Australian Federal, State and Local Politics
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by Neferti » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:07 pm
... the GFC.
Did you really believe the bullshit Krudd spun? More fool you. What did you spend your $900 on?
The GFC was a Northern Hemisphere phenomenon. In particular the USA and their stupidity with giving all and sundry (blacks who were UNEMPLOYED) a chance to purchase a house. All they had to do was sign on the dotted line ...... and EVENTUALLY start paying for the house.
The rules are different in the USA .. foreclosure means you can WALK AWAY. The Bank OWNS the house.
In Australia you have taken out a CONTRACT and the Bank wants their money back.
Super Nova
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by Super Nova » Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:41 pm
J o h n S m i t h wrote:of course socialism funds capitalism, are you deliberately being obtuse? ... tell me, when the GFC hit, who had to bail out the banks?
If capitalism were left to its own devices the outcome of the GFC would have been much much worse globally. Just like anything else in life, the key is moderation, a little of this and a little of that ... to much of one or not enough of the other and it will fail. NO system will survive long term on it's own. Capitalism is the grease that keeps the wheel turning, socialism is the safety brake that stop capitalism from crashing
Governments funded by taxation from capitalist ventures and the tax on those that work in these ventures are entitled to make decisions for the good of the nation. if they let them get too big to fail based on the experience of the great depression, they made the call.
This is not a socialist act. it was the lessor of 2 evils.
All funded by... what system.
Introduced by left and conservative governments the world over.
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J o h n S m i t h
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by J o h n S m i t h » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:49 pm
Super Nova wrote:J o h n S m i t h wrote:of course socialism funds capitalism, are you deliberately being obtuse? ... tell me, when the GFC hit, who had to bail out the banks?
If capitalism were left to its own devices the outcome of the GFC would have been much much worse globally. Just like anything else in life, the key is moderation, a little of this and a little of that ... to much of one or not enough of the other and it will fail. NO system will survive long term on it's own. Capitalism is the grease that keeps the wheel turning, socialism is the safety brake that stop capitalism from crashing
Governments funded by taxation from capitalist ventures and the tax on those that work in these ventures are entitled to make decisions for the good of the nation. if they let them get too big to fail based on the experience of the great depression, they made the call.
This is not a socialist act. it was the lessor of 2 evils.
All funded by... what system.
Introduced by left and conservative governments the world over.
Of course it's a socialist act ... it certainly wasn't a capitalist act. True Capitalism requires the market dictate who survives. Govt's supporting businesses to stop them failing is the very essence of socialism .
And it is funded by a system that combines the best of both worlds, or at least a system that tries to.
Super Nova
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by Super Nova » Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:55 pm
J o h n S m i t h wrote:
And it is funded by a system that combines the best of both worlds, or at least a system that tries to.
Lets accept that point for now.
The point is that left political ideology can no longer be funded and most punters get that point now so it will be a difficult road for lefties for a while.
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Super Nova
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by Super Nova » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:01 pm
What do you think of this.
France needs its own Margaret Thatcher figure to take on the trade unions and prevent a summer of misery for holidaymakers travelling through Calais, the transport minister has said.
Robert Goodwill accused the country of fuelling unrest by being too quick to “cave in” to strike action. Wildcat strikes this week brought chaos as hundreds of migrants tried to leap on to stricken British-bound lorries to get across the Channel.
Addressing a conference in London yesterday, Mr Goodwill said he had playfully told his opposite number in Paris that “what you need in France is Mrs Thatcher to sort this problem out”.
Speaking to The Times later, he described the British perception that “one of the reasons why they have so many strikes in France is that the government tends to cave in to political pressure”.
He said: “That’s what happens when you have a left-wing government that may be very close to the trades unions. That gives the trades unions a sort of feeling that, ‘well, we might be able to get what we want through industrial action’. ... 479355.ece
Always remember what you post, send or do on the internet is not private and you are responsible.
J o h n S m i t h
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by J o h n S m i t h » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:06 pm
Super Nova wrote:J o h n S m i t h wrote:
And it is funded by a system that combines the best of both worlds, or at least a system that tries to.
