Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:27 am

Wayne- Ima centrist. Really I am. I back no particular party. At least that's what Getup told me to say when spamming forums wrote:Really Love? Doesn't this statement in this post "The problem is caused by all shades of the political spectrum, state and federal" sort of run at odds with your initial posting on here? In that, you were frothing on about Leftists, Marxists and what ever else you could spew out, but now, suddenly, it's an issue common to BOTH sides. Why didn't you just say that in the first place?

In this bout of verbal crapulence you spout Rightard bullshit:

re you serious? You're a fucking left voter.
You are a major part of the problem.

You continue to support the side of politics that pushes this Marxist anti western stealth wealth distribution bullshit ideologly to try and install a tax on fucking everything so the left, who could never produce anything productive or wanted by anyone decided that theyll just add a bit of marxist leftism tax to fucking everything.

So any product new or existing created, designed and built by a company has a government mandated non-existent Marxist widget installed.
The Marxists have decided that they deserve to be part owners and financial recipients of the profit structure of every company and product ever sold anywhere in the entire world. Demanding a slice of the profits for doing and contributing absolutely fucking nothing. :mad

Now you are back peddling to include all governments. Be consistent Love - and, it was the Righties who sold off just about everything that moved so they could claim "surplus" or "costs will fall" - and the moron voters fell for it - for the first term of government anyway
I must have hit a nerve :lol: probably that one hard core militant leftists find very sensitive because it hardly gets used. It's hidden away deep under the skin.
A tiny dose of the truth and the nerve is triggered and causes shaking and gnashing of teeth 8-)
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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by Redneck » Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:58 pm

IQ what are you thoughts on SA's latest proposal!

Without all your left bashing if you can do that! :lol:

Sounds like a step in the right direction to me regardless of which side one supports.

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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by Wayne » Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:24 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Wayne- Ima centrist. Really I am. I back no particular party. At least that's what Getup told me to say when spamming forums wrote:Really Love? Doesn't this statement in this post "The problem is caused by all shades of the political spectrum, state and federal" sort of run at odds with your initial posting on here? In that, you were frothing on about Leftists, Marxists and what ever else you could spew out, but now, suddenly, it's an issue common to BOTH sides. Why didn't you just say that in the first place?

In this bout of verbal crapulence you spout Rightard bullshit:

re you serious? You're a fucking left voter.
You are a major part of the problem.

You continue to support the side of politics that pushes this Marxist anti western stealth wealth distribution bullshit ideologly to try and install a tax on fucking everything so the left, who could never produce anything productive or wanted by anyone decided that theyll just add a bit of marxist leftism tax to fucking everything.

So any product new or existing created, designed and built by a company has a government mandated non-existent Marxist widget installed.
The Marxists have decided that they deserve to be part owners and financial recipients of the profit structure of every company and product ever sold anywhere in the entire world. Demanding a slice of the profits for doing and contributing absolutely fucking nothing. :mad

Now you are back peddling to include all governments. Be consistent Love - and, it was the Righties who sold off just about everything that moved so they could claim "surplus" or "costs will fall" - and the moron voters fell for it - for the first term of government anyway
I must have hit a nerve :lol: probably that one hard core militant leftists find very sensitive because it hardly gets used. It's hidden away deep under the skin.
A tiny dose of the truth and the nerve is triggered and causes shaking and gnashing of teeth 8-)
Nah - just highlighting the hypocrisy of your some of your post. Extreme right want to stop anything and everything that assists others and keep the profits - extreme left want to give it all away. Most right wing Governments in Australia try to lean that way, but thankfully there is more than enough evidence now to show what a destructive force they are. The recent flogging of the Barnett Government was partially caused by his wanting to flog off Western Power. People see through all that right wing crap these days Kennett in Victoria for instance headed one of the most prolific sell of of Victoria's assets ever seen. The excuse was to pay off the Cain/Kirner debt but the real reason was to make sure he, his government and his mates got as much out of the trough as possible. They got a cut price unwanted Casino, a free road to add tolls to, helipads left, right and centre and infrastructure no one wanted. The people got a crappy convention centre. Victoria is screwed as far as power goes because once again, the right flog everything for their own self interest. Thankfully the days of flogging off the family farm to fund right wing government largesse is nearly over. Too late for NSW though - they were really sold a lemon at the last election!

