Manus Island Detention Centre

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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by mantra » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:34 pm

Rorschach wrote:Oh dear you are a howard hater through and through aren't you just cant help yourself you sad pathetic obsessive git.

The detention centre was set up as a processing centre and within 2 years only one detainee remained... eventually he came to Australia, the ALP first opened the floodgates again, and eventually Manus was reopened, very unlike the LIB policy. Hope you choke on your childish bias mantra.
You half witted old grump - I was humouring you. I blamed Rudd - but that wasn't good enough for you. You brought Howard's name into it - not me. What difference does it make who's responsible? They've taken our money and broken their agreement. Now Ferrovial Services aka Transfield is backing out of running offshore detention centres. Your argumentative crap is ancient history.

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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by Rorschach » Sun May 01, 2016 2:09 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Oh dear you are a howard hater through and through aren't you just cant help yourself you sad pathetic obsessive git.

The detention centre was set up as a processing centre and within 2 years only one detainee remained... eventually he came to Australia, the ALP first opened the floodgates again, and eventually Manus was reopened, very unlike the LIB policy. Hope you choke on your childish bias mantra.
You half witted old grump - I was humouring you. I blamed Rudd - but that wasn't good enough for you. You brought Howard's name into it - not me. What difference does it make who's responsible? They've taken our money and broken their agreement. Now Ferrovial Services aka Transfield is backing out of running offshore detention centres. Your argumentative crap is ancient history.
You are such a halfwit mantra.
You couldn't bring yourself to put the blame where it belonged. You instead failed to even recognize it as ALP policy and that they had acted upon it. It was just an "incentive"... huh? :b :b :b
In the end you attacked Howard. I didn't. But hey, that's par for the course with you.
You cant bring yourself to put the blame where it belongs.
As for certain companies running our detention centres etc... I think they are pathetic and oh dear who hired them in the first place? that's right mantra the people you cant bring yourself to blame. Who after the boats were stopped started them coming again? That's right mantra the people you cant bring yourself to blame. :du :du :du
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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by Neferti » Tue May 03, 2016 4:23 pm

Another detainee (?) has set herself on fire. Why? Are they being encouraged to do so by the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre "advocates"?
Pamela Curr from the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre said advocates such as herself were trying to keep the detainees calm and give them something to hold on to. ... ru/7378938

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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by skippy » Wed May 04, 2016 9:31 am

Neferti~ wrote:Another detainee (?) has set herself on fire. Why? Are they being encouraged to do so by the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre "advocates"?
Pamela Curr from the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre said advocates such as herself were trying to keep the detainees calm and give them something to hold on to. ... ru/7378938
It's a pretty dumb thing to do isn't it?
I think if we are going to detain these people offshore knowing we are never going to settle them here we should just return them immediately to their last port.
What is the point of spending so much money on accommodation food et al when we know they are never coming to the mainland?
I think that is more cruel than immediately turning them around.

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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed May 04, 2016 12:54 pm

I have a solution.

We should detain them on Macquarie Island (in the Roaring 40s, half way between Tas and Antarctica), and resettle them in Antarctica.
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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by Neferti » Wed May 04, 2016 5:02 pm

skippy wrote: It's a pretty dumb thing to do isn't it?
I think if we are going to detain these people offshore knowing we are never going to settle them here we should just return them immediately to their last port.
What is the point of spending so much money on accommodation food et al when we know they are never coming to the mainland?
I think that is more cruel than immediately turning them around.
What on earth do they think they will attain by setting themselves on fire? Don't they have rope there (or belts, sharp knives, etcetera) if they want death by attention?

We have all seen pictures of the "flow" (avalanche?) of "asylum seekers" that have infested Europe like a "stream" of RATS ... mostly youngish males ... we do NOT need more males here in Australia. LOL

Should any nice young Aussie girl wish to marry a Muslim it isn't against the Law .... just Do IT ... we definitely do not need more to select from. :rofl

I really think that Australians, in the main, are against Immigration from the ME and Europe .... and especially the muzzies. It really does go against the grain ... and I am an Atheist/Agnostic. They have infiltrated many countries and ALL they do is cause devastation.

