Adler A110 12g

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Re: Adler A110 12g

Post by Neferti » Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:59 pm

I was watching something I recorded on Foxtel about that kid who killed a bunch of people at Sandy Hook school ...... Adam Lanza. He killed 20 little kids and 7 teachers in December 2014.

One thing in the story that struck me was that Cubs (the Younger Boy Scout lot) had weekends away with "gun training" .... 8-10 year old children being taught how to shoot with a real .22 hand gun!

The little ones (3-5 year olds) they got to practice with AIR RIFLES ..... because the bloke telling the story said that putting REAL .22 guns in the hands of pre-schoolers would be DANGEROUS! HUH? It is NOT dangerous to let 8 year old kids learn how to use a LOADED gun. However, it is OK to teach pre-schoolers to use an Air Rifle? There is definitely something screwed up with the US of A.

No bloody wonder American kids kill somebody (accidentally) when "playing with a LOADED gun". WHY is the gun loaded in the first instance?

I was brought up with guns in the house, my Father liked to go "shooting" rabbits and foxes. He had a rifle and a shotgun .... one was a Winchester ... there was also a 410 gun that belonged to my Mother that her Father gave her when she was 12 years old. The guns were NEVER loaded and the ammunition was stored away from the guns. I have never even seen a handgun. I did have a turn at shooting at beer cans with Dad's rife, once. I could never aim a gun at an animal ... less alone a person.

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Re: Adler A110 12g

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:17 pm

Might as well ban trucks too, I hear terrorists use them these days too. :roll:

Some idiot woman on ABC tonight backed by the 730 report host proving she knows nothing about the gun. yet the male idiot pro-gun bloke failed to push the simple point home time and time again. :du :du :du
Give me a break.

I don't want don't need a gun. but there is absolutely no valid or logical reason to ban this product.
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Re: Adler A110 12g

Post by Neferti » Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:01 am

I never mentioned banning guns. I just said that it is bloody stupid to have LOADED hand guns lying about for little kids to "play" with. They are not toys.

I had an American email friend who used to keep one loaded handgun in her handbag and another under her pillow! She did live in a suburb of Detroit though .... :mrgreen:

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Re: Adler A110 12g

Post by Rorschach » Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:58 am

Neferti~ wrote:I never mentioned banning guns. I just said that it is bloody stupid to have LOADED hand guns lying about for little kids to "play" with. They are not toys.

You aren't allowed to have loaded guns lying about nef.

I had an American email friend who used to keep one loaded handgun in her handbag and another under her pillow! She did live in a suburb of Detroit though .... :mrgreen:

We aren't America
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Re: Adler A110 12g

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:59 pm

I was using an air rifle at 7 or 8.
Never shot anyone with a pellet.

Although where I grew up in our version of 'Hide & seek' the seeker was tied up and left with an air rifle and a sheet of paper to make ammo from.
Once you (as the seeker) untied yourself, you tore little bits of paper off the page, scrunched it up with a bit of spit and then shot the hiders. Once shot you had to help the seeker find the other hiders.

I was trapping rabbits at 10, and using a .22 by age 12.

When on the run from (and at war with) an outlaw club at age 29 I was permanently armed with loaded firearms. In fact I used to keep them chambered and cocked, but with the safety on, so I only had to flick the safety off to start shooting.
During a phone call to Sydney chapter secretary (Fossil) I said "You leave my family alone or I'll go after yours ... if you want to play cowboys I'll play cowboys with you, if you want to play Mad Max I'll play Mad Max with you (ran over 1 of their bikes outside Engadine Hotel with a Falcon - smashed it good!) so if you still want to get me, you're going to have to take me by surprise, and I sleep with a loaded gun".
Truth was I slept with 2 loaded guns in case 1 fucked up.
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Re: Adler A110 12g

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:18 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote: With the exception of bolt action pistols (very rare) used for precision target shooting (eg Olympics) and antique single shot pistols, nearly all hand guns including revolvers can be used as, or are semi-automatic.

That should have been > With the exception of bolt action pistols (very rare) used for precision target shooting (eg Olympics) and antique single shot pistols, nearly all hand guns including double actionrevolvers can be used like, or are semi-automatic.

A double action revolver is one where pulling the trigger retracts the hammer and fires the round with one pull. Most modern revolvers are double action.
A singe action revolver (eg Colt Peace maker) like wild west cowboys and gun slingers used in the 1860s/70s you have to manually retract the hammer to cock it, then pull the trigger to fire it.
That's why you would have seen gun slingers in western movies fanning the hammer with their other hand to speed up cocking it.

Most Police forces used revolvers (usually Smith & Wesson .38 special) because they are considered fool proof - hard to fuck up with. Unless you're an idiot.
These days our Police forces use semi-auto Glock 10mm (= 40 cal) pistols, and the idiots amoung them have a habit of accidentally firing it or even shooting themselves because Glocks don't have a manual safety. The safety is on the trigger. A little trigger on the main trigger.
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Re: Adler A110 12g

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:25 pm

Rorschach wrote:The Adler is a lever action gun, it requires the shooter to cycle rounds manually. It is not Austomatic nor is it semi-automatic.

For those who don't know the difference between semi-automatic and automatic firearms.

So basically.... Semi Auto or Semi Automatic means that the action is semi-automatic. What that means is that once you have a round in the firing chamber, when you pull the trigger, that round will fire. As the bullet exits the firearm, the gases expelled from the cartridge eject the spent bullet casing and springs load the next round into the chamber from either an internal or external magazine. That’s it. One trigger pull = one bullet fired. It’s referred to as “semi-automatic” because the round is automatically cycled with a single trigger pull.

With Full Auto or Fully Automatic both the action and the trigger pull creates a fully automatic cycle. This means that once a round is loaded into the chamber, if you pull and hold the trigger, the firearm will continue to fire until you let go of the trigger or run out of ammunition. Fully automatic firearms are sometimes called “machine guns”.

It's tempting to mention how little difference there is in semi-autos and full-autos (a little hook called a safety sear) but I don't want to kick an own goal by giving anti-gunners any ammo. Pun intended.
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