Outlaw Yogi wrote:So far several autonomous vehicles have caused crashes and been ordered off the road.
If I was dictator, you would be free to buy one, but only as an ornament for your garage prestige, because I would make them unregisterable by designating manual controls a mandatory part of ADS (Australian Design Rules).
EDIT ADDITION: People who desire driverless cars do so because they know they lack the competence to drive properly.
J o h n S m i t h wrote: it's all new technology,
It's junk technology. Google's driverless cars ordered off the road in California. Tesla's driverless car was so focussed on the car in front of it, it couldn't merge from a minor to major road without forcing its way in to traffic. A Driverless truck got confused by lights on road side advertising and caused a major accident.
A safety panel questioning a Mercedes Benz engineer asked "If a child ran onto the road, and the car's computer had the options of running into a tree or running over the child, which would it do?
The Merc engineer admitted the computer is programmed to save the occupants and so would run over the child.
Driverless trucks and machinery is fine on wharves and mine sites when random factors are almost eliminated.
Driverless cars on public roads should be illegal, full stop.
J o h n S m i t h wrote:you're always going to have a few accidents while they work out the kinks.
Computers fuck up constantly. If I had a car that fucked up as much as my current laptop, I'd go back to a horse.
J o h n S m i t h wrote: Compare that to the number of accidents by cars with drivers?
Compare the number of glitch related accidents with the number of manually driven vehicles on the road and the autonomous vehicles look pretty bloody dangerous to me.
J o h n S m i t h wrote: think they all have manual controls anyway.
For now yes, but the stated aims of the manufacturers is to ultimately sell cars with no manual controls, thus no manual over-ride except and emergency kill switch.
The day vehicles with manual controls become a restricted item is the day I go back to high powered motorbikes and see if the bot cops can catch me.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?