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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:37 pm

Extreme right want to stop anything and everything that assists others and keep the profits -
:lol: stopping the lights going off :thumb
:lol: stopping taxes being pissed up against the wall :thumb
:lol: stopping useless lefty projects that are nothing but and excuse to hand taxpayer subsidies to rent seekers :thumb
:lol: stopping preteens being taught about fisting, penis tucking and other lefty nocturnal habits :thumb

The list is endless :Hi

Maybe if the lefty's stopped coming up with stupid ideas, insisting every be forced to experience their fuckwittery and everyone else should pay for their stupid ideas. Implemented by lefty govt crooks and govt contracts awarded to lefty govt mates who set up companies just to latch on to the taxpayers tit. While providing a "product" that is completely fucking useless.

Ya see, the left don't create anything. They don't make anything. They don't provide anything.
They live their life as parasites.
The taxpayer, like a beaten homeless mutt stumbles into a bush and is swarmed by lefty ticks fighting each other for the best spot for draining the taxpayer, slowly starving it. It's coat mangey, ribs starting to show...Meanwhile the lefty ticks in their hundreds have swollen bloated bodies.

Found by a righty, he tries to save the poor taxpayer and get some tick treatment to remove as many lefty leeches before they kill it.
Nope, apparently removing parasites isn't "fair" so the decide to keep them all exactly where they are, fat and bloated.
The ticks insist that they have a right to be leeches and they've heard rumours that inside the taxpayer are tapeworms living it up.
Leave us alone, and go after the big nematodes. We're just getting a bit of blood while the big guys are sucking the guts out of him...said the 3000 strong filthy fucking leeches.

Aways wanting collective solutions except in when discussing their taxpayer supplied benefits. Then individuality messaging be considered.

The left are a wasteful bunch of entitled fluffy bunnies.
Every. Single. One.
Present company definitely not exclude.

Go make something, create something, start a business, do anything except be a dirty lefty blood sucker.
I only wish they would, but I know it will never happen. The left's hand out and entitlement lifestyle is too good for them, so they'll fuck anybody over to get to the cookie jar first.

The only way this will be solved is a concentration camp for lefties. No point in re-education, the left have proven they cannot be educated.
I'd apply for the camp commander job or guard just so I could poke you lefty fucks with a bayonet.

It's where you belong, and you fucking know it too. Treasonous fucks... :mad
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by Wayne » Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:39 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Extreme right want to stop anything and everything that assists others and keep the profits -
:lol: stopping the lights going off :thumb
:lol: stopping taxes being pissed up against the wall :thumb
:lol: stopping useless lefty projects that are nothing but and excuse to hand taxpayer subsidies to rent seekers :thumb
:lol: stopping preteens being taught about fisting, penis tucking and other lefty nocturnal habits :thumb

The list is endless :Hi

Maybe if the lefty's stopped coming up with stupid ideas, insisting every be forced to experience their fuckwittery and everyone else should pay for their stupid ideas. Implemented by lefty govt crooks and govt contracts awarded to lefty govt mates who set up companies just to latch on to the taxpayers tit. While providing a "product" that is completely fucking useless.

Ya see, the left don't create anything. They don't make anything. They don't provide anything.
They live their life as parasites.
The taxpayer, like a beaten homeless mutt stumbles into a bush and is swarmed by lefty ticks fighting each other for the best spot for draining the taxpayer, slowly starving it. It's coat mangey, ribs starting to show...Meanwhile the lefty ticks in their hundreds have swollen bloated bodies.

Found by a righty, he tries to save the poor taxpayer and get some tick treatment to remove as many lefty leeches before they kill it.
Nope, apparently removing parasites isn't "fair" so the decide to keep them all exactly where they are, fat and bloated.
The ticks insist that they have a right to be leeches and they've heard rumours that inside the taxpayer are tapeworms living it up.
Leave us alone, and go after the big nematodes. We're just getting a bit of blood while the big guys are sucking the guts out of him...said the 3000 strong filthy fucking leeches.

Aways wanting collective solutions except in when discussing their taxpayer supplied benefits. Then individuality messaging be considered.

The left are a wasteful bunch of entitled fluffy bunnies.
Every. Single. One.
Present company definitely not exclude.

