What are the chances?

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Re: What are the chances?

Post by Neferti » Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:32 pm

boxy wrote:Negotiation, rather than the spineless cow-towing of party politics.
Why are you towing cows, boxhead? :rofl :rofl

I think this is what you meant. :mrgreen:

gerund or present participle: kowtowing

act in an excessively subservient manner.
"she didn't have to kowtow to a boss"
synonyms: grovel, behave obsequiously, be obsequious, be servile, be sycophantic, fawn on, bow and scrape, toady, truckle, abase oneself, humble oneself, prostrate oneself; More
curry favour with, flatter, court, woo, dance attendance on, make up to, play up to, ingratiate oneself with;
informalcrawl, creep, suck up to, butter up, be all over, fall all over, lick someone's boots;
informalsmoodge to;
"she didn't have to kowtow to a boss"

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: What are the chances?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon May 02, 2016 6:24 pm

skippy wrote:It wouldn't surprise me to see a hung parliament. I expect at least four independents that will decide the government..
I'm quite ignorant as to prospective independents except Windsor and Lambie, and just as ignorant regarding their chances. I'm also led to believe Xenaphon & Co are on a roll, that Xenaphon per se is popular and regarded as having more integrity that anyone else in govt.
I suspect his crew (but not necessarily Xenaphon himself, as he may retire) will decide who rules.

skippy wrote: I think we are in for many years of unstable governments.
The problem is we have no leadership from either of the major parties.
I'm quite cynical on that matter, and think it's because all our current pollies really care about is their super funds.
Don't know if it would generate better outcomes, but a few nights back I thought seeing as the pollies keep changing the rules regarding our super funds and are hell bent on abolishing old age pensions, if given the opportunity I would vote for those proposing to abolish Parliamentary pensions and apply the same rules to pollies' super funds as they do to ours.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: What are the chances?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon May 02, 2016 6:50 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:As much as it pains me, I see either a hung parliament or the ALP winning by a seat or two in the HOR.
Such a pessimistic expectation must be depressing, but don't go for the anti-depressants, they're worse than smack.
Although if you're correct, it would be quite an indictment on Australian voters, indicating they've learnt nothing from voting for Rudd and getting Gillard, and then voting for Abbott and getting Turnbull.

Q; Y'know why Aussies only get half an hour for lunch break?
A; Takes too long to retrain them.
IQS.RLOW wrote:Turnbull has guaranteed that the next senate will be left leaning.
Why so? ... In the event of a Double Dissolution? ... Or because of something pertaining to Turnbull per se?
IQS.RLOW wrote:The biggest change from the next election will be the turfing of the left from the liberal party.
I'm not convinced. Looks to me like the little Ls have taken over.
skippy wrote:I think the Libs could even split and a new party be formed.
That sounds like a real possibility, with Ross Bernardi registering a new conservative party. I wonder how the little Ls are taking it? Do they see it as a threat to the Liberal Party? Or do they see it as an opportunity to take complete cotrol of the party?

Hmmm, probably a threat, because chances are the Nationals would side with Bernadi & Co.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: What are the chances?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon May 02, 2016 7:19 pm

boxy wrote: Keep the bastards honest... with your Senate vote.
What honest like GST sell-out Meg Lees or honest like turn-coat Cheryl Kernot? .. Don Chipp is dead Y'know. Don't know about the rest of OZ, but the Dems were deregistered as a party in Qld in the mid 2000s for failing to have 500 members.
They (the Qld Dems) must have seen it coming, because a year or 2 prior to deregistration they made an offer to the Qld Greens to amalgamate.
I was a Qld Greens delegate to State Council and State Conference at the time and expressed opposition to the proposal with "I joined the Greens, not the Greenocrats or Demogreens".
Later on the Noosa-Maroochy or Gympie-Maroochy (forget now) branch started forwarding pro-vegetarian motions to State Council. Figuring take over of a branch meant a critical mass towards a veg nazi mungbean take over of the party not worth fighting I resigned.
It must have worried the soon to retire hierarchy because they got the veg nazi from the offending branch who'd weaseled his way into the Brisbane based office to mail me a heap of info and paraphernalia, which I sent back. Six months later the Hinkler-Burnett (Bundaberg) Greens folded/collapsed/disappeared.
Despite quitting Greens media, their reps still fill my inbox with bleeding heart stories and requests for money. It was via this material that I noticed a couple of years ago former Qld Democrats Senator Purple Bartlett was Qld Greens Convenor (= to Prez).
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: What are the chances?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon May 02, 2016 7:53 pm

Rorschach wrote:Chances are low OY.
Ah, an alternative/different expectation ... assuming you meant chances of a hung parliament are low.
Rorschach wrote:It will depend on who wins the upcoming campaign ...
Well I don't have TV, 'coz signal can't get to me without a sat dish since analogue got the chop, so am quite ignorant regarding what most of the electorate sees and hears.
Other than the net via public WiFi (will get a dingle or is it dongle? to tap into the phone tower signals sooner or later) my only source of info is from The Australian. Which seems reasonably balanced.
I don't bother with other papers because most newspapers are written so they can be understood by a 12 year old (I'm almost 50) and the journalistic quality is pitiful, meaning the journalistic integrity is probably just as poor.
This means that I don't really know what Mugsly and Dinbat are being fed. Although I would have thought voters would remember the ALP in govt was completely incompetent and totally corrupt. And rather than trying to reform they're just offering more of the same.

