Julia Gillard AC

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Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:48 am

Wayne wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Wayne wrote:

It's more acknowledgement of a fairly good job done by a Labor PM.

Good job on what? Slush funds?
What slush funds did Gillard have as a Labor PM? See you cant even get the topic correct. This is about Gillard getting an award nothing to do with what she did in the Unions. Try again

Everything Gillard put her hand to as PM was a fuck up.

Really? What in particular? even Abbott admitted that over 80 percent of Gillard legislation presented to the Coalition controllds Senate was passed. Everything is not the word you are looking for. Try again

So much so that she and her hand bag hit squad tried a Soviet style of censorship on the media regarding mention of their blunders and history of corrupt practices via a 'Media Council'.

Conroy's Internet Filter Plan. Good idea on paper for what it was originally intended for but would never work

Even the NDIS, which at face value appears a good initiative has turned out to be just another unfunded monumental cock up.

The NDIS is finalising a TRIAL which was funded by an increase in the medicare levy. There is little to no burden on the budget at this time with the NDIS but it will need further funding if it is to oroceed to full blown stage. Try again

Wayne wrote: The existing Government have been nothing but a four year disaster for this Country and the sooner the rusted on rightards on here realise that, the better we will be. Are you honestly going to tell me this mob of fools we have in now are better than the Labor mob kicked out?
Well I'm not rusted onto anything, I'm too cynical to bother voting most of the time, but yes Abbott was by far better (in actions, not necessarily in words) that Gillard imagined she was, and as pitifully ineffectual as Turnbull has turned out to be, he's still marginally better than Gillard. If Labor had stuck with Rudd, they'd probably still be in Govt now.

You are joking surely. I am not rusted on either way but to say Abbott was anything other than a complete and utter disaster is farcical! The man was a blatant liar and misled the stupid Australian Public at the 2013 election into believing he was a man of his word. No changes to super? No changes to the ABC and SBS? Parental Leave? Medicare. The list goes on. WRT your last sentence, by the time Gillard rolled Rudd, I think everyone had had a gutful of him as well. Labor would have lost the 2013 election no matter who was in charge. They were a good party to start with, bought in some good policies and ideas (NDIS, NBN, etc) but led by a madman. Abbott was a disaster, Turnbull is no better and there is little talent on the front bench to replace him

Wayne wrote:"Easy Mark and Legit Target"? With this rampant block of fools running the country?

It's not anyone in Govt you've got to concern yourself with here, it's the membership of this site, who take delight in you putting egg on your face every time you defend the incopetents who got booted out by the electorate.

Then refute the arguments. Labor deserved to get the boot - but are you honestly telling me this lot are any better? They are still running on most of Labor's policies and legislation - they cant even think outside the box and get there own in. Stop dribbling rubbish - the problem with the risted on rightards on here is most are too stupid to realise they have been duped by a bloke selling them three magic beans

Wayne wrote: I don't think so Mate.
I know so ... been here so long I'm part of the furniture.

And? What relevance does that have? A lonely old rusted on clinging to a forum instead of evaluating and forming opinions and argument? You blokes sit here whinging and moaning but you have no alternative, you have no ideas and you gave no forward thinking. You lot are all stuck in the 40s and 50s when the deliniation between Labor and Libs was there and they were diametrically opposed to each other. They are basically one and the same these days Lseft and Right are very similar - but you blokes are so rusted on you cant see that
Wayne wrote: I have probably been around a lot longer than you have ...
Or probably not ... I'll be 51 this year ... and you?

65 My real interest in politics began when Fraser blocked Supply and we weren't going to get paid
Wayne wrote: and I can speak from being in the moment,...
Oh shit, another self help book devotee.
Listen sport, I was a meditation instructor for a yogic cult, and I can tell you from personal experience that phrase "being in the moment" is typically parroted by mugs and dingbats who can't reason things for themselves, or even know what it really means.
"Being in the moment" means not worrying about the past, because it's gone, or the future because it doesn't exist yet. It's helpful for manic depressives/bi-polars to be more spontanious, but .... forgetting the past leads to making the same mistakes over and over, and not considering the future leaves one with no planning ability.

No, just a forward thinking man who has lived through many decades of both sides of politics, seen the good and bad things at first hand without sitting in a forum all day listening to other whiners who would not have a clue. worse still, the ones who are so obsessed by how Mum and Dad voted they are unable to make their own choices - that describes a couple on here. Basically numpties. Living in the moment for me means I have seen the past I am seeing the present and I am looking to the future and seeing the same mistakes made again - a crime of all politicians

Wayne wrote: not reading about it, googling it or being influenced by Mum and Dad about it - ...
I wish I had more time to read, as it is sometimes I don't get to read the paper (The Australian) until days after I bought it. My puter's a bit slow so practically the only thing I google are spelling mistakes. As for the oldies, well I'm more of an influence on my old man these days than he is on me, and I've barely spoken a word to my mother since 1989.

