Australia's Muslim media hush on Child Brides

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Re: Australia's Muslim media hush on Child Brides

Post by boxy » Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:51 pm

Bart wrote:what is the problem with an adult man marrying a few young girls under the age of 10??
It's illegal, because a 10 year old can not give informed consent.

They also can't take out a loan at the bank, BTW :thumb
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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Re: Australia's Muslim media hush on Child Brides

Post by Bart » Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:30 am

boxy wrote:
Bart wrote:what is the problem with an adult man marrying a few young girls under the age of 10??
It's illegal, because a 10 year old can not give informed consent.

They also can't take out a loan at the bank, BTW :thumb

Anyone got a rope?


bummer guess you'll hae to find your own way out :rofl :rofl :rofl

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Re: Australia's Muslim media hush on Child Brides

Post by mantra » Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:05 am

Bart wrote:
This is what the Greens are asking, what is the problem with an adult man marrying a few young girls under the age of 10??

As long as it is all done in a "loving way"

First I've heard of the Australian Greens demanding underage marriage. You are thinking of someone else from Europe - no association with the Greens in the 21st century at all. If you think I'm wrong - can you provide a link Bart?

S m i t h ' s J o h n
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Re: Australia's Muslim media hush on Child Brides

Post by S m i t h ' s J o h n » Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:50 am

the Greens are the muslim party
muslims approve of young girls for marriage

ever since the animal lovers slipper & brown were found out for having sex with animals the greens are hiding a lot more of their policies, waiting biding their time until their depravity is more accepted

saying NO to the greens is the first step all australians can do to preventing australia from going down the sewer ... eens-door/" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Australia's Muslim media hush on Child Brides

Post by mantra » Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:13 am

S m i t h ' s J o h n wrote:
the Greens are the muslim party
muslims approve of young girls for marriage

ever since the animal lovers slipper & brown were found out for having sex with animals the greens are hiding a lot more of their policies, waiting biding their time until their depravity is more accepted

saying NO to the greens is the first step all australians can do to preventing australia from going down the sewer
Pity Abbott hasn't got the message. He just did a deal with the Greens and no doubt there will be more done in the future. As far as the rest of your propaganda goes - provide links if you want anyone to believe you.

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Re: Australia's Muslim media hush on Child Brides

Post by harvey » Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:26 am

S m i t h ' s J o h n wrote:the Greens are the muslim party
muslims approve of young girls for marriage

ever since the animal lovers slipper & brown were found out for having sex with animals the greens are hiding a lot more of their policies, waiting biding their time until their depravity is more accepted

saying NO to the greens is the first step all australians can do to preventing australia from going down the sewer ... eens-door/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
An eye opener about The Greens hidden agenda
I would never trust the Greens
S m i t h ' s J o h n wrote:
ever since the animal lovers slipper & brown were found out for having sex with animals the greens are hiding a lot more of their policies, waiting biding their time until their depravity is more accepted
A lot of The Green supporters don't like having the facts about The Greens publicised, they rpefer taking the ostrich approach
S m i t h ' s J o h n wrote: saying NO to the greens is the first step all australians can do to preventing australia from going down the sewer

Sums up The Greens perfectly

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Re: Australia's Muslim media hush on Child Brides

Post by ted » Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:58 pm

The only good green is the leaf type


Explains why it in known as dope

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