errr Global Warming?

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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:59 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:The science say the planet hasn't warmed for 18+ years you fucking pig fucking ignoramus. :roll:
No, church based GW deniers say that. The science says Global Warming continues unabated.
IQS.RLOW wrote:Why are you ignoring the science?
No, I'm parroting the science, and you're parroting Jesus freak cult fairy tales.
IQS.RLOW wrote:Unlike you Yogi who emanates from a deep green watermelon past,
I was in the Greens for 5 years - 2003-2008, and quit because vegetarians were using party resources to promote their mental illness,
which posits 'a cow pollutes (via methane) more than a car' when in fact a car pollutes on average 12 times more than a cow.
IQS.RLOW wrote: I have no religious convictions.
Maybe so, maybe not, but it doesn't alter the fact you are emotionally attached to a Jesus freak cult,
who's GW denialism and obfuscation you parrot, and who you have defended in the past when refered to as "Doom-seekers".

I remember you often speaking on behalf of God, claiming "God hates ..." or "God is punishing you because ..." in the same way Jesus freak hypocrites typically do.

I noticed on DT's site that it was only after I cited that the 'religions of the book' being Judeaism, Christianity and Islam's claim to devine status was ancestry from a psychotic, and while not knowing if Abraham was a full blown schizophrenic or just liked eating moldy bread, anybody who says his god told him to kill his own son is psychotic, that you made your claim to have no religious convictions.

My guess is you grew up in a Jesus freak cult or married a cultist, or both, but recognise the stories are myths and your associates are bat shit crazy.

You however seem to be part of the same denialist church of Gaia who refuses to look at the science and what is actually happening.

Get back to me after you pour a gallon of Round Up into your ears to kill off the green roots that have taken over your tiny fucking unthinking piece of shit you call a brain.[/quote]
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:22 pm

Missed 2 last lines. Time ran out on editing, so the answers to your accusations are here >
IQS.RLOW wrote: You however seem to be part of the same denialist church of Gaia who refuses to look at the science and what is actually happening.
No the Gaia church are nuke spruikers (re 'Revenge of Gaia') who claim nuke power as a CO2 free saviour.
When in fact nuke fuel processing/enrichment is CO2 intensive.

There are 2 types of Nuke prpponents and both are untrustworthy.
The first are those who know nothing about it and imagine they can get abundant energy for little input, which of course is farcical.
These are the type of people always looking for a free lunch, and are stupid enough to believe it exists.
Fact is someone else pays for it, so its not free. Even a hunter/trapper has to expend energy/effort to catch his lunch.
The second type of Nuke proponent is an industry player chasing corporate welfare in the form of govt subsidies, because nuke power can't exist and has never generated a single Watt without govt subsidies. If Nuke power was viable industry players would be willing to invest their own money in it.
These are the type of people who understand a free lunch is bogus and so get someone else to pay for their lunch.
IQS.RLOW wrote:Get back to me after you pour a gallon of Round Up into your ears to kill off the green roots that have taken over your tiny fucking unthinking piece of shit you call a brain.
Round Up is a rip-off. Zero is more concentrated/thicker and costs less. Generic Glyphosphate is cheaper again.

Your title IQS.RLOW implies you think you're more intelligent than others here, but I don't think you are.
I haven't been IQ tested, but my first brother has and he was said to be in the top 2%. I outsmart him constantly.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:13 pm

You are a stupid fuck Yogi.

Fact: the world has not warmed significantly for 18+ years.

Spit your bullshit as much as you like. That is a fact you cannot refute. Just saying " 10 hottest year blahdy fucking blah" does not refute the fact you daft fucking stale watermelon.

Go educate yourself you fucking banana fucking bush hick.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:19 pm

I remember you often speaking on behalf of God, claiming "God hates ..." or "God is punishing you because ..." in the same way Jesus freak hypocrites typically do.
I really hope its drugs thats fucked up your mind so much you have some kind of alternate reality going through whatever grey matter you have because if if its your natural state, you should have been drowned at birth as a non-functioning throwback.

I aint got no religion, Ive never had no religion and I dont intend to get any religion...unlike yourslef hwo is firmly ensconced in the Church of Gaia. Just the fact that you were once a Green shows the level of bullshit you are prepared to guzzle down with glee like a crack whore sucking dick for her next piece of rock.
I haven't been IQ tested, but my first brother has and he was said to be in the top 2%. I outsmart him constantly.
I'm sure you were top of the class at the downs syndrome centre. I bet you were one of the ones who could wipe his own chin.
Last edited by IQS.RLOW on Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Super Nova » Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:20 pm

I don't think bananas grow near Yogi.

Do you have any unused ones to share with him.

