SA Takes Leadership role On Energy

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SA Takes Leadership role On Energy

Post by Redneck » Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:49 pm

Finally a government has stood up to the plate and shown some leadership

Malcolm and the  others are still dithering.

SA power: Energy Minister to be given more control in state's $500m plan to secure future
By political reporters Nick Harmsen and Angelique Donnellan

The South Australian Government has announced it will spend more than $500 million to build a new gas-fired power plant and Australia's largest battery as it moves to secure the state's energy supplies.

Announcing the energy plan in the wake of blackouts and load-shedding, SA Premier Jay Weatherill said his government would take control by ensuring the energy minister was given powers to direct the market.

The plan would involve building, owning and operating a $360 million, 250-megawatt gas-fired plant to provide power grid stability and for emergency power needs.

The private sector would build Australia's largest battery before next summer, with a 100MW output, Mr Weatherill told a news conference.

The venture would be funded from a new $150 million renewable technology fund, he said.

"We think that a secure energy system should have multiple sources. It is a question of speed as well," he said.

"A battery could be delivered quickly, we are advised, but we want multiple sources of redundancy, if you like, in our electricity system so that we have got more service efficiency.

    "The other thing with a battery, which is attractive, is that it can be done quite economically. The battery can become essentially a player in the market and, to some degree, pay for itself."

Gas-fired plant for emergency use

Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said the gas-fired power plant could be turned on "in an emergency" if an electricity shortfall was forecast.

    "It's about self-sufficiency, self-reliance for South Australia," he said.

"The first investment in a generation since the privatisation of ETSA [Electricity Trust of South Australia] will give South Australians greater control over their energy security."

Legislation is planned to give the state energy minister the authority to order a South Australian power generator switched on supply if more is needed.

That authority is currently held by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), which was criticised during last month's brief load-shedding during hot weather for failing to direct that facilities at Pelican Point in north-west Adelaide be fired up.

The SA Government will double a previously announced incentive scheme for new gas supplies for local power generation, providing $48 million to gas companies for co-investment.

It said landholders could receive 10 per cent of state royalties generated from gas wells on their properties.

Mr Weatherill said the Government's energy plan would create at least 630 jobs.

"We're going to put people first. Our plan is to put downward pressure on prices," he said.

    "The national electricity market is failing the nation and failing South Australia."

SA to supply eastern states with 'clean' power

The South Australian Premier said the state could no longer rely on the electricity interconnector with eastern Australia.
ABC News: Nick Harmsen

"We have a situation where we are reliant on Victorian coal instead of SA gas ... on this side of the border. The stabilisation emerges because we have more generation on our side of the border, so we're not reliant on the Victorian interconnector."

Mr Weatherill said the citizens of SA wanted the Government to step up where the market has failed.

    "We will supply the nation — coal-rich states like Queensland and New South Wales will be relying upon the clean, green power that we are developing here in SA."

The Premier said SA taxpayers would not be slugged for the energy plan and the money would come from budget surpluses.

"The commitment we have in this plan is to avoid blackouts and unnecessary load shedding, at its heart replacing Victorian coal with SA gas [and] making sure that SA power is reserved for South Australians," he said.

Mr Weatherill was critical of the private sector for a failure to invest in ageing power plants.

"We have got market failure here. We have next summer to grapple with. Some of the pressures may emerge before next summer. We need to act immediately," he said.

Mr Weatherill said he planned to brief the Prime Minister on what the state had decided to pursue.
Posted Tue Mar 14 11:31:02 EST 2017 ... ll/8351450

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Re: SA Takes Leadership role On Energy

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:19 pm

It sounds like they just like spending tax payer money and instead of fixing the problem, they will make it worse because all the shit SA govt policy that caused the problems are still in place. They only recently tore down a generator to great fanfare from GRALP supporters. Now they are going to build another one. :rofl
This is a Yes Minister episode, isn't it?

Then you listen to this snivelling fucking worm :mad
Mr Weatherill said the citizens of SA wanted the Government to step up where the market has failed.
The failure is a leftist government who designed the system that the market must operate. Take some personal responsibility ya greasy little felcher
The Premier said SA taxpayers would not be slugged for the energy plan and the money would come from budget surpluses.
Bwahahahahaha. GRALP and surpluses. Maybe they should ask that down syndrome looking Marxist Wayne Swan if he can announce 4 years of them :lol: It's not like the ALP manage to hit one very often either.

In any case a budget surplus just means youve already been taxed for it.
So all he's saying is that taxpayers won't be slugged, the already have or will be. They just won't see it being ripped out of their wallets by commie jays ultra long hands.

Seriously, jail is where he should be. Blaming markets for operating under their conditions and by the book, and some how it their fault?
Fuck me, it's days like this that i struggle with not trying to call someone like Weatherdill directly and fucking crack him with his fucking slimy lefty wriggling.

What a fucking cocksucker :roll:
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Re: SA Takes Leadership role On Energy

Post by Rorschach » Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:46 am

So far it seems they have only lead themselves into Sustainable Energy Failure....
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Re: SA Takes Leadership role On Energy

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:07 pm

Isn't the stated $500 mil money being given to SA by the Commonwealth? ... to fix SA's energy crisis of SA's own making.

Turns out there's going to be a bit of a hold up on the mega battery. The inventor was a CSIRO employee who gave the patent rights (gave as in gift - free of charge) to a certain company. Then he invented another and sold that patent to another company. Since then he's invented and patented several more.
Now the company that got the original battery concept patent for free is suing the inventor to prevent him doing further research or advances on his technology. Ungrateful arsewipes!

In the meantime SA's going to pump more GHGs than ever via diesel generators.

Sounds like the SA govt is leading SA into the dark.
Isn't blind ideology a wonderful thing? :B
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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