errr Global Warming?

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Andrew Bolt
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errr Global Warming?

Post by Andrew Bolt » Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:05 pm

This global warming isn’t quite panning out: ... 709-gi88ak" onclick=";return false;

A strong cold front will sweep over much of Australia over the weekend, potentially causing the largest outbreak of frigid conditions in 15 years, the Bureau of Meteorology says.

The likelihood of snow falling over the ranges all the way up into Queensland also has emergency services warning motorists and those planning outdoor activities such as skiing or camping to “plan carefully for the cold conditions”.

Blair Trewin, senior climatologist with the bureau, said the last time Australia had such a large northward spread of snowfall was in May 2000.

Meanwhile, the melting of the Arctic seems have paused for a decade, while the increase of sea ice around Antarctica is at near-record levels for modern times: ... -ice-page/" onclick=";return false;

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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Rorschach » Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:10 pm

You mean this Global warming... ... =2&t=11012

the one we've been arguing the facts on for ages... :roll:
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

S m i t h ' s J o h n
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by S m i t h ' s J o h n » Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:22 pm

Great article, highlights the dumbness of the lefties

Watch the Greenies claim that all the global warming is frozen in the ice & snow! :yahoo ... 7434665680" onclick=";return false;

S m i t h ' s J o h n
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by S m i t h ' s J o h n » Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:31 pm

Here's some more of that frozen heat

Damm its boiling ... 71832.html" onclick=";return false;

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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Lucas » Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:29 pm

S m i t h ' s J o h n wrote:Great article, highlights the dumbness of the lefties

Watch the Greenies claim that all the global warming is frozen in the ice & snow! :yahoo ... 7434665680" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Have you ever met, seen or heard an intelligent Greenie yet ?

They wonder why they are ignored. It explains their angst 24/7 I guess being ignored all the time.

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Andrew Bolt
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Andrew Bolt » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:27 am

Thank you to Scott Williams of the warmist Bureau of Meteorology for this morning adding a note of balance on ABC Melbourne 774 in discussing this cold winter. In noting previous winters of above-average warmth he notes they could have been evidence of global warming or, in fact, “the urban heat island effect” - all that concrete, asphalt and machinery.

Of course, he should have added those warmer winters could merely have been a regional change or natural fluctuation, but I’m still giving him an elephant stamp.

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Andrew Bolt
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Andrew Bolt » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:30 am

Global warming hysteria is so yesterday:

The earth is 15 years from a “mini ice-age” that will cause bitterly cold winters during which rivers such as the Thames freeze over, scientists have predicted.

Solar researchers at the University of Northumbria have created a new model of the sun’s activity which they claim produces ”unprecedentedly accurate predictions”.

They said fluid movements within the sun, which are thought to create 11-year cycles in the weather, will converge in such a way that temperatures will fall dramatically in the 2030s.

Don’t question this science! Or was it the last science we weren’t supposed to question? It’s so confusing.

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Andrew Bolt
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Andrew Bolt » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:12 pm

Courtesy of Fairfax
Philip Freier and Thabo Cecil Makgoba


On Monday, the General Synod of the Church of England will likely pass two motions calling for urgent and bold action against climate change. The first urges all governments at the Paris Climate Negotiations to take bold action by transitioning to a low-carbon future and encourages the church to actively engage with the climate change issue, and the second affirms the recent decision to disinvest from coal and oil sands as a tactic to address the climate crisis.

As Anglican leaders of Australia and South Africa – two countries that have found themselves on the front lines of climate change – we celebrate these important and timely calls for climate action, based on our moral imperative to care for all of God's creation and the most vulnerable among us.

Both Australia and South Africa are already experiencing the negative impacts of rising global temperatures. Australia is one of the highest per capita carbon emitters in the world – we've seen double the amount of record hot days over the last 50 years, an increase in the frequency and intensity of weather events, a rising sea level, and further endangerment of our fragile coral reef and marine ecosystems. The story is similar in South Africa, where temperatures have risen over 1.5 times the global average over the past half century and are predicted to rise by 3-6 degrees Celcius in some areas by 2100.

Monday's motions of the Church of England – together with Pope Francis' ecology encyclical and many other faith voices – serve as a reminder that we have a moral responsibility to act on climate change. This message reminds us all that climate change is about more than the political and economic debate that all too often dominates the headlines. Climate change is first and foremost a social and moral concern.

God bestowed on us the gift of life, but with that comes the obligation to be protectors of our earth, our environment, and our fellow man. For the sake of humanity, we must take our role as stewards of creation seriously, and we must act now to slow the causes of climate change lest we leave an even bigger burden on future generations.

This message comes at a critical and unprecedented moment in history. This December, world political leaders will gather in Paris to sign a universal agreement aimed at limiting global temperature rises well below two degrees Celcius. As we look toward this historic summit, we need our leaders to demonstrate their commitment to achieving a unified and ambitious agreement that phases out fossil fuels and promotes sustainable development worldwide.

We join the General Synod in calling on the faithful to remind their leaders of the moral imperative to act now in order to put the world on track towards slowing the devastating impacts of climate change. We implore our leaders to take a moment to reflect on how their personal beliefs instruct their actions and moral compasses.

We have seen many countries make ambitious commitments to reduce carbon emissions, and we expect more countries – including Australia and South Africa – to announce their commitments in the coming weeks and months. Momentum is indeed building as this year's deadline for an agreement nears, but we must continue to pressure our leaders to formalise these commitments as soon as possible in order to ensure that we reach a strong, collaborative deal in Paris.

There is no longer a question about what is causing climate change; science clearly indicates that human activity is responsible for rising global temperatures that are causing dangerous changes to rainfall patterns, ecosystems, and sea levels.

