Lefties on a losing streak

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:08 am

J o h n S m i t h wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:
J o h n S m i t h wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:
The ALP has plenty of religious right members, let alone voters and has a long history of them.
plenty ehh! ok, name them? :beer
Aren't you capable of digesting new information and then confirming it on your own?
Or do you just wait for your next ALP/Getup talking points email and believe everything contained in it so you continue dribbling fake news?

There's this wonderful invention called Google.
It is your friend.
I am not.

Here's a starting point for you. You can thank me later for educating you on the history of your shitful party.
https://www.google.com.au/search?q=cath ... e&ie=UTF-8
...your claim was that there were far right religious members.
Looks like John needs to be resent to the "ALP re-education camp for online political operatives that weren't good enough for anything else" to relearn the art of lying.

You'll never get anywhere in the ALP if you can get caught out so easily.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:28 am

run away little girl... you've got nothing. As usual. :roll

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:30 am

The woman basher is on some kind of snipeathon , desperate to get back in to the PMs chair so we can have a few more years of nothing

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:32 pm

LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:The woman basher is on some kind of snipeathon , desperate to get back in to the PMs chair so we can have a few more years of nothing
You think he should have just leaked like to sieve to a fat walrus looking journalist or the SMH like Kevni and Turnbull did?

You will shit yourself if he gets draughted back into the chair.
In an election Abbott is a machine. He smashed the useless ALP grubs last time he had a go and there's still plenty of time to steady the ship and steer it back hard starboard. Abbott will have learnt his lesson to not pander to leftists and try and "govern for all from the middle".

It would be fucking smash time for any tax leeching lefty institution...and smash them fucking hard.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by Wayne » Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:12 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:The woman basher is on some kind of snipeathon , desperate to get back in to the PMs chair so we can have a few more years of nothing
You think he should have just leaked like to sieve to a fat walrus looking journalist or the SMH like Kevni and Turnbull did?

You will shit yourself if he gets draughted back into the chair.
In an election Abbott is a machine. He smashed the useless ALP grubs last time he had a go and there's still plenty of time to steady the ship and steer it back hard starboard. Abbott will have learnt his lesson to not pander to leftists and try and "govern for all from the middle".

It would be fucking smash time for any tax leeching lefty institution...and smash them fucking hard.

I hope he does get back in! That will send the Coalition to the pit for years. They wouldn't be that stupid - neither should you

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:18 pm

Wayne wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:
LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:The woman basher is on some kind of snipeathon , desperate to get back in to the PMs chair so we can have a few more years of nothing
You think he should have just leaked like to sieve to a fat walrus looking journalist or the SMH like Kevni and Turnbull did?

You will shit yourself if he gets draughted back into the chair.
In an election Abbott is a machine. He smashed the useless ALP grubs last time he had a go and there's still plenty of time to steady the ship and steer it back hard starboard. Abbott will have learnt his lesson to not pander to leftists and try and "govern for all from the middle".

It would be fucking smash time for any tax leeching lefty institution...and smash them fucking hard.

I hope he does get back in! That will send the Coalition to the pit for years. They wouldn't be that stupid - neither should you
I guarantee you said many a similar thing when from when he first won the ballot of opposition leader and then went on to pants the ALP. 8-)
I'd even bet you were saying Abbott couldn't win right up to the 11th hour. :lol:
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by Wayne » Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:53 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Wayne wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:
LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:The woman basher is on some kind of snipeathon , desperate to get back in to the PMs chair so we can have a few more years of nothing
You think he should have just leaked like to sieve to a fat walrus looking journalist or the SMH like Kevni and Turnbull did?

You will shit yourself if he gets draughted back into the chair.
In an election Abbott is a machine. He smashed the useless ALP grubs last time he had a go and there's still plenty of time to steady the ship and steer it back hard starboard. Abbott will have learnt his lesson to not pander to leftists and try and "govern for all from the middle".

It would be fucking smash time for any tax leeching lefty institution...and smash them fucking hard.

I hope he does get back in! That will send the Coalition to the pit for years. They wouldn't be that stupid - neither should you
I guarantee you said many a similar thing when from when he first won the ballot of opposition leader and then went on to pants the ALP. 8-)
I'd even bet you were saying Abbott couldn't win right up to the 11th hour. :lol:
No - you are wrong. I thought the final stages of the labor government were shocking and I don't think many would disagree. As an opposition leader he was brilliant! He just made a crap PM. Mind you, not fully his fault - he defeated hockey and Turnbull for the leadership, so I think that lingered on. Plus, hockey's first budget was a shocker. I think tony has run his race - there is far more he can achieve outside of politics. He made make a fortune on the speaker circuit - he is a potential ambassador - he is just not a PM

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:31 pm

Watch this space 8-)

You should stock up on tissues and valium, just in case. :lol:
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by Wayne » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:24 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Watch this space 8-)

You should stock up on tissues and valium, just in case. :lol:
nah - I'll leave all the medication and tissues for the Coalition and their supporters. They will need them after Abbott single handedly hands them defeat at the next election. The Labor party should just sit back and let Abbott run their campaign as an unpaid volunteer - to date he has done a stirling job

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Re: Lefties on a losing streak

Post by Lucas » Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:22 am

Wayne wrote: Now you are sniffing Socks! Last post it was Nappies!
Nah just your Sock ID Wayne. Why the need to hide precious ?
Wayne wrote: Is there something you need to tell us all here?
Ahhh the Royal us to feel like you have backup lmao. You muppet. Its just you precious no one else. ;)
Wayne wrote: The fact is sweetheart you would not know a political post if it hit you in the single cell you call a brain.
I find it hard to believe you made that post all by yourself.
Speaking of politics I haven't seen you make a coherent political post yet where you understand what you are babbling on about.
Wayne wrote: All you and others on here are capable of is infecting a forum, screaming "LEFTARD" and running away to have a wank behind the school bike shed.
Oh dear. WayneSock may I call you that um you can't scream on a forum you type on forums hon.
Oh and guess what there is no bike shed either darl. Now on the other hand I'd say you did actually have a wank behind the bike shed when you were at school. Its just not something someone thinks up. Was it you and your mates ? Primary school perhaps ?
Wayne wrote: You have no original ideas or thought processes.
Actually the fact you have non means that you wouldn't be able to access others , just a though(process).
Wayne wrote: At least myself and others join in the debate
Not really your responses have all been the same in each thread WayneSock. You might like to rethink that one.
Wayne wrote: and try to improve the standard that you want to keep so low."
Like a muslim improving the community I guess.
Wayne wrote: So, you and the missus Lisa just copulate away
I think you have a thing for Lisa, I bet she knocked you back.
Wayne wrote: and leave the forum to those of us
There is no us WayneSock just you babbling on with nonsense. Why hide ? Are you ashamed of your past performance ?
Wayne wrote: with some modicum of political nous.
Googling words from your armchair wearing assless chaps wins you no points WayneSock.
Wayne wrote: Your brain power is obviously too low for here
Do you see the irony in your own words WayneSock it only takes one brain cell to do so?

At the end of the day Sock you come across as one of a few leftard morons that have squatted here from time to time. You tards come , you get your asses handed to you and you simply go. After you have cried yourself out at other forums you make another sock thinking you are bigger, brighter, better smarter only to find out that you are even bigger, dumber, dimmer and more stupid.

On your Bike moron your armchair awaits awaits.

Oh I almost forgot heres your ass.


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