Go make something, create something, start a business, do anything except be a dirty lefty blood sucker.
I only wish they would, but I know it will never happen. The left's hand out and entitlement lifestyle is too good for them, so they'll fuck anybody over to get to the cookie jar first.

The only way this will be solved is a concentration camp for lefties. No point in re-education, the left have proven they cannot be educated.
I'd apply for the camp commander job or guard just so I could poke you lefty fucks with a bayonet.

It's where you belong, and you fucking know it too. Treasonous fucks... :mad
yes..yes..yes nice rant my boy - bit coloured with your own view through rose tinted glasses. Left and right are different paws of the same animal. Traditionally, the left are the workers, the toilers, the scrappers and the doers, whilst traditionally, the right are the owners, the business starters and the suckers. In the past, the left were usually lowly educated, whilst the right were the university trained - some from the left should have gone to higher educational levels - but didn't because the exclusiveness and expense of higher education whilst some from the right only got through because Mummy and Daddy bribed their way through. From that, the right split off to become the Doctors, the Engineers, the Bankers and the Lawyers whilst the left became the working class.

I read this yesterday and I thought it was a great summation

"Corporate capitalism kills peoples drive as much as socialism ever did (probably why they drive it as hard as they do

I know you like to look at the Gates', the zuckerbergs, the jobs' as "self made men" but for each of those, there is 10,000 good people with great ideas that have been snuffed out.

There isn't much ongoing dividends in helping people realise great things, or work for the greater good - free energy, health and wellbeing, the pursuit of knowledge - but things like facebook, that encourage slovenliness, while providing a data mine on an unprecedented scale, thereby paving the way for further exploitation? They're fantastic for the handful of people lucky enough to own them, but poison for everyone else.

The false dichotomy of socialism vs capitalism is the greatest con of all time. We have corporations, the capitalists, farming human beings for resources and if they utter a word of complaint - "hey you don't want communism do you?" is the response. Corporations love socialism, because it reduces humans to mere consumers. Whereas human beings have feelings, hopes and dreams, corporations want only one thing - more.

When you combine the potential for income inequality of capitalism with the conformity of socialism you get the situation we contend with today, and its the gravest threat to humanity we have ever faced. Time to get real and call out the fact that the left hand of socialism and the right hand of capitalism are not separate opposing entities, but both appendages of the same beast."

Pretty powerful stuff and sums up this ridiculous lefty/righty position quite well

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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:56 am

Don't get me wrong, I think there should be a small role for the govt to provide collectivest solutions or management thereof for some services.

The main problem is for leftists is that they are such treasonous fucks that it is never enough... because "enough" is destruction of capitalism completely. Nothing else is acceptable. Always agitating, always pushing and pulling to the left, always lying. The SA govt announcement of spending more big $ on their energy fuck up could have powered a small city with their windmilling arms trying to fingerpoint the blame to "markets" instead of admitting a mistake.

No, the problem with socialist solutions isn't the solutions themselves. The problem is leftists.
So sadly the leftists and any service that may have been best suited by a socialist solution must be rejected. Always.
Because leftist are fucking scum. Their answer to "What solution is best fit for this application" = "One size fits all"

The only thing to do is man the rail carts, round you greasy fuckstains up and put you somewhere your creeping shitty philosophy can't hurt innocent people try to make a better life.

Once you are all safely away from society, Kneeling in front of the big pit should be ok with you lot.
Just think of it as a perfect ending for a leftist. The final act of kneeling with millions of comrades, looking forward and the last thing you see is your brain exploding through the front of your skull as you all collectively fall into the pit.

The irony doesn't escape camp commander IQ as he holsters his pistol.
A wry smile breaks as he thinks the leftists would be cheering him on. Finally they had got him to accept socialism.....the ultimate socialist final solution.

Fill in the pit.
We're done
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by Wayne » Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:33 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:Don't get me wrong, I think there should be a small role for the govt to provide collectivest solutions or management thereof for some services.

The main problem is for leftists is that they are such treasonous fucks that it is never enough... because "enough" is destruction of capitalism completely. Nothing else is acceptable. Always agitating, always pushing and pulling to the left, always lying. The SA govt announcement of spending more big $ on their energy fuck up could have powered a small city with their windmilling arms trying to fingerpoint the blame to "markets" instead of admitting a mistake.