Ditto with the Sudanese and so forth. Those people do NOT fit in and do NOT want to .... unlike those who migrated here after WW2 .... those migrants made Australia a diversified country.

Perhaps I am just getting old. Children don't seem to have problems with "darkies", "muzzies" or "gays".

IMAGINE Australia in the not-too-distant- future with a black, muslim, homosexual as our Prime Minister. American has already had one and we are usually way behind them. :rofl

I will be dead by then. So don't feel sad for me. :rofl

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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by mantra » Thu May 05, 2016 10:32 am

Neferti~ wrote:Another detainee (?) has set herself on fire. Why? Are they being encouraged to do so by the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre "advocates"?
Pamela Curr from the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre said advocates such as herself were trying to keep the detainees calm and give them something to hold on to. ... ru/7378938
Peter Dutton is wrong. They set themselves on fire because their situation is hopeless and there doesn't seem to be another way out. They can't come here and they don't want to go back home to whatever fate awaits them. They've given up.

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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 05, 2016 2:31 pm

They set themselves on fire because even before they come here they are mental cases with unreasonable expectations which are fostered and built up by the moronic "advocates" and wankers like Hanson-Dumb, they are all free to decide to return from whence they came, they chose to pay and support criminals to try and enter our country by illegal means... and yes it is illegal... tossing your identity papers away is illegal as is paying smugglers, the stupidity of the situation is that we signed up to an outdated convention and agreed to not prosecute people who claim asylum illegally.
Last edited by Rorschach on Thu May 05, 2016 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu May 05, 2016 2:33 pm

A recent article in the Australian mentioned all the white parents in affluent Greens voting parts of Melbourne are pulling their kids out of the schools surrounding the nearby housing commission towers largely inhabited by African migrants. The African migrants mouth piece was on radio complaining about the racism saying "They can sugar coat it if they want, but I won't".

So it seems Greens voters are happy to spend other's tax dollars bringing asylum seekers/refugees into the country just so long as they don't have to live with them.

As to dramas with Muslim migrants, well it seems no matter what country they go to (including Muslim countries too) the locals are getting cranky about it.
All over the Westernised world populations are saying "Muslims out!".
Even pacifist Buddhist Burmese/Myanmese can't tolerate them.

Remember the breakup of Yugoslavia? When the Serbs and Croats were both slaughtering Bosnian Muslims. Well Europe had an arms embargo on the Bosnians, so the Bosnians couldn't fight back. Reasons being no one wanted a Muslim state on the back door step of Europe, and everyone considered the Bosnians criminals.

This is hardly surprising when you consider the historical origins of Islam.
Islam was a protest movement against Byzantine Christianity in a similar vein to Protestantism was a protest movement against Catholicism.

The Byzantines reputedly persecuted the Muslims so Muhammad and Co moved 400m/650km away, but the Byzantines came after them forcing Muhammad to unite the Animist tribes under Islam.

The reason the Byzantines sought to wipe out the Muslims is because the Muslims kept stealing their animals and robbing their merchants, which posed a threat to Byzantium's economy.

So unlike Christianity which began as the religion of the slaves and oppressed, Islam began as the religion of thieves. And still is.
Last edited by Outlaw Yogi on Thu May 05, 2016 2:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Manus Island Detention Centre

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu May 05, 2016 2:38 pm

Rorschach wrote:They set themselves on fire because even before they come here they are mental cases with unreasonable expectations ...
Quite so.
Y'see in Islam (and Hinduism for that matter) inbreeding is perfectly acceptable and deliberate. Reason being it keeps property in the family in the event of divorce/marriage break up.
They are well aware it causes idiot children (who grow to be idiot adults) but they get to keep their assets.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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