered the National Commission of Audit report three years ago, Tony Abbott was derided for talking about a debt crisis. A panel of earnest economists, assembled by The Sydney Morning Herald, dismissed the claim as absurd, ridiculous and an abuse of the English language.
The true cost of Labor’s six years of irresponsibility may never be known.

But it is clear we will be paying for its policy indiscretions long after the covered outdoor learning areas have crumbled.

The past decade should have been a period of transition, a time for long-term adjustments to health, welfare and education spending, a chance to remove impediments to growth and to lower expectations of what citizens could reasonably expect from government.

Instead, Swan responded to the fiscal crisis like a panicked marsupial caught in the headlights awaiting the mercy of an oncoming truck.

Folly was heaped upon folly; extravagant spending commitments were locked in for a decade and a half.

The National Broadband Network was embarked upon, a $49 billion investment running years behind schedule on which the government has already lost at least $8.3bn of our dough.

Rudd’s vanity renewable energy targets more than doubled the price of electricity and eroded reliability, causing pain to households and driving businesses to the wall.

By the time Abbott came to power in 2013, the window for structural repairs was rapidly closing. Shepherd’s audit commission offered the Abbott government a choice: act on the evidence or wait for the tooth fairy.

The commission’s 86 recommendations to put the budget back into shape and future-proof the economy became casualties of an inexperienced government and a fierce campaign by the united ­forces of economic boneheadedness. Labor played the mean-Tory card while the smug commentators flaunted their innocence by calling for higher taxes.
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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:40 am

The problem isnt fake news , its fake government , thankfully for Australia that will be rectified in a few short years

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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:49 am

LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:The problem isnt fake news , its fake government , thankfully for Australia that will be rectified in a few short years
When you grow up and start earning your money from something else other than your paper route or blowing ALP paeophiles you may get an understanding of just how bad the left are.

You should study hard for the next 3 years so when you get to year 11 you can select the basic economics course and maybe by the end of it, you won't look like such a fucking idiot all the time...

I doubt you'll pass year 9 but seeing how young you are, theres always hope that your brain hasn't finished developing and reached its full potential, because if it has, you are well and truly fucked kiddo. :thumb
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by Rorschach » Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:03 am

You'd never get away with writing stuff like this in Ozpol... its "Choc full o' Nuts" waaay too many Leftards over there to speak common-sense. Smith, peccerhead, Arsie, Monkeyboy, DNA, stunspore, Unaborted, etc, etc, etc.... You'd all have been attacked and the topic flooded with inane Trolling, pictures and personal abuse.

Good to see IQS sticking to a topic and speaking sense. Totally agree with him and the rest of you, Leftwinger is clueless being a mindless CFMEU member you wouldn't expect any better.

Labor put us in this situation and the Senate and Labor is keeping us here and if Labor had stayed in government we'd be in an even worse position. The Coalition has slowed the problem down but cannot solve the problem and if we keep giving Labor the Numbers and stuffing up the Senate we may never get back to an even economic keel.

The problem is Shorten and his lies seem plausible. The government for so long let him gain credibility and get away with lying time after time after time. Even now there is very little cut-through. The Greens are now a vote feeder system for the ALP having been taken over years ago not by environmentalists but socialists and are now beholden to the Unions. Bandt is a raving socialist. Rhiannon a Communist.

Governments have allowed the socialist Left to gain ground through indoctrination in the Education system. By ceding media control of the ABC and SBS. Our MSM is largely Left leaning. The Conservative voice has largely been silenced and only the shriller voices like Hanson get heard. Bernadi had to leave the Liberals in disgust to form his own party.

Labor is not the answer it created this problem, it will continue to be so and if the Coalition or some other Conservative Party does not intervene and win over the people we will continue to spiral down and our living standards will slowly decline until suddenly the plug will be pulled and we will rush to the bottom. Maybe only then will those indoctrinated see the light. Maybe they never will. It seems common-sense is a very rare commodity these days...

Our polity is peopled with morons, I can not think of anyone in either major party I'd like as PM. They lack vision, they are too busy feathering their own nests to put Australia and Australians first. There is too much ideology and not enough common-sense. There will be no quick fix for this latest Labor initiated debacle, both major parties are to blame, the Coalition are between a rock and a hard place, so far they are failing the people, but it is hard to fight the good fight with both hands tied behind your back and an Opposition who cheat and lie and refuse to fight by the rules. Mind you the Coalition are as talent free as Labor, their solutions have been largely unpalatable to the public, now used to government largesse, (a tactic Labor has always used to gain votes - make people dependent on you), it seems it will take a much more talented bunch than we currently have to win over the people and fix Australia's problems.
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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:13 am

Here's another idiot fucking lefty goon squad arselicker... :roll:

The lack of logic is unbelievable and every single one of of those dickhead GRALP ideas is wholly responsible for every single dollar on debt and deficit side of the ledger and the crisis we are in. All brought to you by lefty fucks.
Jovial Arselicking Economic Vandal wrote: The Budget can be brought under control fairly easily.
(No plan, no idea, no clue :roll:)
But we need to rip up the idiotic copper internet and roll out FTTH for high speed broadband.
(Waste more on a stupid idea technology will surpass in 5 years- fucking brilliant :roll:)
We need to look at doing another Snowy Mts scheme but on Queensland rivers.
(Sell coal right in front of QLDers to competitor countries so they have cheap reliable power- fucking genius :roll:)
Implement Gonski, NDIS.
(You can't implement fuck all when you haven't funded it. The GRALP tried and that's why we're in $500bn of debt :roll:
Seriously, are all you lefty's fucking brain dead?
Was there some experimental drug that your mother's took when they got knocked up?

