FREE milk for Schoolkids?

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: FREE milk for Schoolkids?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:58 am

lisa jones wrote:
Hang on....what about if you're lactose intolerant?

Soy milk is the next best thing. Yes?
If I was lactose intolerant I'd switch to skim milk [which I give to my dogs - Lactose sours their stomach] (lactose is in the fat) despite the poor flavour (due to no fat) or goats milk.

Soy anything is toxic, and soy milk is one of the best ways to cause allergies to other harmless substances.
About the only thing soy derivatives have going for them is they reduce fertility (and labido).
So on a planet that can really only sustainably support 3 billion people with 7.5 billion on it, the infertility factors
are probably a good thing. Problem is it's the dubbos in the Western world who've fallen for the health claims while the 3rd world jungle bunnies keep breeding like bunnies.

It's not uncommon to come across veg nazi or vegan fundamentalist soy worshipers who refuse to accept soy beans and the products made from them are toxic, so I let them dwell in their ignorance, rather than let them know in Qld we use corn kernels soaked in soy oil to sterylise fire ants and soy flour (Soy Protein Isolate, SPI) is used in NZ as an effective poison for rabbits and possums.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: FREE milk for Schoolkids?

Post by Neferti » Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:14 pm

I know somebody who drinks this stuff, Almond Milk. No idea why.


I drink this stuff.


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Re: FREE milk for Schoolkids?

Post by mantra » Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:56 pm

I tried soy milk only once and it was disgusting - nor do I like tofu. My nephew is a big fan of almond milk - but it's like water. I can't see the value in it.
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Yes, Simian immuno diffiency syndrome (SIAD) is the precursor to AIDS.
Congo was a Belgian colony owned by King Leo.
Belgians ran a polio vaccine program using chimpanzee livers.
Unbeknown to them some of the chips had SIAD, and so thousands of Congolese were infected with SIAD
which materialised as AIDS.
When they realised their blunder the Belgian medics sent a sample to the CDC in Atlanta for testing.
How it got from the CDC to the New York blood bank is anyone's guess.
You're very well informed Yogi. I heard somewhere that the vaccine was used in Australia also. Obviously we're not told the truth about a lot of government deals done with pharmaceutical companies.
Soy consumption massively increased a couple of decades ago, and a while back a gene from Brazil nuts was inserted in the GM variety of Soy, which is the most commonly grown, sold and eaten.
If peanuts didn't affect children until the 90's - then this is the most logical explanation I've heard so far. I hate the thought of all the GM affected products that we're eating in complete ignorance because we're not supplied with any facts that will give us a choice.

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: FREE milk for Schoolkids?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:38 pm

mantra wrote:I tried soy milk only once and it was disgusting - nor do I like tofu. My nephew is a big fan of almond milk - but it's like water. I can't see the value in it.
Soy milk is disgusting despite naturally high levels of MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate - common allergen) and the added MSG to lessen the foul taste, which is probably because it's toxic. Our tastes/instinks are there for a reason. So generally if you crave a particular food your body is telling you it needs a certain nutrient within that food item. The exception being sugar. Although sugar from fruit is essential.
Most babies vomit soy milk the first time they're fed it. Obviously the body is rejecting it.
Vegetarians often accustomise themselves to the foul taste on the mistaken grounds it's healthy and animal cruelty free, and then become addicted to the MSG, which enhances brain deterioration via excitotoxicity - causes brain neurons to abnormally fire for no good reason. Everything has a limited life span, so if neurons are firing for no good reason they're being burnt out for nothing, leading to early dementia.
Buddhist monks who make tofu, ferment the bean curd for 2 years to remove most but not all of the toxins. They are aware it reduces labido, but that's considered a positive as monks aren't supposed to be lusting after pretty girls.
Modern tofu manufacturers aren't prepared to wait for 2 years fermentation, so pump it out as is.
The pro-soy lobby will tell you the Chinese have been eating tofu for thousands of years. Not true. It was first made by the Chou Dynasty in 1200AD and used as a famine food to stave off hunger despite the anti-nutrient aspect. Yes soy bean products, including tofu prevent the thyroid from using enzymes to extract the nutrients out of other foods.
The main thing the Chinese used soy beans for was as a soil enricher, to add nitrogen.

I know an ex hippy woman who lived on the Wytalibah commune near Glen Innes. For 5 years she virtually lived on rice with a few peas and Kikoman's soy sauce for flavour. The thyroid is part of the immune system and the body considers it so important, if there's a problem with the thyroid, it sends the problem elsewhere, usually the pancreas. The rice being carbohydrate converted to sugar and now she's a diabetic on daily insulin injections and has a plethora of related health problems.

In Yoga the thyroid is referred to as Vishudi chakra (pronounced vish-oody chark-ra) and is stylalised as a lotus with 16 petals. In real life the thyroid has 16 nerve ganglion, meaning it's connected to 16 other organs.

I don't eat tofu because I don't like the idea of eating something that looks like cork ;)

I know nothing about almond milk. If it tastes watery, there probably is little or no value in it.

Plenty of people are asking why the increase in allergies and alternate sexual orientation in recent decades.
The answer is simple. It's because S26 baby formular contains SPI (Soy Protein Isolate).
There are also baby formulars made completely from soy products, and regular feeding of it to a child is the same as giving them 22 birth control pills a day.
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Yes, Simian immuno diffiency syndrome (SIAD) is the precursor to AIDS.
Congo was a Belgian colony owned by King Leo.
Belgians ran a polio vaccine program using chimpanzee livers.
Unbeknown to them some of the chips had SIAD, and so thousands of Congolese were infected with SIAD
which materialised as AIDS.
When they realised their blunder the Belgian medics sent a sample to the CDC in Atlanta for testing.
How it got from the CDC to the New York blood bank is anyone's guess.
mantra wrote:You're very well informed Yogi.
Some call me the human encyclopedia. For some reason I gather knowledge I think useful, and remain completely ignorant of what I regard as junk culture .. eg who the latest movies stars, sports champs, celebrities and the like are, because to me it's trivial

mantra wrote: I heard somewhere that the vaccine was used in Australia also.
Sounds like urban myth to me.
mantra wrote: Obviously we're not told the truth about a lot of government deals done with pharmaceutical companies.
The pharmaceutical industry has considerable clout/influence, but they're not all powerful and have to compete with each other.
Soy consumption massively increased a couple of decades ago, and a while back a gene from Brazil nuts was inserted in the GM variety of Soy, which is the most commonly grown, sold and eaten.
mantra wrote:If peanuts didn't affect children until the 90's - then this is the most logical explanation I've heard so far. I hate the thought of all the GM affected products that we're eating in complete ignorance because we're not supplied with any facts that will give us a choice.
Soy products were toxic prior to genetic manipulation, but now it's worse because Ready Round Up Soy contains the molecular structure of glyphosate (Round Up) so that you can spray it with Round Up and is immune to it.
Glyphosate is a form of salt that metabolises to Acrylamide.
Acrylamide is the same toxin found in green potatoes. Damages the Liver.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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