I agree there. Pay walls make it hard and many people are very selective in what they post rather than letting people judge the full article and debate
Wayne wrote:I have experienced it. ...
I don't believe you. From my experience those with real life/world experience are not partisan welded onto anything, be it political parties, religion, ideology, philosophy or any other form of intellectual masturbation.

As stated, I am 65. My first recollections of politics began in the Whitlam era but as I was in my early twenties I was more interested in girls and drinking as much piss as I could. As I said, I only took interest when my pay was about to be stopped and I thought i had better stay up to speed. I have seen the good and bad sides of both major parties and have been equally shafted by both of them. At the moment, it is the Coalition in the drivers seat, so they are the ones who are under the pump. Shorten and his bunch of cronies can do whatever they like, they are in opposition and can be as free and wild with the truth as they like. Same as when Abbott was in Opposition

Wayne wrote: This is without a doubt the worst government this country has even seen.
They are ineffectual in many aspects, but far better at slowing the stream of welfare parasites funnelling through Indonesia and nowhere near as knee jerk (or authoritarian for that matter) as Gillard or Rudd.

Tha'ts a joke - tell me all about the Centrelink data match up cock up that this Government have presided over? That's just this weeks example. This Government have blundered from disaster to disaster, they have changed Leaders, they have changed Ministers, they are corrupt and they are incompetent. Rudd and Gillard were bad and embarrassing to say the least - but they shine over this mob of fools. As for ayslum seekers, I doubt if you will find many people that thought relaxing our borders was a great idea.

Wayne wrote: I at least am happy to bash both sides, target away.
Yet to see it, so far all I've seen is praise for incompetence and bad grapes for successor.
Now if you want to see someone lay the boot in to just about everyone on the political spectrum, I'll show you how it's done. So far about the only crew I'm yet to put shit on or take the piss out of is Liberty Alliance. They might get their turn one day ... see what happens.

This thread gave kudos to Gillard for an award which, by the way, was sanctioned by the Coalition Government! I think she deserved it and there are many Coalition members who I would be more than happy to give kudos to as well.

Enjoy your evening!
Your uncritical love for the fat arsed ranga is noted, but even the ALP knew she was so hated by the electorate they had no choice but to bring back the one person the union's and party insiders hated even more...Kevvy must have loved that moment over all others when they begged him to save them for Juliar :rofl
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jan 28, 2017 1:09 am

Useless old fart No 1 wrote:Or probably not ... I'll be 51 this year ... and you?
Useless even older fart No 2 wrote:65 My real interest in politics began when Fraser blocked Supply and we weren't going to get paid
Seriously, just fuck of and die both of you and take your old shitty combative ways with you. You weren't going to get paid because Whitlam and his cronies were crooked and refused to operate within the guidelines of the Westminster system. You should have been protesting against him, instead you were supporting his actions and then blaming the other side for the results of his actions.

I understand your position. If I could lower myself to a government job, I too would whine about everything and try to entrench the party that was prepared to steal more hard earned taxpayer dollars and redistribute it to the wastrels of society.

There's a reason you lot have only occupied the opposition benches for the majority of this countries lifetime.
Hard working Australians reject your bullshit and lies.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

Posts: 557
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:57 am

Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by Wayne » Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:55 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Wayne wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Wayne wrote:

It's more acknowledgement of a fairly good job done by a Labor PM.

Good job on what? Slush funds?
What slush funds did Gillard have as a Labor PM? See you cant even get the topic correct. This is about Gillard getting an award nothing to do with what she did in the Unions. Try again

Everything Gillard put her hand to as PM was a fuck up.

Really? What in particular? even Abbott admitted that over 80 percent of Gillard legislation presented to the Coalition controllds Senate was passed. Everything is not the word you are looking for. Try again

So much so that she and her hand bag hit squad tried a Soviet style of censorship on the media regarding mention of their blunders and history of corrupt practices via a 'Media Council'.

Conroy's Internet Filter Plan. Good idea on paper for what it was originally intended for but would never work

Even the NDIS, which at face value appears a good initiative has turned out to be just another unfunded monumental cock up.

The NDIS is finalising a TRIAL which was funded by an increase in the medicare levy. There is little to no burden on the budget at this time with the NDIS but it will need further funding if it is to oroceed to full blown stage. Try again

Wayne wrote: The existing Government have been nothing but a four year disaster for this Country and the sooner the rusted on rightards on here realise that, the better we will be. Are you honestly going to tell me this mob of fools we have in now are better than the Labor mob kicked out?
Well I'm not rusted onto anything, I'm too cynical to bother voting most of the time, but yes Abbott was by far better (in actions, not necessarily in words) that Gillard imagined she was, and as pitifully ineffectual as Turnbull has turned out to be, he's still marginally better than Gillard. If Labor had stuck with Rudd, they'd probably still be in Govt now.

