No, I use it in the conventional manner. To describe someone who accuses others of their own faults/failings.J o h n S m i t h wrote:for not pretending one of Menzies most famous quotes was a lie?Outlaw Yogi wrote: No, you are. Hypocrite.![]()
You must have a strange definition of a 'hypocrite'
Which you do constantly, giving me the impression you're a schizo.
Outlaw Yogi wrote:And probably vegetarian as well.
No, it's expressing a suspicion on the cause of your extremist perceptions and unrealistic dogmas.J o h n S m i t h wrote: is this to highlight just how stupid you are? If so good job, but not necessary. it was already fairly obvious.
Outlaw Yogi wrote:Communists founded the Labor (when they could spell Labour) Party, Dropkick!
Who were communists like my trade unionist grandfather, you ignorant cretin!J o h n S m i t h wrote:trade unions founded the labor party you idiot.
Outlaw Yogi wrote:"Anarchy" is apolitical you moron.
Not according to conventional wisdom. Quite evidently you don't comprehend the terms you use in your rants.J o h n S m i t h wrote: I'm sure you think that sounds nice, but I'd prefer to deal with reality
Having zero govt. control is just as much a political view as having total govt. control. Call it apolitical all you like, it won't help you.
See boys and girls, John boy here is a living example of what happens when you let lefties dumb down your population by destruction of education standards - fucking idiots who don't have a clue what they're banging on about.
anarchy ... finition&*/'an?ki/
noun: anarchy
1. a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
synonyms: lawlessness, absence of government, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, riot, rebellion, mutiny, disorder, disorganization, misrule, chaos, tumult, turmoil, mayhem, pandemonium
2. absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
a person who advocates or believes in anarchy or anarchism.
a person who seeks to overturn by violence all constituted forms and institutions of society and government, with no purpose of establishing any other system of order in the place of that destroyed.
a person who promotes disorder or excites revolt against any established rule, law, or custom.