Bill is right on the money - Deport Them

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Re: Bill is right on the money - Deport Them

Post by Lucas » Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:19 pm

Wayne wrote:
Lucas wrote:Bill Shortass is best ignored.

The only attention that turd needs is a smack in the head.

The day he deports anyone will be the day Muslims eat pork and drink piss and finally be happy.

Bill Shorten is the Opium of RETARDS.

Well that might be the case, but if Shorten is the turd then the current Coalition government is the paper that wipes it off. The bunch of morons we have in federal government at the moment are the only body that can put in place the deportation process to get rid of these cretins - Shorten is in Opposition - so direct your concerns to the Cabbage who is currently the Minister for Immigatration.

From the OP:

The inquiry's chairman, Liberal MP Jason Wood, last year expressed concerns regarding gang violence in his Melbourne electorate, saying young people were getting involved with the Apex gang.

Mr Shorten expressed similar concerns about gang activity today.

"If any of these people are on visas and not Australian citizens, they should go home," he said.

"Why are we letting them become Australian citizens? Sorry, it's just a red line."

This is the idiot you need to talk to - nothing to do with Shorten.
Shortens the one with the mouth talking about it so I am talking about that bed wetter.

The current retard Turnbull needs to be turfed as well with a smack in the head.

We need BALLS not soppy moron childish dimwits.

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