You are joking surely. I am not rusted on either way but to say Abbott was anything other than a complete and utter disaster is farcical! The man was a blatant liar and misled the stupid Australian Public at the 2013 election into believing he was a man of his word. No changes to super? No changes to the ABC and SBS? Parental Leave? Medicare. The list goes on. WRT your last sentence, by the time Gillard rolled Rudd, I think everyone had had a gutful of him as well. Labor would have lost the 2013 election no matter who was in charge. They were a good party to start with, bought in some good policies and ideas (NDIS, NBN, etc) but led by a madman. Abbott was a disaster, Turnbull is no better and there is little talent on the front bench to replace him

Wayne wrote:"Easy Mark and Legit Target"? With this rampant block of fools running the country?

It's not anyone in Govt you've got to concern yourself with here, it's the membership of this site, who take delight in you putting egg on your face every time you defend the incopetents who got booted out by the electorate.

Then refute the arguments. Labor deserved to get the boot - but are you honestly telling me this lot are any better? They are still running on most of Labor's policies and legislation - they cant even think outside the box and get there own in. Stop dribbling rubbish - the problem with the risted on rightards on here is most are too stupid to realise they have been duped by a bloke selling them three magic beans

Wayne wrote: I don't think so Mate.
I know so ... been here so long I'm part of the furniture.

And? What relevance does that have? A lonely old rusted on clinging to a forum instead of evaluating and forming opinions and argument? You blokes sit here whinging and moaning but you have no alternative, you have no ideas and you gave no forward thinking. You lot are all stuck in the 40s and 50s when the deliniation between Labor and Libs was there and they were diametrically opposed to each other. They are basically one and the same these days Lseft and Right are very similar - but you blokes are so rusted on you cant see that
Wayne wrote: I have probably been around a lot longer than you have ...
Or probably not ... I'll be 51 this year ... and you?

65 My real interest in politics began when Fraser blocked Supply and we weren't going to get paid
Wayne wrote: and I can speak from being in the moment,...
Oh shit, another self help book devotee.
Listen sport, I was a meditation instructor for a yogic cult, and I can tell you from personal experience that phrase "being in the moment" is typically parroted by mugs and dingbats who can't reason things for themselves, or even know what it really means.
"Being in the moment" means not worrying about the past, because it's gone, or the future because it doesn't exist yet. It's helpful for manic depressives/bi-polars to be more spontanious, but .... forgetting the past leads to making the same mistakes over and over, and not considering the future leaves one with no planning ability.

No, just a forward thinking man who has lived through many decades of both sides of politics, seen the good and bad things at first hand without sitting in a forum all day listening to other whiners who would not have a clue. worse still, the ones who are so obsessed by how Mum and Dad voted they are unable to make their own choices - that describes a couple on here. Basically numpties. Living in the moment for me means I have seen the past I am seeing the present and I am looking to the future and seeing the same mistakes made again - a crime of all politicians

Wayne wrote: not reading about it, googling it or being influenced by Mum and Dad about it - ...
I wish I had more time to read, as it is sometimes I don't get to read the paper (The Australian) until days after I bought it. My puter's a bit slow so practically the only thing I google are spelling mistakes. As for the oldies, well I'm more of an influence on my old man these days than he is on me, and I've barely spoken a word to my mother since 1989.

I agree there. Pay walls make it hard and many people are very selective in what they post rather than letting people judge the full article and debate
Wayne wrote:I have experienced it. ...
I don't believe you. From my experience those with real life/world experience are not partisan welded onto anything, be it political parties, religion, ideology, philosophy or any other form of intellectual masturbation.

As stated, I am 65. My first recollections of politics began in the Whitlam era but as I was in my early twenties I was more interested in girls and drinking as much piss as I could. As I said, I only took interest when my pay was about to be stopped and I thought i had better stay up to speed. I have seen the good and bad sides of both major parties and have been equally shafted by both of them. At the moment, it is the Coalition in the drivers seat, so they are the ones who are under the pump. Shorten and his bunch of cronies can do whatever they like, they are in opposition and can be as free and wild with the truth as they like. Same as when Abbott was in Opposition

Wayne wrote: This is without a doubt the worst government this country has even seen.
They are ineffectual in many aspects, but far better at slowing the stream of welfare parasites funnelling through Indonesia and nowhere near as knee jerk (or authoritarian for that matter) as Gillard or Rudd.

