Happiness is. . .

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Jovial Monk

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:46 am

After all that fucking whining, all 34 pages, we now see this:
I have decided to extend an invitation to the Monk to rejoin the forum.

Everyone else who was banned for indiscretions has since returned and it is nearly a year ago he was banned so enough time has passed.

Monk, feel free to re-register. I will ask the owner of the Jovial Monk user name if they wouldn't mind relinquishing it, but it is their choice. Please email me if you want to join and I will seek the permission of the owner of the nick 'Jovial Monk' to deregister them.

Please don't use my invitation as an excuse to spam my email address, just a yes or no will do and I will post your response here. Alternatively The Thunderbox is open to guest posting.

As always the Monk, if he decides to return, will do so fresh, as if a new member with no previous baggage (as others have successfully done). Everyone from the WWPA has been made welcome here Monk and we do not censor posts, delete posts, remove threads or threaten members.

Monk, join us mate, it has to be boring talking to yourself at the WWPA. And here we do not run from a debate.
Fucking hilarious! DEEPSHIT is misusing my nick there "but will ask. . .to relinguish it" it gets better! In the Phorum Wars it is IQ misusing my nick & avatar--you gonna change that, faggot? See what I mean about the sodomite lying all the time? Lie lie lie, he lies crooked in bed, I bet, and not to accommodate his boyfriend for the night.

"we do not run from a debate" muwahahahaha when you win an argument he says he won't talk to you and if you cannot immediately search out some arcane detail from somewhere he craps on that 'I accept your surrender.'

You know my terms for any return by me to the Sheep Pen, sodomite!

And that wether is oh so subtle, it thinks in its hazy mazy foggy way. It has created a "Thunderbox" where, gasp, guests may post. Of course, where does the stuff deposited in a Thunderbox end up? You guessed it! A Cess Pit! And a CEss Pit is what DT and LOW_IQ have tried to make of our Sand Pit!

Elephantine humor or what? Far fucking out!
Last edited by Jovial Monk on Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Jovial Monk

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:08 pm

Hmmmmm, holding my nose I did some nosing about in the Sheep Pen. Looks like the temporary new playmates are already being shouted at and been mean to. Ho hum, couldn't have guessed that would happen at the Sheep Pen where the head honcho, the Wether i/c, is a lying, vicious faggot!

I'm McDonald Carey

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by I'm McDonald Carey » Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:29 pm

And these are the Day's of our lives.

Jovial Monk

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:46 pm

Oh dear oh dear! the wether i/c the Sheep Pen (falsely) bleats he has not heard from me. Of course you haven't sonny, your ears are full of cottonwool! hahaha1

Then a sock spun from the wether's wool bleats "what are those terms JM demanded?"

So, children, sheep, wethers, fucknuts, cocksuckers, sodomites, old maids and others, what do you think the wether will bleat? Place your bets!

Jovial Monk

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:57 pm

Oh dear, even more socks get in on the act.

So Deepshit knows my terms, he didn't accede to them and now sorrows I didn't join the dickheads among the piles of sheep turds.

Good way to ask, BY LYING, cocksucker!

Jovial Monk

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:09 pm

Oh dear, there is a sunset clause attached to the cocksucker's offer. Bit worried, does it mean I will get buggered if I go out in the dark?

Apparently the wether has invited me three times! Now i know what it is to be popular, i mean, wheeeeeee!!!

You know my terms, sodomite, if you really do want me to re-join the Sheep Pen! But, you know, I doubt i ever will! Occasionally I browse the wether's laughingly called "Political" forum, but the tone there, harsh, intolerant, hating, hateful and creepy soon has me heading for the exit. It is not the lunatic who is not taking his meds, AnaTom, it is the wether himself, his impotence reinforce by his beloved Jo Bjelke Peterson Party, and the Libs, will never get back into power. But that does not make of the Sheep Pen a place to dawdle in.

Rather you find yourself itching to grab a high-pressure hose and clean the dump out!

Jovial Monk

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:22 pm

Oh no children, the angry wether has withdrawn his offer! And I was so (not) looking forward to playing among the piles of sheepshit!

If you really do want me there, sodomite, it would be a good idea not to lie in the fucking invite! I have standards even though you don't, you see.

It is very very unlikely I would ever return, but complying with my terms or at least an honest approach would get you a lot further, you fucking liar and thief!

Richard Gere

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Richard Gere » Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:34 pm

Hi Monk

I heard you are interested in a couple of my pets?

They come pre-greased

Give me a call on 1800-gerbils-r-us or alternatively you can bid on line for them at http://www.egay.com

Jovial Monk

Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:53 pm

Naffie wakes up from an alcoholic stupor and says:
Monk being an immigrant (I presume) is usually fairly spot on with his spelling. Whether, weather and wether can stump many.

The poster bleeding is NOT fluffy bunny.
I have no idea what the second sentence means, that is not an uncommon happening of those encountering the alcoholic Naffie.

The wether wondered whether the weather would be fine.

And I am spot on with my spelling because I am well-educated and well-read incl in English classics like Shakespeare, Dickens, Defoe, Fielding (not the idiot in the Senate!, the author of "Tom Jones") etc. Learn more from them than the labels on boxed fortified wine!


Re: Happiness is. . .

Post by Wii » Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:09 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:Fielding (not the idiot in the Senate!, the author of "Tom Jones")
Tom Jones the singer?

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