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Post by Leftofcentresalterego » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:04 pm

Can anyone confirm/ divulge more info about this?



Post by guest » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:09 pm

Yes, your phone will immediately disintegrate as soon as the Legislation is passed through Parliament. Get all your phone calls made now and find some other way to use the Internet. :mrgreen:

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Post by Hebe » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:16 pm

It's only a proposal at present.

Have a look here: ... he-splits/

and the ABC news has coverage, plus the Australian and Age will have commentary. It's about time Telstra's ability to hold us to ransom was broken.
The better I get to know people, the more I find myself loving dogs.

Jovial Monk


Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:40 am

Telstra shares are a good long term investment right now. Telstra will do well as a major--but not monopolistic--player on the Ruddnet and will keep expanding its mobile phones.

Short term, I hope to hear soon-ish of faster speeds, bigger download limits and lower prices as the result of the Telstra break up. Bloody Fibs should have taken this step when the privatised Telstra, no hope, no ideas, no vision in the Fibs!

Wireless broadband sucks, even the promised increase to 50mbs won't be real unless you are sitting right under the tower at midnight with a clear sky and no one else using the tower. 12-20mbs will be your practical lot while with Ruddnet you will likely get 2G speeds--10 movies downloaded in seconds! You could rent space cheap on the net and keep files there for working on from home or work! That sort of speed, like a local network! Can't wait!

If we can reduce the amount of electromagnetic radiation in the cities that will be good. Look in the quality press (that means the AFR here) and you will see people contracted brain tumors from too much digital mobile phone use--you won't see that on the front pages!



Post by Ethnic » Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:38 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:Look in the quality press (that means the AFR here) and you will see people contracted brain tumors from too much digital mobile phone use--you won't see that on the front pages!
Why would they? Like the real estate fluffy bunnies, mobile phone companies give alot of revenue $$$$ to the media. Must keep the revenue gods happy.

Jovial Monk


Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:55 pm

The real estate 'fluffy bunnies' are some of the heaviest users of mobile phones--poetic justice?



Post by Leftofcentresalterego » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:38 pm

When little Johnny privatised Telstra and offered everyone the chance to buy shares in it, I thought to myself: "don't I (or didn't I) already own it? Wasn't I already a "shareholder"?

So Howard offered me the chance to dig into my own pocket to buy back something I already owned - thanks John.

In any case, despite all the rhetoric I heard and read at the time about how Telstra's performance would now go stellar since "the millstone of public ownership is now being taken from around it's neck" (written by some fuckwit right-wing commentator, can't remember which one), Telstra was fully privatised and it's performance promptly went to shit. It share price for the entire Trujillo administration floundered in the doldrums. But old king Sol happily stuffed his pockets with obscene amounts of money while running it into the ground, sacking workers left, right and centre and just behaved like a general fluffy bunny that had found itself in charge of a newly privatised monopoly.

Where's the surprise? If you were an unconscionable bucket of pus driven by monetary greed and you were given control of a former public monopoly, wouldn't you run it like a dog, suck as much money out of it as you could and then flee the country to enjoy the fruits of your rape and pillage?

I disagreed with the privatisation in the first place. Nation building and maximising private shareholder returns are two interests that don't sit easily with one another. Large numbers of jobs were lost and the enterprise ceased to be a conduit for high-powered money into the economy. But at least the monopoly will be broken.

Jovial Monk


Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:56 pm

Fucking Telstra! I am 2Km from the nearest exchange. When I wanted to move from dialup to broadband, sorry, nope--pair gain. fucking Telstra not maintaining its infrastructure! So I got this miserable fucking excuse of a broadband system: wireless. Can you spell s l l o o o o w w w ? Yuck!

I want FTTH! I want it RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!
Stuff fucking wireless crapola! I want speed! I want bandwidth! Hope they do SA after Tassie!



Post by Leftofcentresalterego » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:21 pm

Damn straight!!

Thanks to Labor initiative, you will get your high speed broadband. A corrupt privatised monopoly will be forced to get the fuck out of the way of progress.

And SLOW IQ will have to thank the govt as well, for giving him access to ultra-fast beastiality porn downloads. :)

Jovial Monk


Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:24 pm

Yeah! At the shop (ADSL2+) I should get more speed, much higher download limits and cheaper service once retail is divided from retail.(higher upload limits/speed won't hurt either!

Fuck Telstra, fuck Sol, fuck the Three Amigos, fuck homebrew!

One of the above is wrong: spot the fucking error eh?

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