Tha'ts a joke - tell me all about the Centrelink data match up cock up that this Government have presided over? That's just this weeks example. This Government have blundered from disaster to disaster, they have changed Leaders, they have changed Ministers, they are corrupt and they are incompetent. Rudd and Gillard were bad and embarrassing to say the least - but they shine over this mob of fools. As for ayslum seekers, I doubt if you will find many people that thought relaxing our borders was a great idea.

Wayne wrote: I at least am happy to bash both sides, target away.
Yet to see it, so far all I've seen is praise for incompetence and bad grapes for successor.
Now if you want to see someone lay the boot in to just about everyone on the political spectrum, I'll show you how it's done. So far about the only crew I'm yet to put shit on or take the piss out of is Liberty Alliance. They might get their turn one day ... see what happens.

This thread gave kudos to Gillard for an award which, by the way, was sanctioned by the Coalition Government! I think she deserved it and there are many Coalition members who I would be more than happy to give kudos to as well.

Enjoy your evening!
Your uncritical love for the fat arsed ranga is noted, but even the ALP knew she was so hated by the electorate they had no choice but to bring back the one person the union's and party insiders hated even more...Kevvy must have loved that moment over all others when they begged him to save them for Juliar :rofl

I don't think love is the word - more respect for a job i believe she carried out well. Gillard, Rudd. Abbott and now Turnbull are nothing more than figureheads for the senior mandarins in the Public Service who really run the country. As opinion polls drive their parties, the PM of the day desperately swaps Ministers and Portfolios as damage control. Leaders are changed on a whim and then changed back again - will Abbott get back as PM? (Who knows - there is little that is there to replace Turnbull) If you put the members of all political parties in a town and blew it up, Australia in the main would still survive - it's the APS that run this country, not self centred, pandered politicians who come and go at the whim of mainly stupid voters who really think these men and woman are elected to assist them

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Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by Juliar » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:42 pm

The Lefties are suffering deep embarrassment and shame for their gross blunder in ever reminding the decent normal straight Australians of the worst most miserable excuse ever for a "PM" in Australia's history, Juliar Gillard the Witch from Wales.

There is not the slightest doubt in the minds of the decent normal straight people of Australia that Juliar Gillard should immediately return this wrongly placed award!!!

From the Hero of the Lefties, Larry Pickering, here are documents describing Juliar Gillard for what she was and is.


And for those that might have missed it, here is a chance to get to know the REAL Juliar Gillard, former Slime Spinster of Australia.

https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/?s ... mit=Search

And, just in case you hadn't realized that Bill Shorten is a clone of Juliar Gillard,...

https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/?s ... mit=Search

And, just for dessert, a damning run down on Gillard by Michael Smith who is trying to get Juliar Gillard brought to justice.

http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2017/01 ... awyer.html

And, a bit of nostalgia, to recall the absolute pits of incompetence of Labor.


Posts: 557
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:57 am

Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by Wayne » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:49 pm

Juliar wrote:The Lefties are suffering deep embarrassment and shame for their gross blunder in ever reminding the decent normal straight Australians of the worst most miserable excuse ever for a "PM" in Australia's history, Juliar Gillard the Witch from Wales.

There is not the slightest doubt in the minds of the decent normal straight people of Australia that Juliar Gillard should immediately return this wrongly placed award!!!

From the Hero of the Lefties, Larry Pickering, here are documents describing Juliar Gillard for what she was and is.


And for those that might have missed it, here is a chance to get to know the REAL Juliar Gillard, former Slime Spinster of Australia.

https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/?s ... mit=Search

And, just in case you hadn't realized that Bill Shorten is a clone of Juliar Gillard,...

https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/?s ... mit=Search

And, just for dessert, a damning run down on Gillard by Michael Smith who is trying to get Juliar Gillard brought to justice.

http://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2017/01 ... awyer.html
Is i

And, a bit of nostalgia, to recall the absolute pits of incompetence of Labor.


Jules, Jules, Jules! Ms Gillard is far to honourable to return an award for which she was nominated for by the Coalition! How embarrassing for Malcolm would that be if the coalition handpicked recipient for the countries highest award handed it back! It would be the Beatles and the queen all over again! It is hard enough to realise that there was no one worthy in the coalition ranks for one - but to get it handed back after so much work by the coalition to select and award would be heartbreaking for Malcolm and the boys! You wouldn't like to see them suffer would you?

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:01 pm

Wayne wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Wayne wrote:

It's more acknowledgement of a fairly good job done by a Labor PM.

Good job on what? Slush funds?
What slush funds did Gillard have as a Labor PM? See you cant even get the topic correct. This is about Gillard getting an award nothing to do with what she did in the Unions. Try again

Everything Gillard put her hand to as PM was a fuck up.

