Coalition in crisis

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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:24 am

Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:
LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:Sure are on your bleeding knees rtards , another 3 years of this train wreck government and you can look forward to 5 terms in opposition .
History of the ALP in govt says you're wrong.
Not to mention, you're a fucking moron and your last brain taxing exercise was spent trying unsuccessfully to put together a Kinder Surprise.
The fucking moron doesn't get that the ALP are hardly/if ever in office.

Hence why he's wanking his delusions online. Out of desperation. :rofl

The fucking moron

Tut Tut - can you please keep your Hurstville language to Sparta? Innocent people browsing this topic may be offended by your "Lady Type" swearing and obvious bogan traits. It may be OK in the front bar of the Hurstville Pub, but not in open forum. Got that Love?
Did the bad words hurt widdle snowflakes fee fees?

Toughen up, Cinderella. :roll:
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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:25 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:When Mark Latham lost to John Howard in 2004, the ALP made Kim Beazley opposition boss. I said in 2005 Beazley can't win and "Kevin Rudd will be the next Australian PM". Then 'Kevin 07' proved me right.
Wayne wrote: Apart from the "stating the bleeding obvious statements in the first part of your posting, ...
If it "was" so obvious, how come I was the only one to make such a prediction 2 years beforehand?
I doubt you would have made such a prognostication at all, let alone 2 year prior.
My bet is back in 2005 you were stating what an arsehole Jack-boot Johnny Howard is and how Bomber Beazley's gunna blow him out of the children overboard water.

wayne wrote: this bit is very interesting.
I think the Nationals will bust up the coalition and form a coalition with Cory Bernardi & Co, and the Nats reclaim some support lost to ON. I expect Katter's crew will join a pseudo-coalition with Pauline Hanson & Co. The Libs will become not much more than a minor party. Labor will continue to bleed voters to the Greens, and Labor will not be elected til they dump Shorten.
Thanks, but lets see how things/events pan out first. My predictions are based on the history of human fickleness and reading the public mood, which ATM is pretty sour.
wayne wrote:Any Liberal who defects to Bernardi will be sent to Coventry - and looking at the current ,mob, there doesn't seem to be any who will do that anyway but as you write, the Nationals are a different matter. With an absolute moron in Barnaby Joyce as Leader, I imagine life under a Bernardi Leadership could easily tempt Nationals to switch over. Katter and Hanson are both a bit unstable, but maybe there is life in alikes? As for Labor, it is not only Shorten that is the problem. Most of their front bench are just tired, old or worn-out pollies who need to move on. Years of Rudd have probably disenchanted a lot of them - they should have kept Gillard, lost the election and started to rebuild. I can't see anyone on Labor's front bench who could replace Shorten thought, it is only the activities of the Coalition that are keeping them ahead in the polls
Gillard became as unelectable if not more so than Shorten is. Thus the resurrection of Rudd.
If it wasn't so, they (ALP) would have stuck with her, because her incompetence made her a malleable/controllable factional figurehead.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by Wayne » Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:56 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:When Mark Latham lost to John Howard in 2004, the ALP made Kim Beazley opposition boss. I said in 2005 Beazley can't win and "Kevin Rudd will be the next Australian PM". Then 'Kevin 07' proved me right.
Wayne wrote: Apart from the "stating the bleeding obvious statements in the first part of your posting, ...
If it "was" so obvious, how come I was the only one to make such a prediction 2 years beforehand?

You honestly believe you are the only one that predicted Beazley would fall and Rudd would take over? Really? Beazley was worn out, rudderless and a liability. Rudd was a new face, great ideas (on paper) shrewd and manipulating. There was no one else but Rudd around and, the ALP knew they could not halt Howard under Beazley. Had Howard given Costello a run, the story would have been different. The six years of Labor and numerous cockups would not have occurred. However, what the country would look like now after the GFC and under a Coalition government is had to say. Maybe better,maybe not.

Read this article and you will see that moves were well afoot to dump Beazley ... pill,_2006

I doubt you would have made such a prognostication at all, let alone 2 year prior.
My bet is back in 2005 you were stating what an arsehole Jack-boot Johnny Howard is and how Bomber Beazley's gunna blow him out of the children overboard water.