Lets accept that point for now.
The point is that left political ideology can no longer be funded and most punters get that point now so it will be a difficult road for lefties for a while.
Not sure I agree with that either ... what we can't afford is middle class welfare or welfare for the rich. And that's not limited to the left, in fact, I'd argue that in Australia at least, it was mostly bought on by the right. Sure the left side did their bit to help it along, they're trying to win votes just as much as the other side.
If we cut all that crap, there is more than enough for governments to provide the basic safety net that, in my opinion, governments are supposed to supply. Targeting the bottom dwellers whilst continuing to use tax dollars to prop up those at the top is ludicrous.
Last edited by
J o h n S m i t h on Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
J o h n S m i t h
- Posts: 3457
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by J o h n S m i t h » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:12 pm
Super Nova wrote:What do you think of this.
France needs its own Margaret Thatcher figure to take on the trade unions and prevent a summer of misery for holidaymakers travelling through Calais, the transport minister has said.
Robert Goodwill accused the country of fuelling unrest by being too quick to “cave in” to strike action. Wildcat strikes this week brought chaos as hundreds of migrants tried to leap on to stricken British-bound lorries to get across the Channel.
Addressing a conference in London yesterday, Mr Goodwill said he had playfully told his opposite number in Paris that “what you need in France is Mrs Thatcher to sort this problem out”.
Speaking to The Times later, he described the British perception that “one of the reasons why they have so many strikes in France is that the government tends to cave in to political pressure”.
He said: “That’s what happens when you have a left-wing government that may be very close to the trades unions. That gives the trades unions a sort of feeling that, ‘well, we might be able to get what we want through industrial action’. ... 479355.ece
I think of it like a pendulum.... if one side is hard done by actions of another (ie workers by bosses) actions are taken to force the pendulum the other way, human nature dictates that that keeps going until it goes to far, then it starts to go back the other way. Once that goes to far it'll come back the other way again. Pre unions bosses screwed workers, now some claim that unions screw bosses, eventually unions powers will reduce until bosses start screwing workers again and the demand for unions returns. like with governments, the ideal is in the middle. The problem with humans is that the middle is never good enough, we always want more. That's the nature of the beast. Unions are no different to employers. You think Gina Rhinehart wouldn't really try to get away with paying aussies $2 a day if she could get away with it?
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by IQS.RLOW » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:25 pm
Most people when they grow out of nappies lose their left wing ideology because time and reality shows them what a complete crock it really is.
The only ones that hang onto it are the perpetually stupid and those who want to sell the perpetually stupid something. Smith is one of the perpetually stupid.
Capitalists can easily survive without socialists. Socialists are the parasites on the capitalists and cannot survive or exist without the capitalists. They latch on exclusively through the wallet pocket
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
J o h n S m i t h
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by J o h n S m i t h » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:50 pm
IQS.RLOW wrote:Most people when they grow out of nappies lose their left wing ideology because time and reality shows them what a complete crock it really is.
The only ones that hang onto it are the perpetually stupid and those who want to sell the perpetually stupid something. Smith is one of the perpetually stupid.
Capitalists can easily survive without socialists. Socialists are the parasites on the capitalists and cannot survive or exist without the capitalists. They latch on exclusively through the wallet pocket
if anything you said was remotely true no left leaning party would ever win office since most people can't vote until they are out of nappies .... how does it feel to get every single thing wrong all the time?

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by Rorschach » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:52 pm
J o h n S m i t h wrote:Super Nova wrote:Smithy,
For me it is simple.
When I was young... I was left leaning... as I travelled through life I see labour waste money on buying votes from a large minority that feel they are entitled to a living. As I travel the world and realize how lucky we are I further realise how we have evolved a system that will fail eventually because capitalism cannot fund all socialist objectives. We should look after the very bottom of our society but the lower middle classes need to get on with it themselves.
So I progressively am leaning more conservative every year I travel through life.
If there is no money... there is no money. It is simple.
capitalism cannot fund socialist objectives? I like that, it rolls of your tongue.........
How about socialism funding capitalist objectives?
Seems to work for China

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
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