Lucas wrote:First of all I have already told you I already know so why would I be a student of someone that takes his lectures from professor youtube ?
Being closed minded is refusal to study the subject matter for yourself and clutching onto someone elses theories, would be you. We already knew the earth wasn't warming and at the end of the age the sun will burn itself out. That can mean only what ? Think real hard now it aint rocket science. The earth is cooling as it always has been. Not at the alarmist rate you predict. So what if the earth will be a little bit cooler in the Maunder minimum cycle. So bloody what. Do your research and stop your silly alarmism. I am sick of morons running around being alarmists. Now we have three sets of you. Global warming alarmists, global cooling alarmists and climate change bleedin obvious alarmists. Get a life, if you are afraid of freezing go buy a heater or a jumper or get into prepping for an ice age. My goodness.
dear Lucas,
I will continue to post facts without fear or permission.
You can be an ostrich if you want.
Lucas wrote:First of all I have already told you I already know so why would I be a student of someone that takes his lectures from professor youtube ?
Being closed minded is refusal to study the subject matter for yourself and clutching onto someone elses theories, would be you. We already knew the earth wasn't warming and at the end of the age the sun will burn itself out. That can mean only what ? Think real hard now it aint rocket science. The earth is cooling as it always has been. Not at the alarmist rate you predict. So what if the earth will be a little bit cooler in the Maunder minimum cycle. So bloody what. Do your research and stop your silly alarmism. I am sick of morons running around being alarmists. Now we have three sets of you. Global warming alarmists, global cooling alarmists and climate change bleedin obvious alarmists. Get a life, if you are afraid of freezing go buy a heater or a jumper or get into prepping for an ice age. My goodness.
dear Lucas,
I will continue to post facts without fear or permission.
You can be an ostrich if you want.
I couldn't care less its your reputation posting fake news not mine.
I will also continue to set your nonsense straight too with facts without fear or permission.
On a side note I just saw a great movie trailer GEOSTORM
Unfathomable New Zealand North Island Snow and Wind | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 (204)
Published on Aug 15, 2016
The north island of New Zealand which receives a dusting of snow every 15 years or so, was pummeled with 3 feet and 120 mph winds over the last week. So rare was the event that the word Unfathomable was used in the media.