If you are talking about the Children overboard saga, that was actually in 2001 HMAS Adelaide (Captain Norman Banks RAN) filmed a boatload of asylum seekers who were doing nothing more than holding their children up in the air. That fact was sent back to Calamity Castle (Defence Headquarters) BUT changed to state that children were being thrown overboard. Even as Captain Banks was trying to refute that, Reith and Ruddock along with some Mandarins from Defence were convincing Howard to act. As later discovered it was all a huge lie and misrepresentation. I had the pleasure of meeting Captain Banks (now deceased) and his take on the affair was very different to what was played out in the media. The interesting thing is that the video's of that incident were put in a diplomatic bag and sent to the UK - they never made it and guess what - no copies exist. Politically bastardry at it's finest and the gullible australians fell for it left, right and centre

wayne wrote: this bit is very interesting.
I think the Nationals will bust up the coalition and form a coalition with Cory Bernardi & Co, and the Nats reclaim some support lost to ON. I expect Katter's crew will join a pseudo-coalition with Pauline Hanson & Co. The Libs will become not much more than a minor party. Labor will continue to bleed voters to the Greens, and Labor will not be elected til they dump Shorten.
Thanks, but lets see how things/events pan out first. My predictions are based on the history of human fickleness and reading the public mood, which ATM is pretty sour.
wayne wrote:Any Liberal who defects to Bernardi will be sent to Coventry - and looking at the current ,mob, there doesn't seem to be any who will do that anyway but as you write, the Nationals are a different matter. With an absolute moron in Barnaby Joyce as Leader, I imagine life under a Bernardi Leadership could easily tempt Nationals to switch over. Katter and Hanson are both a bit unstable, but maybe there is life in alikes? As for Labor, it is not only Shorten that is the problem. Most of their front bench are just tired, old or worn-out pollies who need to move on. Years of Rudd have probably disenchanted a lot of them - they should have kept Gillard, lost the election and started to rebuild. I can't see anyone on Labor's front bench who could replace Shorten thought, it is only the activities of the Coalition that are keeping them ahead in the polls
Gillard became as unelectable if not more so than Shorten is. Thus the resurrection of Rudd.
If it wasn't so, they (ALP) would have stuck with her, because her incompetence made her a malleable/controllable factional figurehead.

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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by Neferti » Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:39 pm

You really NEED an avatar, Wayne. :rofl

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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by Wayne » Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:50 pm

Neferti~ wrote:You really NEED an avatar, Wayne. :rofl

Lisa is going to send me a pic of herself Nef, I'll wack that up!

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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by Neferti » Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:59 pm

Wayne wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:You really NEED an avatar, Wayne. :rofl

Lisa is going to send me a pic of herself Nef, I'll wack that up!
Yep, that should do it. :rofl

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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by Wayne » Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:49 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Wayne wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:You really NEED an avatar, Wayne. :rofl

Lisa is going to send me a pic of herself Nef, I'll wack that up!
Yep, that should do it. :rofl
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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:21 am

Wayne wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:
Wayne wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:You really NEED an avatar, Wayne. :rofl

Lisa is going to send me a pic of herself Nef, I'll wack that up!
Yep, that should do it. :rofl
Done - Hurstville Hairy Pits Club for Lonely Greek Women
Back isn't hairy enough

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:19 pm

Wayne wrote:
You honestly believe you are the only one that predicted Beazley would fall and Rudd would take over?

Well seeing as I am the sole individual who said so, and said so publicly, yes!

Wayne wrote: Really?

Yes, really!

Wayne wrote: Beazley was worn out, rudderless and a liability.

But no one told him so, least of all the ALP.
Rudd didn't take over til late 2006, less than a year prior to Kevin 07.

Wayne wrote: Rudd was a new face, ...

Not really. He'd been in the shadow cabinet since the early 2000s, and had earnt the title "Dr Death" as Qld Minister for Health previously.

Wayne wrote: great ideas (on paper) ...

Don't know about that, but he spoke well.

Wayne wrote: ... shrewd and manipulating. ...