No, the problem with socialist solutions isn't the solutions themselves. The problem is leftists.
So sadly the leftists and any service that may have been best suited by a socialist solution must be rejected. Always.
Because leftist are fucking scum. Their answer to "What solution is best fit for this application" = "One size fits all"

The only thing to do is man the rail carts, round you greasy fuckstains up and put you somewhere your creeping shitty philosophy can't hurt innocent people try to make a better life.

Once you are all safely away from society, Kneeling in front of the big pit should be ok with you lot.
Just think of it as a perfect ending for a leftist. The final act of kneeling with millions of comrades, looking forward and the last thing you see is your brain exploding through the front of your skull as you all collectively fall into the pit.

The irony doesn't escape camp commander IQ as he holsters his pistol.
A wry smile breaks as he thinks the leftists would be cheering him on. Finally they had got him to accept socialism.....the ultimate socialist final solution.

Fill in the pit.
We're done

There you go again IQ! Your first sentence reveals a sound mind and ability to have a thought process. The rest is just dribble. So let's look at the issue of power generation and distribution. Up until recently most state owned and controlled. Put in place by Labor governments and delivering services as planned. Now the rot starts to set in with all this when Keating decides to sell off the Commonwealth Bank and all of a sudden we start hearing the mantra "Governments should not own services providers and delivery enablers - that is for the private sector" So who drove that little gem of an idea - the rich and powerful - mainly rightwing CEOs and Bosses who could see that they would pick up a cheap capability, run it into the ground and then go for the bailout. Labor got the boot and all of a sudden everything that could possibly be sold, got sold. Telstra, our gold reserves,Defence services, all out the door to the lowest bidder. Then, as predicted, the now succesfull bidder for the capability slinks back for a 'renegotiation" because they know they will get bailed out.

Now look at the electricity industry. State based, working fine, making a profit and employing people. Sold off by Righties, split into generators and distributors, mass unemployment, no profit back to the state and being run into the ground. Maintenance costs now rising, service delivery falling, and profit taking increasing. And you blame leftists for that? Where do you get that gem from?

Malcolm Turnbull is now frothing the fact that he wants to increase the capacity of the Snowy River Scheme. Who pays for that? We know don't we - it will be taxpayer funded or funding guaranteed that shifts all the risk to the Government - typical righty thought process!

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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:09 pm

You can cast as many red herrings as you like, the fact is power generation and distribution was operating fine up until the the ALP was bent over a barrel and given in up the arse by the greens to up the renewable target to 20-23%. Hamstringing the traditional base load supply because of the rush to add unreliable renewables to the system. The subsidies provided to the renewable suppliers meant that traditional baseload wasn't able to compete because the paying field is unbalanced so like any smart business, why operate just to lose money?

Your privatisation spin is simply you want someone to force the baseload suppliers to run their business at a loss or nationalise them so the taxpayer eats the loss.

I don't know why you GRALP voters are complaining. Your system is working exactly as intended.
In exchange for support and preferences from the Greens, the ALP ramped the RET from 2% to 23% and you forrced teh evil fossil fools carbon devil baby drowning suppliers to shut down and exit the market.

Now youre complaining about it by saying it's privatisations fault because if they were govt run, they would be kept open. Conveniently missing the running at at a loss (far bigger than the private power co), undisclosed and hidden for what would be decades, racking up multi-million dollar losses that would be paid for by taxpayers unaware the govt would be unable to increase power prices to even get close to break without drawing attention to the unsustainable massive loses.

So they do what all GRALP govts do. They shift the tax burden around to hide and pay for the results of their shocking idiot policies.

Be happy! :yahoo You have exactly what the Greens decided the ALP should do. :thumb

Fucking lefty idiots, without a fucking clue. :roll:
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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:50 am

South Australia has a base load energy shortage. The government has decided the base load suppliers are the problem, not the system they designed for them to operate under.
Facing an energy crisis that is spawning massive blackouts and soaring prices, the SA government is responding this week by detaining base load power executives and seizing coal fired generators.

In a press release, the Minister for Energy said it had charged four people and temporarily seized two generators as the Labor administration accused base load energy generators of being part of a broad “economic war” aimed at destabilizing the state.