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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:24 pm

The British Met Office claims it said no such thing and agrees with the NOAA claim that the planet has continued to warm, the 10 hottest years on record are since 1998, and that some of the warming has been absorbed by the Pacific Ocean, and in turn raised the temp of the Pacific Ocean.
This has been debunked a couple of times in this very thread. Why do you deny the science that says the missing heat is not in the fucking oceans, you stupid moonbat. :roll:
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:14 pm

IQ you're a verminous liar, which is to be expected from a Jesus freak cultist who regards religious fairy tales as science.

It's no secret that you're a drug fucked unit with fluffy bunny on the brain, thus explaining why you can only express yourself in terms of :S .

Y'see if you were an intelligent individual you'd be able to articulate your thoughts in terms other than :S .

Anyway, the great thing about global warming is it's going to make life miserable for piss weak :S like you.

Hope you have a fluffy bunny of a life, :S !

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If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:00 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote: Bullshit!
The science says the planet is in melt down, but the scientists themselves aren't willing to admit we've been in a 'Runaway Global warming' scenario since 2007, when the under sea floor methane clathrates began to thaw, bubbled to the surface in massive arctic methane plumes, has gathered in the atmosphere and is going to cause global warming to increase exponentially at a rate not seen since the Permian extinction.
Well BULLSHIT certainly does explain your hubris... :roll: :roll: :roll:
No, my hubris comes from the fact my opinions are based on my own beliefs because I have researched this topic extensively,
as opposed to your opinions which are based on others' beliefs because you fail to comprehend the subject matter.

If you want to prove a particular theory/belief/theme you should first try to debunk it and see how it stands up to scrutiny.
I have been able to debunk every theory concerning Global Warming except 2.
#1 Green House Gases and #2 Axial Precession/Precession of the Equinoxes.
And suspect both may be at play independently causing their own effects.

Regarding GHGs per se, I personally don't think or believe CO2 is the culprit.
For a start the oceans release far more CO2 (carbon dioxide) than human activity. Human contribution is only a fraction of that released naturally.

Vegetarians claim CH4 (methane) is the culprit and cows via beef production is to blame. CH4 is 24 times more potent a GHG than CO2.
In truth 70% of all methane emissions are caused by termites, with most of the remainder being made up from rotting vegetation in swamps and forests. But methane released from frozen under sea floor clathrates does have the potential to generate massive Global Warming as was the case during the Permian extinction, 251 million years ago.
Since 2007 huge methane plumes in the Arctic sea (found by Swedish & Russian navies) have been bubbling to the surface and gathering in our atmosphere. That's why we are already in a Runaway Global warming scenario. Nothing we do can prevent it, we already passed the "Tipping Point".

What I believe is the major GHG contributer is NO (nitrous oxide). NO is 10+ times more a potent GHG than CH4, thus 240+ times more potent a GHG than CO2. Some NO is released during rainfall but most is due to crop fertilisation with nitrogen based fertilisers.
Thus human activity is causing Global Warming simply because there are 7 billion + people on a planet than can only sustainably support 3 billion people.

Fortunately the planet has its own maintenance system and culls over population with global warming induced weather extremes.

So anybody that denies the existence of Global warming is an idiot, and anybody that believes they can prevent it is also an idiot.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:22 pm

IQ you're a verminous liar,
Im not the vapid fuckwit spitting out debunked fucking garbage like the missing heat is hiding in the oceans, so that would make you the liar and given that you were in the Greens, the liars hat fits you like a glove.

So I suggest you educate yourself on what you are arguing about otherwise you will forever be slopping your pissweak points out your cunthole after they have been jammed in there time after time by myself and those that actually know what they are talking about. Try reading something other than the green left weekly, and hose the sand out of your fluffy bunny, blister sister.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Rorschach » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:10 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Rorschach wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote: Bullshit!
The science says the planet is in melt down, but the scientists themselves aren't willing to admit we've been in a 'Runaway Global warming' scenario since 2007, when the under sea floor methane clathrates began to thaw, bubbled to the surface in massive arctic methane plumes, has gathered in the atmosphere and is going to cause global warming to increase exponentially at a rate not seen since the Permian extinction.
Well BULLSHIT certainly does explain your hubris... :roll: :roll: :roll:
No, my hubris comes from the fact my opinions are based on my own beliefs because I have researched this topic extensively,
as opposed to your opinions which are based on others' beliefs because you fail to comprehend the subject matter.WRONG moron...

Fortunately the planet has its own maintenance system yes finally something you've said I agree with...

So anybody that denies the existence of Global warming is an idiot, and anybody that believes they can prevent it is also an idiot.
Well then stop calling me one you dope and stop calling all the other scientists "deniers" or "religious nuts" that hold different opinions than yours based on real science. I'll keep posting the truth...
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