How do you manage to survive in life when you're this dumb?
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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:41 am

Attacking the poster wont change the facts

The debt has doubled
Underemployment highest EVER
Wage growth lowest EVER
Terms of trade down 33%
High unemployment
Record high youth unemployment

These are the facts

We were promised good government , when will this be happening ?

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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:56 am

LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:Attacking the poster wont change the facts

The debt has doubled
Ignoring the facts is why you're attacked.
Instead, Swan responded to the fiscal crisis like a panicked marsupial caught in the headlights awaiting the mercy of an oncoming truck.
Folly was heaped upon folly; extravagant spending commitments were locked in for a decade and a half.
The GRALP borrowing and spending is the reason for most of the list you love to post but have no understanding of whatsoever.

You're a fucking economoronchildtard :roll:

If you don't like the figures, blame the ALP.
It's all their and your making. You and your ilk fucking own it.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Libtards double debt in half the time

Post by Rorschach » Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:07 am

As forecast, this is the future we cannot afford
The Australian
12:00AM March 28, 2017
Nick Cater

How time flies when you’re busy spending other people’s money. A decade and a half has slipped by since Peter Costello presented Treasury’s first Intergenerational Report, confronting us with the fiscal consequences of growing old.

The proportion of the population who work and pay tax is shrinking while the number of retirees claiming pensions is growing. The day would come, the report predicted, when the government would have to pay for hospitals, care homes and pensions on credit.

When would that day arrive? “After about 15 years,” the report said. In other words, right now.

Unusually for a long-term Treasury forecast, this one stood the test of time.

The Shepherd Review released yesterday confirms that government is already borrowing to pay its daily bills. The time for self-delusion is over; seven consecutive budget deficits and an eighth around the corner cannot be explained away as a mere fluctuation in the cycle.

In fact, the future is probably bleaker than Treasury’s present forecasts would have us believe, according to Tony Shepherd. The forecast that the commonwealth will return to surplus in the next few years assumes Australia extends its world-beating 25-year stretch of economic growth, the Senate passes all the government’s savings measures, and the economic outlook remains positive. Shepherd and his panel describe these as “somewhat heroic assumptions”.

When Shepherd delivered the National Commission of Audit report three years ago, Tony Abbott was derided for talking about a debt crisis. A panel of earnest economists, assembled by The Sydney Morning Herald, dismissed the claim as absurd, ridiculous and an abuse of the English language.

Yet the dictionary definition of a crisis — a decisive turning point, from the Greek word krisis — ­accurately describes Australia’s fiscal position. We are running out of time to make the hard choices, the ones we’ve been putting off through wilful blindness or because of populist political headwinds that so far have proved impossible to overcome.

It all looked so easy in 2002 when Kevin Rudd was just another irritating Queenslander on the backbench, Wayne Swan had yet to release his inner Keynesian, and Julia Gillard was not yet a hostage of the service unions.

The true cost of Labor’s six years of irresponsibility may never be known.

But it is clear we will be paying for its policy indiscretions long after the covered outdoor learning areas have crumbled.

The past decade should have been a period of transition, a time for long-term adjustments to health, welfare and education spending, a chance to remove impediments to growth and to lower expectations of what citizens could reasonably expect from government.

Instead, Swan responded to the fiscal crisis like a panicked marsupial caught in the headlights awaiting the mercy of an oncoming truck.

Folly was heaped upon folly; extravagant spending commitments were locked in for a decade and a half.

The National Broadband Network was embarked upon, a $49 billion investment running years behind schedule on which the government has already lost at least $8.3bn of our dough.

Rudd’s vanity renewable energy targets more than doubled the price of electricity and eroded reliability, causing pain to households and driving businesses to the wall.

By the time Abbott came to power in 2013, the window for structural repairs was rapidly closing. Shepherd’s audit commission offered the Abbott government a choice: act on the evidence or wait for the tooth fairy.

The commission’s 86 recommendations to put the budget back into shape and future-proof the economy became casualties of an inexperienced government and a fierce campaign by the united ­forces of economic boneheadedness. Labor played the mean-Tory card while the smug commentators flaunted their innocence by calling for higher taxes.

Meanwhile, the demographic trends, adverse to the budget, forecast in the 2002 Intergenerational Report, have proved frighteningly accurate. The number of Australians over retirement age has increased by about 400,000. Life expectancy continues its upward trend. A boy born today can expect to live three years longer than one born in 2002; a girl can expect to live two years longer.

Those additional years of life won’t come cheap. The largest number of scripts subsidised by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, 16.5 million, is for statins, costing the government $240 million last year. Commonwealth health expenditure is forecast to increase from 4.1 per cent to 7 per cent of gross domestic product by the middle of the century and from 2.4 per cent to 3.8 per cent for states and territories.

It doesn’t stop there. Age-related pension costs are projected to rise from 2.7 per cent in 2011-12 to 3.7 per cent by 2059-60 as compulsory super­annuation savings prove inadequate for most. Aged-care costs are projected to increase from 0.8 per cent of GDP in 2011-12 to 2.6 per cent by the time the millennial generation begins retiring.

And so, having spent the kids’ inheritance, the baby boomers are set to fleece them in their retirement by living off borrowed public funds they cannot possibly repay.

Annual real spending growth is expected to rise to 3 per cent by 2020, an increase that cannot credibly be borne by our narrow, employment-focused tax base. The reckoning is coming and, one way or another, it will be ordinary working Australians who pay. The Business Council of Australia says taxes would need to rise by an average of more than $5000 a household just to plug a gap of that size, and even higher taxes would be needed to start paying off debt.

Or we could slash government services by $50bn, the equivalent of one-third of today’s social security budget or almost the entire education and defence budgets combined.

Or we can carry on as we are, brushing past the facts, chipping away at the sources of our prosperity, immersed in fashionable delusions and raiding the teapot.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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