In a statement, the government said the generators had been shutting down supply and were using secondary companies supplying subsidized renewables to bid for power blocks auctioned by the SA government, from wind and solar power generators. The government said base load generatora should not be allowed to shut down generation because renewables provide subsidies. However, in a tweet on Thursday, Jay Wetherill said renewables had nothing to do with the energy supply issues.

Two coal fired generators were also seized for 90 days for breaking a number of rules, including shutting down turbines after bids had been awarded to other renewable energy companies.

Jim Janus, the president of the Continuous Power Generator Council which represents coal and gas fired generators statewide, said the government’s heavy hand isn’t going to solve the problem.

“The government isn’t importing enough base load” he said. “If you don’t have base load, you don’t have power, and if you don’t have power, you don’t have industry, traffic lights or hospitals”

He said the country needs tens of Megawatts of base load to cover basic demand.

The notion that energy could become an issue in SA is one more indictment of an economic system gone bust. The state boasts the world’s largest uranium reserves but it has to import power from other states coal fired generators after demolishing their largest generator only last year. Facing an energy crunch, the government has dramatically cut on power, introducing controlled blackouts, energy rationing and fueling soaring power prices.

SA has been wracked by an energy crisis with soaring power costs and shortages of power when the wind doesn't blow. Most economists blame the woes on renewable subsidies, reliance on the interconnector between states and heavy government reliance on exceeding the renewable energy target and production-crippling policies that gave SA lots of wind generators but little reliable power output

Earlier this week, Premier Weatherill launched “Plan Power” against what he called an "Energy war,” ordering officials to do spot checks of generators statewide. In the plan, the government said it would not allow people to be left in the dark but it’s unclear how it might enforce the order.

“The government is doing everything in its power to end the energy supply issues,” Janus said, “but they’re looking at the whole thing backwards.”

Janus said he’d been in touch with several union members in Adelaide and that most said they’d passed the inspection by simply opening their books showing it was not possible to keep the generators running while losing money.

“The generators are showing the authorities that they have no reason to operate under the SA government system” he said. “The government has to see the reality.”

This news item has been adapted from a news report from a different country and a different industry, but the parallels are eerily similar. Guess which country SA now resembles
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Electricity - Just when you thought it couldnt get worse

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:16 pm

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Hilarious :lol:
Leftard moron calls for a RC because leftard policies are adopted and things turn to crap.
If the govt had control all it would mean is that the entity would be losing money faster and the taxpayer would pay for it :roll:

Here a hint, you fucking idiot :roll: The leftard policy is working exactly as planned by making coal fired generators uncompetitive in the market and the left has demonized reliable, efficient power. You got exactly what you asked for and ignored all advice to the contrary.
Now you're having a whinge because ideas that you have championed are turning into a clusterfuck.
Your problem is listening to and then regurgitating green bullshit propaganda that told you that Australia can be 100% renewables.

If you want to find out who's to blame you don't need a Royal Commission, you need a fucking mirror :roll:

A RC should be held into the left with an outcome of banning the Greens party and arresting anyone who spreads leftwing ideology.
You, your ilk, lack of logical and critical thinking are a danger to others and to society.
:mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad :mad
Lefty idiot moron without a fucking clue wrote: This is getting ridiculous.

We've got the Hazlewood power plant being closed within weeks in Victoria and nothing is coming online soon to replace it. The decision to close this plant was not made by an Australian government but by the private owners (which include the French government). This would not have happened if our governments retained control over our energy infrastructure. They would have had more time to plan for the transition and made an effort to handle the transition smoothly. Instead, we've got piecemeal management of our infrastructure, no effective coordination, and private owners more interested in making as much money as they can instead of delivering service.

If this kind of clusterfsck was happening with a government-controlled service, they would lose the next election in a landslide. Because these are private owners, we cannot vote them out nor hold them to account in any other way. The privatised energy market has failed. This is a mess mostly of the Liberals' making due to their manic determination to flog off everything in sight without regard for the consequences.

We need a federal Royal Commission into energy infrastructure in Australia to determine the best way of cleaning up this mess. We need to renationalise the energy network, or at least renationalise control and implement much stronger ways of holding the owners to account including making them liable without limitation for any shortfalls in supply.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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