Victoria leads the social engineering way.

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Victoria leads the social engineering way.

Post by Rorschach » Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:28 pm

First cane the homosexual Bullying program that indoctrinates the young not about bullying but about sexual fluidity. Next we have the anti-male program just waiting to be released.
Victoria, a misandrist state of child indoctrination
The Australian
October 17, 2016

Daniel Andrews’ government is either so asinine that it is being led by the nose by far-Left social engineers or it is consciously pursuing an agenda most Australians would recognise as harmful and sinister. Either way, it’s time the Victorian community and the state’s opposition declared: “enough!” Imagine the uproar if preschoolers were indoctrinated with propaganda that set them on guard against their mothers, grandmothers, female teachers or other women. That is precisely what the state’s preschoolers will be subjected to in a new program — though it should surprise nobody that the “villains” they will be warned against are men.

As Rebecca Urban reports today, the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program, to be rolled out next year, will associate masculinity with dominance, control and violence against women. It is misnamed. But children will need to be resilient to withstand it, and it shows little respect for families’ rights or children’s relationships with their fathers and other men.

In primary school, the misandry introduced in preschool will be followed up with ideology as doctrinaire as Orwell’s “four legs good, two legs bad” Animal Farm mantra.The message will boil down to “men bad, women victims’’. Given Australia’s poor results in literacy and numeracy, authorities are wrong to divert time and resources from the basics. By Year 7, when children’s attention should be shifting to more advanced maths, science, English and humanities subjects, the program will introduce the concept of “male privilege”, emphasising men as the perpetrators of violent acts. Such brainwashing could harm some children, either fostering stereotypes or provoking a backlash. Others, including many from stable, loving families, will probably ignore it.

Preventing domestic violence among the next generation — the ostensible aim of Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships, is laudable. But like the so-called Safe Schools program — which also emerged from Victoria and purports to tackle bullying by promoting “gender fluidity” — the new program is deeply flawed. Guilt-tripping boys for being male or implying that girls are at their mercy is extremist, warped drivel that also overlooks male victims of violence.

Instead of wasting millions of dollars (including in-service teacher training), schools should focus on giving all children the best start in life by improving the teaching of literacy and numeracy for young children, and academic rigour and results at secondary level. Lifting standards is what will prevent students, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, falling prey to welfare dependence, drug abuse and poverty, which are contributing factors to domestic violence. Effective school discipline that instils sound values, good manners and respect for others — and parents limiting children’s online activity — would also promote better behaviour.

The gender gap school authorities should worry about is why only 40 men are graduating from Australian universities for every 60 women.
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Black Orchid
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Re: Victoria leads the social engineering way.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:45 pm

Absurd just like the ridiculous Safe Schools Program.

Did anyone watch Sunday Night last night? The transgender 5 year old? Apparently, according to the parents, decided he wanted to be a girl at 3 years of age? Little boys play with girls' toys and little girls play with boys' toys but it's the parents who are scarring these children beyond repair and we are looking at a whole generation of totally messed up adults.

We are already sliding rapidly down the scale for literacy and numeracy. If you want a decent education for your children the only way is to send them to private schools.

The government should be drawn and quartered for ruining our education system and enabling these selfish and ridiculous minorities.

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Re: Victoria leads the social engineering way.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:48 pm

Guilt-tripping boys for being male or implying that girls are at their mercy is extremist, warped drivel that also overlooks male victims of violence
It overlooks far more than that.

What a hideous and unbalanced world our children have to look forward to.

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Victoria leads the social engineering way.

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:05 pm

Glad I never had kids to be responsible for, or worry that pinkos would poofterise them. And I'm especially glad I don't live in Victoria. I've been to the Murray River and thrown rocks at Victoria but have never set foot on it.

When the 'Safe Schools' poofter indoctrination scheme was being rolled out, I thought "Bet parents are putting their dwellings on the market, packing up and going interstate lest the Fabian sexual deviants fuck their kids in the head".
Then Safe Schools got mothballed so parents probably thought the threat was over, but this 'Respectful Relationships' indoctrination scheme makes it patently clear the left wing queers will stop at nothing to fuck kids in the head.
If I was a parent in Victoria I'd be sending my offspring interstate (probably boarding school), then look for a new place to live while I sold everything up.
Black Orchid wrote:
We are already sliding rapidly down the scale for literacy and numeracy. If you want a decent education for your children the only way is to send them to private schools.
That's somewhat true, in some places anyway (ie Qld) but these indoctrination schemes in Vic aren't just for public schools, they're to be compulsory in all schools.
Black Orchid wrote:The government should be drawn and quartered for ruining our education system and enabling these selfish and ridiculous minorities.
The Teachers' unions staff should all be prosecuted. Then the teachers should examined for competence and political bias. Failing the exam earns a trip to Centrelink.
Many teachers can't read and write properly, so they can't teach what they never learnt themselves, but they can use warped dogmas to brainwash the next generation.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Black Orchid
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Re: Victoria leads the social engineering way.

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:12 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:Glad I never had kids to be responsible for, or worry that pinkos would poofterise them. And I'm especially glad I don't live in Victoria. I've been to the Murray River and thrown rocks at Victoria but have never set foot on it.

When the 'Safe Schools' poofter indoctrination scheme was being rolled out, I thought "Bet parents are putting their dwellings on the market, packing up and going interstate lest the Fabian sexual deviants fuck their kids in the head".
Then Safe Schools got mothballed so parents probably thought the threat was over, but this 'Respectful Relationships' indoctrination scheme makes it patently clear the left wing queers will stop at nothing to fuck kids in the head.
If I was a parent in Victoria I'd be sending my offspring interstate (probably boarding school), then look for a new place to live while I sold everything up.
Black Orchid wrote:
We are already sliding rapidly down the scale for literacy and numeracy. If you want a decent education for your children the only way is to send them to private schools.
That's somewhat true, in some places anyway (ie Qld) but these indoctrination schemes in Vic aren't just for public schools, they're to be compulsory in all schools.
Black Orchid wrote:The government should be drawn and quartered for ruining our education system and enabling these selfish and ridiculous minorities.
The Teachers' unions staff should all be prosecuted. Then the teachers should examined for competence and political bias. Failing the exam earns a trip to Centrelink.
Many teachers can't read and write properly, so they can't teach what they never learnt themselves, but they can use warped dogmas to brainwash the next generation.
As far as I know the Safe Schools Program is still running and I hadn't read that Andrew's new program was compulsory in all schools. I didn't think they could force such things on private schools.

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Re: Victoria leads the social engineering way.

Post by Rorschach » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:54 am

Yes I remember Andrews saying SafeSchools would be continued...
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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