Really? What in particular? even Abbott admitted that over 80 percent of Gillard legislation presented to the Coalition controllds Senate was passed. Everything is not the word you are looking for. Try again

So much so that she and her hand bag hit squad tried a Soviet style of censorship on the media regarding mention of their blunders and history of corrupt practices via a 'Media Council'.

Conroy's Internet Filter Plan. Good idea on paper for what it was originally intended for but would never work

Even the NDIS, which at face value appears a good initiative has turned out to be just another unfunded monumental cock up.

The NDIS is finalising a TRIAL which was funded by an increase in the medicare levy. There is little to no burden on the budget at this time with the NDIS but it will need further funding if it is to oroceed to full blown stage. Try again

Wayne wrote: The existing Government have been nothing but a four year disaster for this Country and the sooner the rusted on rightards on here realise that, the better we will be. Are you honestly going to tell me this mob of fools we have in now are better than the Labor mob kicked out?
Well I'm not rusted onto anything, I'm too cynical to bother voting most of the time, but yes Abbott was by far better (in actions, not necessarily in words) that Gillard imagined she was, and as pitifully ineffectual as Turnbull has turned out to be, he's still marginally better than Gillard. If Labor had stuck with Rudd, they'd probably still be in Govt now.

You are joking surely. I am not rusted on either way but to say Abbott was anything other than a complete and utter disaster is farcical! The man was a blatant liar and misled the stupid Australian Public at the 2013 election into believing he was a man of his word. No changes to super? No changes to the ABC and SBS? Parental Leave? Medicare. The list goes on. WRT your last sentence, by the time Gillard rolled Rudd, I think everyone had had a gutful of him as well. Labor would have lost the 2013 election no matter who was in charge. They were a good party to start with, bought in some good policies and ideas (NDIS, NBN, etc) but led by a madman. Abbott was a disaster, Turnbull is no better and there is little talent on the front bench to replace him

Wayne wrote:"Easy Mark and Legit Target"? With this rampant block of fools running the country?

It's not anyone in Govt you've got to concern yourself with here, it's the membership of this site, who take delight in you putting egg on your face every time you defend the incopetents who got booted out by the electorate.

Then refute the arguments. Labor deserved to get the boot - but are you honestly telling me this lot are any better? They are still running on most of Labor's policies and legislation - they cant even think outside the box and get there own in. Stop dribbling rubbish - the problem with the risted on rightards on here is most are too stupid to realise they have been duped by a bloke selling them three magic beans

Wayne wrote: I don't think so Mate.
I know so ... been here so long I'm part of the furniture.

And? What relevance does that have? A lonely old rusted on clinging to a forum instead of evaluating and forming opinions and argument? You blokes sit here whinging and moaning but you have no alternative, you have no ideas and you gave no forward thinking. You lot are all stuck in the 40s and 50s when the deliniation between Labor and Libs was there and they were diametrically opposed to each other. They are basically one and the same these days Lseft and Right are very similar - but you blokes are so rusted on you cant see that
Wayne wrote: I have probably been around a lot longer than you have ...
Or probably not ... I'll be 51 this year ... and you?

65 My real interest in politics began when Fraser blocked Supply and we weren't going to get paid
Wayne wrote: and I can speak from being in the moment,...
Oh shit, another self help book devotee.
Listen sport, I was a meditation instructor for a yogic cult, and I can tell you from personal experience that phrase "being in the moment" is typically parroted by mugs and dingbats who can't reason things for themselves, or even know what it really means.
"Being in the moment" means not worrying about the past, because it's gone, or the future because it doesn't exist yet. It's helpful for manic depressives/bi-polars to be more spontanious, but .... forgetting the past leads to making the same mistakes over and over, and not considering the future leaves one with no planning ability.

No, just a forward thinking man who has lived through many decades of both sides of politics, seen the good and bad things at first hand without sitting in a forum all day listening to other whiners who would not have a clue. worse still, the ones who are so obsessed by how Mum and Dad voted they are unable to make their own choices - that describes a couple on here. Basically numpties. Living in the moment for me means I have seen the past I am seeing the present and I am looking to the future and seeing the same mistakes made again - a crime of all politicians

Wayne wrote: not reading about it, googling it or being influenced by Mum and Dad about it - ...
I wish I had more time to read, as it is sometimes I don't get to read the paper (The Australian) until days after I bought it. My puter's a bit slow so practically the only thing I google are spelling mistakes. As for the oldies, well I'm more of an influence on my old man these days than he is on me, and I've barely spoken a word to my mother since 1989.

I agree there. Pay walls make it hard and many people are very selective in what they post rather than letting people judge the full article and debate
Wayne wrote:I have experienced it. ...
I don't believe you. From my experience those with real life/world experience are not partisan welded onto anything, be it political parties, religion, ideology, philosophy or any other form of intellectual masturbation.