Rorschach wrote:So far the Libs have let the ALP lie and crap on without correction...
Well .. they're all full of shit mate ... but some turds smell worse than others.

Gotta go .. got a bitch on heat, a mastiff prowling Mt Perry streets, a jealous Red dog ... and a dog fight looming.
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Re: What are the chances?

Post by skippy » Mon May 02, 2016 9:39 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
skippy wrote:It wouldn't surprise me to see a hung parliament. I expect at least four independents that will decide the government..
I'm quite ignorant as to prospective independents except Windsor and Lambie, and just as ignorant regarding their chances. I'm also led to believe Xenaphon & Co are on a roll, that Xenaphon per se is popular and regarded as having more integrity that anyone else in govt.
I suspect his crew (but not necessarily Xenaphon himself, as he may retire) will decide who rules.

skippy wrote: I think we are in for many years of unstable governments.
The problem is we have no leadership from either of the major parties.
I'm quite cynical on that matter, and think it's because all our current pollies really care about is their super funds.
Don't know if it would generate better outcomes, but a few nights back I thought seeing as the pollies keep changing the rules regarding our super funds and are hell bent on abolishing old age pensions, if given the opportunity I would vote for those proposing to abolish Parliamentary pensions and apply the same rules to pollies' super funds as they do to ours.
I think you're correct about Mr X he seems to be very popular ATM and one of the few politicians considered good for his word.

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Re: What are the chances?

Post by boxy » Wed May 04, 2016 9:37 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
boxy wrote: Keep the bastards honest... with your Senate vote.
What honest like GST sell-out Meg Lees or honest like turn-coat Cheryl Kernot? .. Don Chipp is dead Y'know. Don't know about the rest of OZ, but the Dems were deregistered as a party in Qld in the mid 2000s for failing to have 500 members.
They (the Qld Dems) must have seen it coming, because a year or 2 prior to deregistration they made an offer to the Qld Greens to amalgamate.
I was a Qld Greens delegate to State Council and State Conference at the time and expressed opposition to the proposal with "I joined the Greens, not the Greenocrats or Demogreens".
Later on the Noosa-Maroochy or Gympie-Maroochy (forget now) branch started forwarding pro-vegetarian motions to State Council. Figuring take over of a branch meant a critical mass towards a veg nazi mungbean take over of the party not worth fighting I resigned.
It must have worried the soon to retire hierarchy because they got the veg nazi from the offending branch who'd weaseled his way into the Brisbane based office to mail me a heap of info and paraphernalia, which I sent back. Six months later the Hinkler-Burnett (Bundaberg) Greens folded/collapsed/disappeared.
Despite quitting Greens media, their reps still fill my inbox with bleeding heart stories and requests for money. It was via this material that I noticed a couple of years ago former Qld Democrats Senator Purple Bartlett was Qld Greens Convenor (= to Prez).
You seem to confuse me for someone who cares about the pollies who come or go... as long as they attempt to give the "ruling elite" a bit of hell on the way through... making them justify themselves to the plebs, rather than just doing factional deals, hidden away in their party back rooms.
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Re: What are the chances?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu May 05, 2016 1:56 pm

boxy wrote: Keep the bastards honest... with your Senate vote.
Outlaw Yogi wrote:What honest like GST sell-out Meg Lees or honest like turn-coat Cheryl Kernot? .. Don Chipp is dead Y'know.
boxy wrote:You seem to confuse me for someone who cares about the pollies who come or go... as long as they attempt to give the "ruling elite" a bit of hell on the way through... making them justify themselves to the plebs, rather than just doing factional deals, hidden away in their party back rooms.
Oh sorry, I thought you were channeling Don Chipp.

Here's a bit of history most don't know ...

Bob Askin's Lib govt was running NSW and Abe Safron ran Kings Cross.
Abe got the Libs to sell him a piece of land owned by NSW Railways, which he built an exclusive night club on.
This night club had a heap of 2 way mirrors and private rooms.
Abe used to hold dinner parties for the elite, and these dinner parties were attended by prostitutes, gays, and virtually everything in between.

The pros, gays ect were bait, so Abe could find out what turned on those in positions of authority. Eventually Abe had dirt on everyone in Askin's NSW Lib govt and became untouchable.

Abe blackmailed the NSW Lib pollies in the same manner the US mafia blackmailed J Edgar Hoover, and so Askin & Co were as corrupt as Joh Bjelkie and Co.

Meanwhile a fellow Lib in Federal Parliament was howling about the corruption in NSW but nothing happened. So he, Don Chipp founded the Austaralian Democrats to "Keep the Bastards honest"
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: What are the chances?

Post by Neferti » Thu May 05, 2016 4:51 pm

Abe Saffron! That reminds me ... they never found out what happened to Juanita Nielsen.

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Re: What are the chances?

Post by skippy » Thu May 05, 2016 6:28 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Abe Saffron! That reminds me ... they never found out what happened to Juanita Nielsen.
She is probably buried under the nightclub that Outlaw Yogi mentioned.

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