Labours fraudband revealed!

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:27 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Monk wants FREE and FAST internet. He is still going on about eHealth or some such. Everyone (including the Telcos) has moved on since Gillard/Rudd mentioned the NBN.

I have ADSL2+ and I download games (you have to these days) and anything else I want .... nothing is instantaneous (except death, hopefully). People I know watch movies via ADSL2+ ...... IF my GP had the ability (and knowledge .... :rofl ) I could probably log in and "talk " to him now and whine about whatever ........ I am surprised that my GP has actually mastered the computer. :rofl He's a great doctor but technology is definitely NOT his thing. However ....he bulk bills. :thumb
Moved on? How so?

I couldn't give a rats about eHealth and most people have ADSL2 but I would certainly appreciate faster internet speeds. My problem is old, outdated and faulty copper wiring. Telstra copper wiring is supposedly a minimum of .4mm. Ours is .32mm. I found this out from our ISP.

We need a service that does not depend on Telstra.

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Neferti » Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:11 pm

Black Orchid wrote: We need a service that does not depend on Telstra.
Who would you suggest then?

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:10 pm

You can get fast internet broadband, you just need to pay for it yourself and not expect everyone else to pay for your preferred internet lifestyle.

E-health is just a furphy raised by idiots who don't think further than their porn download because then they would have to acknowledge the massive expense on individual localised expensive medical equipment that would not only have to be in everyone's home, but completely redesigned so that they are capable of sending data over an Internet connection and then designing a program to reliably receive and display that information to a doctor who is far too busy with normal patients that they can monitor in real time as well as do other test procedures to determine issues and not rely on a newly developed dodgy ALP system that will end up getting them sued for malpractice.

Because doctors are smarter than idiot fanboi journalists and failed ex-home Brewer drunks.
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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:10 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Black Orchid wrote: We need a service that does not depend on Telstra.
Who would you suggest then?
I am no expert but the mobile towers used for WiFi are owned by Telstra, Optus and Vodafone and rather than laying cables and using Telstra's faulty copper wiring one just has to change the hardware in the towers to upgrade.

Who do you think has "moved on" from NBN since Gillard/Rudd?

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Neferti » Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:09 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:
Black Orchid wrote: We need a service that does not depend on Telstra.
Who would you suggest then?
I am no expert but the mobile towers used for WiFi are owned by Telstra, Optus and Vodafone and rather than laying cables and using Telstra's faulty copper wiring one just has to change the hardware in the towers to upgrade.

Who do you think has "moved on" from NBN since Gillard/Rudd?
Most people have "moved on" except for Monk and that other Idjit, DRAH.

Back in the Good Old Days, we had a Telco called PMG (Post Master General's Department) which looked after TELEPHONES .... it was a Federal Government organisation. The PMG (later called Telecom) laid out ALL cables (strung mostly to light poles) .... in new residential areas (now 30+ years old) we don't have "light poles" we have under ground "services" (including telephone, gas, sewerage, electricity and so forth).

So ........... the NBN idea was VERY STUPID ... those in new suburbs .... where they are already digging up the land to "lay" services, it will be done. Others with "services" already in situ will NEVER get the NBN so we will all have to rely on WiFi or move to a NEW RESIDENTIAL AREA to get the NBN.

Can you even comprehend just how much it would cost to give someone out in the OUTBACK the NBN when they have to dig underground to lay the "cables" for, say 50+ bloody miles ... for one householder?

The NBN was an extremely STUPID Gillard/Rudd thought bubble. Much like her "every school needs a new "something or other" when they already had adequate facilities and, besides, SCHOOLS are the STATE and TERRITORY responsibility .... nothing to do with the Federal Government.

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Rorschach » Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:34 pm

Remote areas get satellite NBN
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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Rorschach » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:52 pm ... ht/7194620
The big advantage of li-fi, short for "light fidelity" (a term coined by professor Harold Hass in a TED talk in 2011), is its lightning speed.

Laboratory tests have shown theoretical speeds of over 200 gbps — fast enough to "download the equivalent of 23 DVDs in one second", founder and head of Oledcomm Suat Topsu said.

"Li-fi allows speeds that are 100 times faster than wi-fi" which uses radio waves to transmit data, he said.

It started making its way out of laboratories in 2015 to be tested in everyday settings in France, a li-fi pioneer, in places such as a museums and shopping malls.

It has also been tested in Belgium, Estonia and India.
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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Neferti » Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:54 pm

Rorschach wrote:Remote areas get satellite NBN
The guy who mows my lawn and lives around the "corner" ... 5 minutes away, has NBN plus VBN or whatever it is. F.A.S.T. internet ......... I gather that his emails download quicker than mine. :mrgreen:

I play games (every so often) and I have never had a problem with downloading games ... or playing them online. I have ADSL+2 ... my local Exchange was one of the first ones that iiNet took over ....

Every so often I get a "bad" (and extremely SLOW) connection .... that is easy to fix ........

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Rorschach » Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:37 pm

You wondered about remote areas nef... just saying NBN satellite service will cover them
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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Rorschach » Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:31 pm

Well well well... Lightning Broadband.

Lightning Broadband offers Australians crazy high-speed internet without NBN
July 22 2016 - 10:30AM
Adam Turner

As millions of Australian homes wait for the NBN to reach their door, Lightning Broadband is deploying a wireless network promising fibre-like download speeds to suburban users.

Starting in Melbourne's inner suburbs with plans to extend to other state capitals, Lightning Broadband is connecting homes and businesses via 5.8 GHz microwave links capable of delivering 100 Mbps download speeds. The links also support 100 Mbps upload speeds, outpacing uploads on the National Broadband Network's fibre connections.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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