boxy wrote:
Keep the bastards honest... with your Senate vote.
Outlaw Yogi wrote:What honest like GST sell-out Meg Lees or honest like turn-coat Cheryl Kernot? .. Don Chipp is dead Y'know.
boxy wrote:You seem to confuse me for someone who cares about the pollies who come or go... as long as they attempt to give the "ruling elite" a bit of hell on the way through... making them justify themselves to the plebs, rather than just doing factional deals, hidden away in their party back rooms.
Oh sorry, I thought you were channeling Don Chipp.
Here's a bit of history most don't know ...
Bob Askin's Lib govt was running NSW and Abe Safron ran Kings Cross.
Abe got the Libs to sell him a piece of land owned by NSW Railways, which he built an exclusive night club on.
This night club had a heap of 2 way mirrors and private rooms.
Abe used to hold dinner parties for the elite, and these dinner parties were attended by prostitutes, gays, and virtually everything in between.
The pros, gays ect were bait, so Abe could find out what turned on those in positions of authority. Eventually Abe had dirt on everyone in Askin's NSW Lib govt and became untouchable.
Abe blackmailed the NSW Lib pollies in the same manner the US mafia blackmailed J Edgar Hoover, and so Askin & Co were as corrupt as Joh Bjelkie and Co.
Meanwhile a fellow Lib in Federal Parliament was howling about the corruption in NSW but nothing happened. So he, Don Chipp founded the Austaralian Democrats to "Keep the Bastards honest"
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?