As stated, I am 65. My first recollections of politics began in the Whitlam era but as I was in my early twenties I was more interested in girls and drinking as much piss as I could. As I said, I only took interest when my pay was about to be stopped and I thought i had better stay up to speed. I have seen the good and bad sides of both major parties and have been equally shafted by both of them. At the moment, it is the Coalition in the drivers seat, so they are the ones who are under the pump. Shorten and his bunch of cronies can do whatever they like, they are in opposition and can be as free and wild with the truth as they like. Same as when Abbott was in Opposition

Wayne wrote: This is without a doubt the worst government this country has even seen.
They are ineffectual in many aspects, but far better at slowing the stream of welfare parasites funnelling through Indonesia and nowhere near as knee jerk (or authoritarian for that matter) as Gillard or Rudd.

Tha'ts a joke - tell me all about the Centrelink data match up cock up that this Government have presided over? That's just this weeks example. This Government have blundered from disaster to disaster, they have changed Leaders, they have changed Ministers, they are corrupt and they are incompetent. Rudd and Gillard were bad and embarrassing to say the least - but they shine over this mob of fools. As for ayslum seekers, I doubt if you will find many people that thought relaxing our borders was a great idea.

Wayne wrote: I at least am happy to bash both sides, target away.
Yet to see it, so far all I've seen is praise for incompetence and bad grapes for successor.
Now if you want to see someone lay the boot in to just about everyone on the political spectrum, I'll show you how it's done. So far about the only crew I'm yet to put shit on or take the piss out of is Liberty Alliance. They might get their turn one day ... see what happens.

This thread gave kudos to Gillard for an award which, by the way, was sanctioned by the Coalition Government! I think she deserved it and there are many Coalition members who I would be more than happy to give kudos to as well.

Enjoy your evening!

See this shit? .. I didn't even bother to read it.
Listen Mugsly, you bitch about Rawsack's pitiful debating skills and over indulgence of emoticons, and you're right. He's a half-witted inbred schizo who acts like a spoilt brat, so no-one here takes him seriously.
And here you are aping his posting style with all that coloured shit in the quote boxes instead of using the functions properly so it's easily recognised as to who wrote what, thus you're a hypocrite.
When Rawsack puts all that coloured shit within the quote boxes, I just scroll on by. Others have complained and requested he post properly and he argues the point about it ... childish hey?
So if you truly desire to get your message across, start using the functions properly, and try to refrain from accusing others of what you blatantly do yourself.
We've had many dim witted individuals come here and wind up crawling off with their tail between their legs, and so far you are shaping up the be our current village idiot.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

Posts: 557
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:57 am

Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by Wayne » Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:18 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Useless old fart No 1 wrote:Or probably not ... I'll be 51 this year ... and you?
Useless even older fart No 2 wrote:65 My real interest in politics began when Fraser blocked Supply and we weren't going to get paid
Seriously, just fuck of and die both of you and take your old shitty combative ways with you. You weren't going to get paid because Whitlam and his cronies were crooked and refused to operate within the guidelines of the Westminster system. You should have been protesting against him, instead you were supporting his actions and then blaming the other side for the results of his actions.

I understand your position. If I could lower myself to a government job, I too would whine about everything and try to entrench the party that was prepared to steal more hard earned taxpayer dollars and redistribute it to the wastrels of society.

There's a reason you lot have only occupied the opposition benches for the majority of this countries lifetime.
Hard working Australians reject your bullshit and lies.

Run back to your Laundromat you silly Slopehead. You have no idea how to debate or string a lucid sentence together or join in a conversation. You can't even read a thread and make informed comment. You are a typical product of the lower classes, no doubt come from a disadvantaged area and feel you need to join in with the big boys to prove you are of some value - you aren't. Moonheads like you need to be deported back to from whence you came to wash dishes for white people.

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Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by Wayne » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:37 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Wayne wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Wayne wrote:

It's more acknowledgement of a fairly good job done by a Labor PM.

Good job on what? Slush funds?
What slush funds did Gillard have as a Labor PM? See you cant even get the topic correct. This is about Gillard getting an award nothing to do with what she did in the Unions. Try again

Everything Gillard put her hand to as PM was a fuck up.

Really? What in particular? even Abbott admitted that over 80 percent of Gillard legislation presented to the Coalition controllds Senate was passed. Everything is not the word you are looking for. Try again

So much so that she and her hand bag hit squad tried a Soviet style of censorship on the media regarding mention of their blunders and history of corrupt practices via a 'Media Council'.

Conroy's Internet Filter Plan. Good idea on paper for what it was originally intended for but would never work

Even the NDIS, which at face value appears a good initiative has turned out to be just another unfunded monumental cock up.