All too often, the effects of these changes are most acutely felt by vulnerable populations, who have done the least to contribute to climate change. Australia's Pacific neighbours are already badly affected, with Kiribati recently asking that its people be moved to Fiji to escape rising sea levels.

God commanded us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. These are our neighbours, and we quite simply must stand with them. Indeed, we have the capability – and an ethical obligation – to put an end to this vicious and unjust cycle of climate injustice.

It is up to each and every one of us to protect the dignity of humanity from the avoidable, but increasingly overwhelming effects of climate change. We invite you to follow the call for climate justice, expressed in the global campaign of ecumenical ACT Alliance and inspired by the World Council of Churches' pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Never before have we had a more vital yet opportune moment to take decisive action on one of the most important issues of our time. Momentum for action on climate change continues to grow. We pray that the moral call from the General Synod and other faith voices serves as inspiration to all of us, but especially to our leaders, who have the power to enact real, universal change. With this power comes a moral responsibility to do what is right for the future of this earth and mankind.

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Andrew Bolt
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Andrew Bolt » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:14 pm

Anglican Archbishop Philip Freier preaches the alternative faith of global warming:

Both Australia and South Africa are already experiencing the negative impacts of rising global temperatures.

“Rising global temperatures”? Not for some 18 years:


Never mind these cool facts. Freier adds:

Monday’s motions of the Church of England – together with Pope Francis’ ecology encyclical and many other faith voices – serve as a reminder that we have a moral responsibility to act on climate change.

Don’t we have a primary responsibility to the truth? But to fix the problem he’s exaggerated Frieir endorses a (non) solution that’s far more dangerous and drastic:

God bestowed on us the gift of life, but with that comes the obligation to be protectors of our earth, our environment, and our fellow man… This December, world political leaders will gather in Paris to sign a universal agreement aimed at limiting global temperature rises well below two degrees Celcius. As we look toward this historic summit, we need our leaders to demonstrate their commitment to achieving a unified and ambitious agreement that phases out fossil fuels...

But how does phasing out fossil fuels, in the absence of cheap alternative sources of electricity, help “our fellow man”? Doesn’t it condemn the poor to poverty? And what measurable good would such a phase-out achieve? Data please.

But Freier continues:

All too often, the effects of these changes are most acutely felt by vulnerable populations, who have done the least to contribute to climate change. Australia’s Pacific neighbours are already badly affected, with Kiribati recently asking that its people be moved to Fiji to escape rising sea levels.

Again, simply fact-free fear-mongering.

The truth is that most low-lying islands like Kiribati have been growing in size or stayed stable, and are not drowning:

New Zealand coastal geomorphologist Paul Kench, of the University of Auckland’s School of Environment, and colleagues in Australia and Fiji, who have been studying how reef islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans respond to rising sea levels. They found that reef islands change shape and move around in response to shifting sediments, and that many of them are growing in size, not shrinking, as sea level inches upward. The implication is that many islands—especially less developed ones with few permanent structures—may cope with rising seas well into the next century…

Their analysis, which now extends to more than 600 coral reef islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, indicates that about 80 percent of the islands have remained stable or increased in size (roughly 40 percent in each category). Only 20 percent have shown the net reduction that’s widely assumed to be a typical island’s fate when sea level rises.

Some islands grew by as much as 14 acres (5.6 hectares) in a single decade, and Tuvalu’s main atoll, Funafuti—33 islands distributed around the rim of a large lagoon—has gained 75 acres (32 hectares) of land during the past 115 years.

As for Kiribati, the big problem is not global warming but over-crowding and thoughtless development on another island that’s actually growing in size:

But 2,000 miles to the west in South Tarawa, Kiribati’s narrow, six-square-mile capital island crowded with 50,000 people, the picture is much darker. Over the past half-century, residents of the 15 other Gilbert Islands have flocked there in search of jobs and better schools for their children… To minimize flooding, they built poorly designed seawalls that regularly collapse. Meanwhile, the government increased South Tarawa’s area by 19 percent over 30 years by building causeways between islets and creating new land over the reef with lagoon sand poured behind seawalls. The widespread erosion and flooding that resulted “is primarily due to [local] human activities,” which unless stopped will “increase erosion and susceptibility of the reef islands to anticipated sea-level rise,” one study concluded.

Though the study’s lead author is Naomi Biribo, a senior civil servant in Tarawa, [President Anote] Tong has ignored it and become a minor international celebrity by blaming the island’s coastal problems uniformly on climate change....

Scientists like Kench say that the people of Tarawa will face the same choices as other coastal denizens when the sea rises further. Either they allow the beach to move forward and they retreat inland to higher ground, or they build concrete seawalls and the beach is washed away… Or they can move back to their home islands. Aranuka, for example, has seen its population drop to 800 as many moved to Tarawa. It has the same land area as Tarawa, but instead of being long and thin, part of it is three miles by five on the lee side of the island—"Good protection against the waves,” said Kench. “I’d say it has a good chance of surviving climate change.”

Meaning well does not excuse making false claims and telling half-truths to promote a scare and a solution that would actually do far more harm than good.

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Andrew Bolt
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Andrew Bolt » Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:10 pm

How does the ABC justify this astonishing deceit?

To illustrate a story on global warming, allegedly caused by man’s emissions of invisible carbon dioxide and methane, it shows Chinese factories spewing out all kinds of grit, soot and chemicals that have nothing at all to do with warming, and resemble nothing found here.

That is simply deceit. That, or astonishing ignorance.

Then, of course, we get alarmist Peter Doherty talking about deaths from heat without adding that deaths from cold are actually more common, plus interview with medical students who imagine things might get even worse.

Scares, false claims, cherry picking and vague imaginings. And this forms the material for another ABC report.

Global warming surely represents the greatest failure of journalism in our lifetime.

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