Safe Schools
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Don't poop in these threads. This isn't Europe, okay? There are rules here!
- Outlaw Yogi
- Posts: 2404
- Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:27 pm
Safe Schools
Just to pre-empt femi-nazi dogma and gay activist denial, I will mention that in 1989 a female NSW police officer told me
that 25% of peodophiles are female, that 40% of domestic violence is perpetratrated by females, and that 75% of
(non sexual) physical and psychological child abuse is perpetratrated by females. Now those politically incorrect facts
have been addressed, on with the thread topic.
This is Roz ward. She is a Marxist lesbian who co-founded, developed and currently directs Safe Schools Coalition Victoria, and despite no
teaching qualifications has taught the Safe Schools program designed for children in years 7-9 to children in year 3.
When questioned about the scheme Roz Ward admitted the Safe Schools program has nothing to do with prevention of bullying
and is actually intended to promote "Gender Fluidity".
I don't know if that means you can be A-sexual one day and hermaphrodite the next, but the supporting rhetoric expresses
terms like "Gender Constructs" and "Hetro-normative" implying that biology and instict are fallacies.
In a bizare attempt to pre-empt recomendations from The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual
Abuse before the Commission is wrapt up the Victorian Labor Government has seen fit to make peodophilic grooming
compulsory in all Victorian schools.
The best part is the psycho-sexual torment this scheme is designed to inflict will ensure that every Victorian child
will be eligible for compensation in a class action suing the ALP into bankruptcy.
Bill Shorten thinks it's such a good idea he to roll this program out Australia wide.
that 25% of peodophiles are female, that 40% of domestic violence is perpetratrated by females, and that 75% of
(non sexual) physical and psychological child abuse is perpetratrated by females. Now those politically incorrect facts
have been addressed, on with the thread topic.
This is Roz ward. She is a Marxist lesbian who co-founded, developed and currently directs Safe Schools Coalition Victoria, and despite no
teaching qualifications has taught the Safe Schools program designed for children in years 7-9 to children in year 3.
When questioned about the scheme Roz Ward admitted the Safe Schools program has nothing to do with prevention of bullying
and is actually intended to promote "Gender Fluidity".
I don't know if that means you can be A-sexual one day and hermaphrodite the next, but the supporting rhetoric expresses
terms like "Gender Constructs" and "Hetro-normative" implying that biology and instict are fallacies.
In a bizare attempt to pre-empt recomendations from The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual
Abuse before the Commission is wrapt up the Victorian Labor Government has seen fit to make peodophilic grooming
compulsory in all Victorian schools.
The best part is the psycho-sexual torment this scheme is designed to inflict will ensure that every Victorian child
will be eligible for compensation in a class action suing the ALP into bankruptcy.
Bill Shorten thinks it's such a good idea he to roll this program out Australia wide.
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If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?
- Black Orchid
- Posts: 25822
- Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:10 am
Re: Safe Schools
I am totally against this program especially in primary schools. With our education system in such a shambles it's ridiculous to contemplate anything other than to concentrate on funding literacy.
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Safe Schools
Safe Schools is about changing society's sexual norms, that's all. That Progressive apparently.
Will the last human being kindly turn out the light.
Will the last human being kindly turn out the light.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- mantra
- Posts: 9132
- Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:45 am
Re: Safe Schools
They've already changed the sexual norms.
Now they've become a third gender group who demand the same rights as your standard female or male. The children are victims though. They just don't know it yet.
They probably are a fallacy now. I'm assuming the hetro-normatives used to stay in the closet. I don't recall a single gay or transgender child at school - so where were they?Outlaw Yogi wrote:I don't know if that means you can be A-sexual one day and hermaphrodite the next, but the supporting rhetoric expresses terms like "Gender Constructs" and "Hetro-normative" implying that biology and instict are fallacies.
Now they've become a third gender group who demand the same rights as your standard female or male. The children are victims though. They just don't know it yet.
- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
- Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:26 pm
Re: Safe Schools
It's about INFORMING small children about stuff that they don't have any IDEA about and DO NOT NEED TO KNOW!Rorschach wrote:Safe Schools is about changing society's sexual norms, that's all. That Progressive apparently.
Will the last human being kindly turn out the light.
Kids of 6-9 "know" where babies came from (out of Mummy's tummy) and how they got in there (Daddy planted a seed), etcetera.
WHY on earth do small children need to know anything else. Parents usually go by "when they ask" tell them the truth, depending on their age, etc.
Of course, there are the BOGANS who actually demonstrate the "how babies are made" so that their bogan kids are well informed.
- Outlaw Yogi
- Posts: 2404
- Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:27 pm
Re: Safe Schools
Who have? .. The queers trying to invoke an apocalyptic perversion of the mainstream?, or the chemical industry (ie Dow Chemicals, Monsanto, Du Pont Chemicals, ect - Y'know them sneaky phuken Joos again) poofterising kids by contaminating the food chain with phyto-oestrogen based soy toxins?mantra wrote:They've already changed the sexual norms.