The NDIS is finalising a TRIAL which was funded by an increase in the medicare levy. There is little to no burden on the budget at this time with the NDIS but it will need further funding if it is to oroceed to full blown stage. Try again

Wayne wrote: The existing Government have been nothing but a four year disaster for this Country and the sooner the rusted on rightards on here realise that, the better we will be. Are you honestly going to tell me this mob of fools we have in now are better than the Labor mob kicked out?
Well I'm not rusted onto anything, I'm too cynical to bother voting most of the time, but yes Abbott was by far better (in actions, not necessarily in words) that Gillard imagined she was, and as pitifully ineffectual as Turnbull has turned out to be, he's still marginally better than Gillard. If Labor had stuck with Rudd, they'd probably still be in Govt now.

You are joking surely. I am not rusted on either way but to say Abbott was anything other than a complete and utter disaster is farcical! The man was a blatant liar and misled the stupid Australian Public at the 2013 election into believing he was a man of his word. No changes to super? No changes to the ABC and SBS? Parental Leave? Medicare. The list goes on. WRT your last sentence, by the time Gillard rolled Rudd, I think everyone had had a gutful of him as well. Labor would have lost the 2013 election no matter who was in charge. They were a good party to start with, bought in some good policies and ideas (NDIS, NBN, etc) but led by a madman. Abbott was a disaster, Turnbull is no better and there is little talent on the front bench to replace him

Wayne wrote:"Easy Mark and Legit Target"? With this rampant block of fools running the country?

It's not anyone in Govt you've got to concern yourself with here, it's the membership of this site, who take delight in you putting egg on your face every time you defend the incopetents who got booted out by the electorate.

Then refute the arguments. Labor deserved to get the boot - but are you honestly telling me this lot are any better? They are still running on most of Labor's policies and legislation - they cant even think outside the box and get there own in. Stop dribbling rubbish - the problem with the risted on rightards on here is most are too stupid to realise they have been duped by a bloke selling them three magic beans

Wayne wrote: I don't think so Mate.
I know so ... been here so long I'm part of the furniture.

And? What relevance does that have? A lonely old rusted on clinging to a forum instead of evaluating and forming opinions and argument? You blokes sit here whinging and moaning but you have no alternative, you have no ideas and you gave no forward thinking. You lot are all stuck in the 40s and 50s when the deliniation between Labor and Libs was there and they were diametrically opposed to each other. They are basically one and the same these days Lseft and Right are very similar - but you blokes are so rusted on you cant see that
Wayne wrote: I have probably been around a lot longer than you have ...
Or probably not ... I'll be 51 this year ... and you?

65 My real interest in politics began when Fraser blocked Supply and we weren't going to get paid
Wayne wrote: and I can speak from being in the moment,...
Oh shit, another self help book devotee.
Listen sport, I was a meditation instructor for a yogic cult, and I can tell you from personal experience that phrase "being in the moment" is typically parroted by mugs and dingbats who can't reason things for themselves, or even know what it really means.
"Being in the moment" means not worrying about the past, because it's gone, or the future because it doesn't exist yet. It's helpful for manic depressives/bi-polars to be more spontanious, but .... forgetting the past leads to making the same mistakes over and over, and not considering the future leaves one with no planning ability.

No, just a forward thinking man who has lived through many decades of both sides of politics, seen the good and bad things at first hand without sitting in a forum all day listening to other whiners who would not have a clue. worse still, the ones who are so obsessed by how Mum and Dad voted they are unable to make their own choices - that describes a couple on here. Basically numpties. Living in the moment for me means I have seen the past I am seeing the present and I am looking to the future and seeing the same mistakes made again - a crime of all politicians

Wayne wrote: not reading about it, googling it or being influenced by Mum and Dad about it - ...
I wish I had more time to read, as it is sometimes I don't get to read the paper (The Australian) until days after I bought it. My puter's a bit slow so practically the only thing I google are spelling mistakes. As for the oldies, well I'm more of an influence on my old man these days than he is on me, and I've barely spoken a word to my mother since 1989.

I agree there. Pay walls make it hard and many people are very selective in what they post rather than letting people judge the full article and debate
Wayne wrote:I have experienced it. ...
I don't believe you. From my experience those with real life/world experience are not partisan welded onto anything, be it political parties, religion, ideology, philosophy or any other form of intellectual masturbation.

