2016 - Federal Election

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Black Orchid
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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Black Orchid » Tue May 31, 2016 5:29 pm

skippy wrote:Im only going to cast a senate vote.
I don't want to preference either of the major parties( or in my case the Nationals or Labor) above the other as neither deserve my preference.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by skippy » Tue May 31, 2016 8:48 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
skippy wrote:Im only going to cast a senate vote.
I don't want to preference either of the major parties( or in my case the Nationals or Labor) above the other as neither deserve my preference.
We agree, Skip. :lol: Senate is the most important this time. Stuff the rest of them. Should be interesting on Election Night to see the percentage of INFORMAL votes. Could be an all time record if everyone keeps to their word. :rofl
Well it's the first time since I've been eligible to vote that I intend to cast an informal vote for the HORs. So if I feel that way I'm sure plenty of others will too.
I'm just so disappointed in what we have on offer or maybe I've just become old and cynical.
But I actually feel pretty excited about voting for no one at least my true feelings are being expressed. I'm very interested in seeing the informal vote. My wife is managing a booth so I'll be interested to see what she says about the informal vote count. We have both worked booths at least half a dozen times each and have a pretty good grasp of what is " normal".

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by mantra » Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:34 am

You have to wonder about corrupt vote counters though and there would be many. They will have a field day with all those empty ballot papers for the lower house.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Neferti » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:23 am

mantra wrote:You have to wonder about corrupt vote counters though and there would be many. They will have a field day with all those empty ballot papers for the lower house.
Who said that they will be empty? :rofl

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by skippy » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:31 am

mantra wrote:You have to wonder about corrupt vote counters though and there would be many. They will have a field day with all those empty ballot papers for the lower house.
I've never seen that happen,mantra, and Ive worked at a lot of elections.
Scrutineers from all the parties watch the count taking place and pick up the slightest discrepancy.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Neferti » Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:45 pm

Well, at this stage, I intend fronting up and getting my name crossed off, then writing something rude about Turnbull on the ballot paper. We Liberal-rusted-ons are, apparently, "delusional conservatives" (delcons) and don't matter, according to Mark whats-his-name (Textor). We shall see about that! :rofl

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by mantra » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:36 am

Turnbull will win a few more votes with his latest declaration that he's a feminist. I find that hard to believe - although he does a good job of pretending he is one. He claims he was brought up by an angelic single father who raised his son alone without a mother's presence? His childhood would have been sad, but It's inevitable that some bitterness hasn't crept in. He's lucky he has Lucy who is obviously his mentor.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Neferti » Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:04 pm

mantra wrote:Turnbull will win a few more votes with his latest declaration that he's a feminist. I find that hard to believe - although he does a good job of pretending he is one. He claims he was brought up by an angelic single father who raised his son alone without a mother's presence? His childhood would have been sad, but It's inevitable that some bitterness hasn't crept in. He's lucky he has Lucy who is obviously his mentor.
Turnbull is obviously a liar. Lucy wears the pants in that family. So IF he calls himself a "feminist" she told him to say it. :rofl

Good grief, do we need another Kevin, with the description of his poor childhood, living in a car and so forth for sympathy ... from Turnbull? :cry:

I think that the more Turnbull craps on, the less people are likely to vote for him. Nobody I know, or have spoken to (even strangers) don't like him and will NOT be voting Liberal and they don't like Billy Boy either. Should be an interesting outcome. :lol:

Oh, and I doubt that the Greens will get any of the fallout ... some Independents might get a go, or there will be a massive INFORMAL lot of votes this Election.

What will be most interesting is the Senate .... I think that ALA might get a Senator (or 2) and even Our Pauline might get in ....

Aussies are absolutely fed up with both major Parties (and their Leaders) and we Aussies, as a whole, are rather apathetic about Elections anyway, and I doubt many would bother to vote if it wasn't a "compulsory" thing. The $20 fine for not getting your name marked off the Roll and the threat to sue is ridiculous.

Ah well.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Tue Jun 07, 2016 7:08 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Aussies are absolutely fed up with both major Parties (and their Leaders) and we Aussies, as a whole, are rather apathetic about Elections anyway, and I doubt many would bother to vote if it wasn't a "compulsory" thing. The $20 fine for not getting your name marked off the Roll and the threat to sue is ridiculous.
I think it's a bluff.
In the early 90s I lived for a while in my Grandmother's old house at Sylvania. While there a census was held. I did not enrol to vote. So the census bureau must have enrolled me ....
3 years later I was living at Condell Park (near Bankstown) to do my own security on my business (Mag wheel repairs) and eliminate some traffic dramas.
My cousins were now living in my Grandmother's old house. They recieved 3 letters from the Electoral Commission. #1 Failure to vote, I ignored it. #2 reminder failure to vote, I ignored it. #3 Registered letter - Notice of possible prosecution for failure to vote. Aunt said "You can't ignore this one, we had to sign for it".

I replied;

I have no faith or trust in any of the political candidates or parties on offer, an informal vote is pointless, so why waste my time?

I won't pay a fine.
I won't go to court.
I doubt you can gaol/jail me for not voting, so get fucked!

I never heard/saw another word about it.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:50 pm

Does Feminist really mean anything?
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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