Outlaw Yogi wrote:I don't know if that means you can be A-sexual one day and hermaphrodite the next, but the supporting rhetoric expresses terms like "Gender Constructs" and "Hetro-normative" implying that biology and instict are fallacies.
Do you realise what you've written/typed?mantra wrote:They probably are a fallacy now.
If biology is a fallacy we may as well believe a jealous god named Yewah created the world in 6 days.
Any creature that looses its instincts is doomed to extinction. So if instinct is now fallacy are we to believe that animals innate habits, like cats burying its faeces and dogs eating others' faeces are not instinct but learnt behaviour from a divine zoo keeper?
Personally I don't believe any such nonsense. I believe picking my nose is instinct because nobody taught me how to do it. I just do it because it's uncomfortable not to.
I'm assuming you haven't a clue what the term 'hetro-normative' was meant to imply. The term wasn't used to describe certain individuals but rather a social regime where hetrosexuality is regarded as normal. And the queers complaint is that regarding hetrosexuality as normal is discriminatory to homosexuals.mantra wrote: I'm assuming the hetro-normatives used to stay in the closet.
Bullshit! .. you must be Catholic .. I certainly remember individuals who were considered poofs, and y'know what? .. they turned out to be gay.mantra wrote:I don't recall a single gay or transgender child at school - so where were they?
How absurd. The sad thing is they don't realise what this will lead to.mantra wrote:Now they've become a third gender group who demand the same rights as your standard female or male.
When the most progressive nation in early 20th century Europe became Nazi Germany they put pink triangles on them and sent them to the gas ovens.
My prediction is, in the not so distant future prospective parents will be required to be screened for defective genes and bio-engineers remove the poofter gene from a foetus' DNA in the womb.
Of the 'safe Schools' program? Yes indeed.mantra wrote: The children are victims though. They just don't know it yet.
For example primary school aged kids are being encouraged to dress in drag. Now what do you think is going to happen when a boy dresses as a girl in front of his class mates and likes the experience?
His class mates are going to recognise his enjoyment and then tease him for being a poof.
Now if the boy is a budding Transsexual (a homosexual who wants to be the other gender) he'll probably handle it, go on hormone treatment and grow up to get a boob job. But if the boy is a Transvestite (Hetrosexual with a fetish for things pertaining to females - often fantasise about being female) and his class mates think he's a poof he'll probably hang himself.
Some things are better left in the bedroom, or closet as the theme goes.
I think it's about time everyone regardless of their sexuality came to the realisation that homosexuality is a disease, as politically incorrect as that may sound.
Homosexuals say they were born that way, and they're correct, they were.
In the case of homosexual males it's due to an enlarged pineal gland.
The genetic defect expressing it has the same cause as epilepsy and schizophrenia, inbreeding.
Once the defective gene is in the bloodline it's hereditary, explaining why we get poofter father - poofter son, or poofter brothers.
Shit! even the Hebrews/Jews who according to their own fables were too stupid to navigate by the sun and stars and walked in a big circle around the Sinai desert, worked out thousands of years ago that inbreeding causes
brain defects in the off-spring, with homosexuality being one of them.
That's why they're so obsessed with their genealogy and created the Sodom and Gomorrah tales.
Actually the Hindu scriptures support a similar theme. Which state that "the end of the world will come when women dress and become as men, and men think and behave like women".
Now any history buff can tell you just prior to the downfall of classical civilisations the hierarchy went queer, the population went queer, and poof they were gone.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Safe Schools
Oh dear there is no genetic gay gene.
So no you aren't born gay.
So no you aren't born gay.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Posts: 334
- Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:36 am
Re: Safe Schools
Western militaries speak of 'courage in the face of diversity'.
They have nothing on the nineteen girls ISIS just burned alive for refusing sex.
There is no war on ISIS, only a rumor.
Western militaries speak of 'courage in the face of diversity'.
They have nothing on the nineteen girls ISIS just burned alive for refusing sex.
There is no war on ISIS, only a rumor.
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Safe Schools
that is Courage in the face of Adversity...
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Posts: 334
- Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:36 am
Re: Safe Schools
Those 19 girls were Christlike in their courage. Unimaginable
If they had been wearing some Western uniform, the televised bullshit would be frantic. Vengeful
But because they were teenagers, they were deemed sacrificial, stupid and forgotten.
This is the filthy legacy of the Baby Boomers that we now experience all around the world.
Those 19 girls were Christlike in their courage. Unimaginable
If they had been wearing some Western uniform, the televised bullshit would be frantic. Vengeful
But because they were teenagers, they were deemed sacrificial, stupid and forgotten.
This is the filthy legacy of the Baby Boomers that we now experience all around the world.
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