As stated, I am 65. My first recollections of politics began in the Whitlam era but as I was in my early twenties I was more interested in girls and drinking as much piss as I could. As I said, I only took interest when my pay was about to be stopped and I thought i had better stay up to speed. I have seen the good and bad sides of both major parties and have been equally shafted by both of them. At the moment, it is the Coalition in the drivers seat, so they are the ones who are under the pump. Shorten and his bunch of cronies can do whatever they like, they are in opposition and can be as free and wild with the truth as they like. Same as when Abbott was in Opposition

Wayne wrote: This is without a doubt the worst government this country has even seen.
They are ineffectual in many aspects, but far better at slowing the stream of welfare parasites funnelling through Indonesia and nowhere near as knee jerk (or authoritarian for that matter) as Gillard or Rudd.

Tha'ts a joke - tell me all about the Centrelink data match up cock up that this Government have presided over? That's just this weeks example. This Government have blundered from disaster to disaster, they have changed Leaders, they have changed Ministers, they are corrupt and they are incompetent. Rudd and Gillard were bad and embarrassing to say the least - but they shine over this mob of fools. As for ayslum seekers, I doubt if you will find many people that thought relaxing our borders was a great idea.

Wayne wrote: I at least am happy to bash both sides, target away.

Yet to see it, so far all I've seen is praise for incompetence and bad grapes for successor.
Now if you want to see someone lay the boot in to just about everyone on the political spectrum, I'll show you how it's done. So far about the only crew I'm yet to put shit on or take the piss out of is Liberty Alliance. They might get their turn one day ... see what happens.

This thread gave kudos to Gillard for an award which, by the way, was sanctioned by the Coalition Government! I think she deserved it and there are many Coalition members who I would be more than happy to give kudos to as well.

Enjoy your evening!

See this shit? .. I didn't even bother to read it.
Listen Mugsly, you bitch about Rawsack's pitiful debating skills and over indulgence of emoticons, and you're right. He's a half-witted inbred schizo who acts like a spoilt brat, so no-one here takes him seriously.
And here you are aping his posting style with all that coloured shit in the quote boxes instead of using the functions properly so it's easily recognised as to who wrote what, thus you're a hypocrite.
When Rawsack puts all that coloured shit within the quote boxes, I just scroll on by. Others have complained and requested he post properly and he argues the point about it ... childish hey?
So if you truly desire to get your message across, start using the functions properly, and try to refrain from accusing others of what you blatantly do yourself.
We've had many dim witted individuals come here and wind up crawling off with their tail between their legs, and so far you are shaping up the be our current village idiot.

If you can't apply a logical approach to a posting then, as I suspected, you are denser than battery electrolyte. I felt that posting like that would make it easier for you to follow the topic as each of your comments were addressed point by point, but I was wrong. You have missed a good debate on points you raised. It looks like if all the idiots from all the villages decided to form their own village, then you would be that village's idiot. I don't recall ever criticising Rorsc style of addressing each point within the topic, that is obviously your one brain cell working overtime. I think you should run away now and read your "Mr Men" books as that is where I feel your intellect resides

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Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:51 am

Nice effort by you need to eithsr try harder or actually engage in the debate.
So far you're just embarrassing yourself.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Julia Gillard AC

Post by Wayne » Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:55 am

[quote="IQS.RLOW"]Nice effort by you need to eithsr try harder or actually engage in the debate.
So far you're just embarrassing yourself.[/quote

]Oh I am more than happy to join in debates. The trouble is people like yourself and Yogi are unable to debate. You see things in terms of right and left rather than what is actually happening. Yogi's dismissal of my previous post because i addressed each of his points in order of his posting - rather than debating the worth of the words posted - is typically of the low intellect type people that infect these boards. Over the last two decades or so, I have had the privileged of being able to listen- free of charge to me - to some of Australia's most revered speakers and academics on political affairs, internal relations, security and importantly in the current era - rules of engagement. One man I had particular admiration for was Professor Bob Howard ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Howard_(academic)) one of Australia's most respected authority on world affairs. As an example, we were discussing the Spratly Islands and the strategic importance of these assetts decades ago. Only now, are they becoming exactly what Professor Howard predicted they would be. The only unknown about these was which country would make the first move to claim them

Sadly, all you, Yogi and that idiot Rosc can do is pollute the forum with cries of LEFTARD, leftist ideology and similar screeching plus childish little emoticons which do nothing but show an extremely low maturity level. You only have to read the response by some of the posters on here to realise you are dealing with Physcological Grade 4 cannon fodder which both sides send to the battle front because they are useless at anything else.

There is nothing wrong with reading and listening to media that has opposing views and forming an opinion. That is a mature way of entering a debate. There is nothing wrong with realising that the media control the weak willed and sycophants that we elect and that media will change allegiance in a heartbeat. There is nothing wrong with challenging and offering opinion based on good thought, research and debate. Unfortunately on this forum that intelligence does not exist amongst the majority of posters - they are more interested in bogan left and right issues than in the scheme of things mean nothing

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