Fair comment. Watching him and Joe Hockey's regular appearances on 7's Sunrise is when I dubbed him "Mr facts and figures Rudd" and noted that no one could ever catch him out (bull shitting) til he became PM.

Wayne wrote:Read this article and you will see that moves were well afoot to dump Beazley ... pill,_2006
Well I'm sure that's a wonderful story, but like I said, I made my prediction in 2005. In what at the time was PA's (this forum) 2nd incarnation.

Wayne wrote:If you are talking about the Children overboard saga, that was actually in 2001 ...
And your point is?
I reckon you just like the look of your own typing and argue for the sake of arguing.

My point about 'Children Overboard' is/was it was found to be a complete hoax, which permanently tarnished Howard's credibility and reputation.
Are you completely lacking in perception of nuance or just like filling pages to waste server space?

As for my prediction >
I think the Nationals will bust up the coalition and form a coalition with Cory Bernardi & Co, and the Nats reclaim some support lost to ON. I expect Katter's crew will join a pseudo-coalition with Pauline Hanson & Co. The Libs will become not much more than a minor party. Labor will continue to bleed voters to the Greens, and Labor will not be elected til they dump Shorten.
> After the Keating style tongue lashing Turnbull gave Shorten (1st time he's impressed me) about wanting a harbour side mansion paid for by other people and " ... the man is a parasite ..." I'll have to reassess my view, because Turnbull may have just discovered how to emulate Howard's ability to hold the quarralling parties within the Libs together. Time will tell.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Coalition in crisis

Post by Wayne » Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:34 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Wayne wrote:
You honestly believe you are the only one that predicted Beazley would fall and Rudd would take over?

Well seeing as I am the sole individual who said so, and said so publicly, yes!

Wayne wrote: Really?

Yes, really!

Wayne wrote: Beazley was worn out, rudderless and a liability.

But no one told him so, least of all the ALP.
Rudd didn't take over til late 2006, less than a year prior to Kevin 07.

Wayne wrote: Rudd was a new face, ...

Not really. He'd been in the shadow cabinet since the early 2000s, and had earnt the title "Dr Death" as Qld Minister for Health previously.

Wayne wrote: great ideas (on paper) ...

Don't know about that, but he spoke well.

Wayne wrote: ... shrewd and manipulating. ...

Fair comment. Watching him and Joe Hockey's regular appearances on 7's Sunrise is when I dubbed him "Mr facts and figures Rudd" and noted that no one could ever catch him out (bull shitting) til he became PM.

Wayne wrote:Read this article and you will see that moves were well afoot to dump Beazley ... pill,_2006
Well I'm sure that's a wonderful story, but like I said, I made my prediction in 2005. In what at the time was PA's (this forum) 2nd incarnation.

Wayne wrote:If you are talking about the Children overboard saga, that was actually in 2001 ...
And your point is?
I reckon you just like the look of your own typing and argue for the sake of arguing.

My point about 'Children Overboard' is/was it was found to be a complete hoax, which permanently tarnished Howard's credibility and reputation.
Are you completely lacking in perception of nuance or just like filling pages to waste server space?

As for my prediction >
I think the Nationals will bust up the coalition and form a coalition with Cory Bernardi & Co, and the Nats reclaim some support lost to ON. I expect Katter's crew will join a pseudo-coalition with Pauline Hanson & Co. The Libs will become not much more than a minor party. Labor will continue to bleed voters to the Greens, and Labor will not be elected til they dump Shorten.
> After the Keating style tongue lashing Turnbull gave Shorten (1st time he's impressed me) about wanting a harbour side mansion paid for by other people and " ... the man is a parasite ..." I'll have to reassess my view, because Turnbull may have just discovered how to emulate Howard's ability to hold the quarralling parties within the Libs together. Time will tell.
Shame! Yogi Shame! Selective quoting and answering! This is the problem with some of you rusted on people on here. You cherry pick and answer only what you want too. Why didn't you post my complete reply to you and address it honestly? Because in most cases, it blew you out of the water. You are not a bad poster on politics - but sadly - like your running mate Rosh, not an honest one. Try again - and this time quote the FULL part of the topic you are addressing. Also, please don't get all bitter and twisted when you are proven wrong.

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