Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:50 pm

I proposed rescinding citizenship for Jihadis (and trouble making muslims) 20 years ago or more, but of course I was told I was being unreasonable and racist.
Wog lovers would ask "But what if they're born here?"
And I'd reply "Too bad, expel them and send them back to Woganon".
Plus "Sooner or later, these characters will give us no choice but to run them out of the country, or they'll start a civil war".

So this is another thing Tony's admin has got right.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by mantra » Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:45 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:Plus "Sooner or later, these characters will give us no choice but to run them out of the country, or they'll start a civil war".

So this is another thing Tony's admin has got right.
He's getting a few things right, although if he wasn't restrained a lot of time, he would probably create a gulag. Unemployment is getting worse so something will have to be done about it shortly.

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:49 pm

mantra wrote:
He's getting a few things right,
All critics have got is the odd verbal gaff to ridicule, but so far his performance has been pretty good.
The phrase actions speak louder than words seems quite fitting here.

mantra wrote: ... although if he wasn't restrained a lot of time, he would probably create a gulag.
I digress. I think he's a bit soft. I'd probably be more draconian if I was in his place.
But then, if that's what it takes to keep the incompetents in the ALP from gaining power, so be it.

mantra wrote: Unemployment is getting worse so something will have to be done about it shortly.
I think too many people make too much of a fuss regarding levels of un/employment.
If we were to revert to being isolationist we might or might not be able to achieve full employment, which in the modern world is more of a catch phrase than reality.
Like it or not (and I often wish we hadn't *) we've adopted *globalisation and a market based economy. That means we're at the mercy of the global economy and thus employment ratios are somewhat beyond our control.

My father used to get paid by fed govts to employ people by paying 75% of their wage.
The rationale being the jobs for wogs scheme would give near unemployable people skills and make them employable. The reality is, when the subsidy stops, the subsidised individual goes back onto welfare more often than not, because they get more freebies/benefits.

That's why I like Abbott's/Hockey's tax cuts for small enterprises. It encourages more people to have a go, because there's a better chance of succeeding with lower tax rates. And working for yourself is more gratifying than making someone else rich.

I'm currently reading as many mineral identification books as I can afford, which I cross reference with my dictionary of geology or dictionary of science. I spend as much spare time as I can in creeks and on ridges checking the rocks. I've got new maps and am looking for a number of old gold mines.
I've worked out which acids to use to extract the gold via electrolysis, and have since found out the big mine near Mt perry (Mt Rawdon) is already doing just that.
Next I'll be getting the dictionaries of chemisty and physics t work out safe ph levels so I don't blow myself up. If it all works out, I'll start my own mining company. And being able to write off $20,000 worth of equipment off whatever tax I'll have to pay is a great incentive.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by mantra » Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:10 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
mantra wrote: Unemployment is getting worse so something will have to be done about it shortly.
I think too many people make too much of a fuss regarding levels of un/employment.
If we were to revert to being isolationist we might or might not be able to achieve full employment, which in the modern world is more of a catch phrase than reality.
Like it or not (and I often wish we hadn't *) we've adopted *globalisation and a market based economy. That means we're at the mercy of the global economy and thus employment ratios are somewhat beyond our control.

My father used to get paid by fed govts to employ people by paying 75% of their wage.
The rationale being the jobs for wogs scheme would give near unemployable people skills and make them employable. The reality is, when the subsidy stops, the subsidised individual goes back onto welfare more often than not, because they get more freebies/benefits.

That's why I like Abbott's/Hockey's tax cuts for small enterprises. It encourages more people to have a go, because there's a better chance of succeeding with lower tax rates. And working for yourself is more gratifying than making someone else rich.
There are still subsidies available for some businesses, but lowering wages might also help improve employment. The NT can employ foreigners on 10% less than the award, so that immediately wipes out employment prospects for many Australians. I know a few unemployed people who would rather be working on lower wages than not working at all.
I'm currently reading as many mineral identification books as I can afford, which I cross reference with my dictionary of geology or dictionary of science. I spend as much spare time as I can in creeks and on ridges checking the rocks. I've got new maps and am looking for a number of old gold mines.
I've worked out which acids to use to extract the gold via electrolysis, and have since found out the big mine near Mt perry (Mt Rawdon) is already doing just that.
Next I'll be getting the dictionaries of chemisty and physics t work out safe ph levels so I don't blow myself up. If it all works out, I'll start my own mining company. And being able to write off $20,000 worth of equipment off whatever tax I'll have to pay is a great incentive.
You should start grabbing mining leases to cover all your property before someone else does.

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by Rorschach » Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:31 am

My opinion is lower wages may be justified in some circumstances, but will hardly make a ripple in employment figures, most companies would pocket the difference as profits.

The fact there are 750,000 people unemployed and only 150,000 job vacancies show that even if all jobs were filled we would still have 600,000 people who want to work... out of work.
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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by boxy » Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:51 pm

I expect the coalition to push this as far as they can, until the alp wont accept their proposal, so that they can paint them as "soft on terrorists". That means going with Abbott and the backbencher's wish of rendering sole Australian citizens stateless on the suspicions of a politician.

So far we've got 2 for fascism here... any more takers? It is a democracy, after all... all you need is to get a majority (and ignore the rule of law) :thumb
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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by 762NATO » Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:25 pm

if a referendum were held on rendering the fluffy bunnies stateless it would be a resounding yes vote , fluffy bunnies like you and Hanson Young would be stoned to death in the streets of these Middle eastern shitholes. Explain your perverted sense of sympathy for them.

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by boxy » Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:36 pm

It's got nothing to do with sympathy with them.

It's got to do with believing in our system of governance, of checks and balances.

No fucking fluffy bunny, who's only priority is popularity, should be given the ability to render an Australian's citizenship null and void, on suspicion.
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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by 762NATO » Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:13 pm

That's why referendum is the right thing on a major issue such as this, the silent majority get to take the decisions out of the hands of the pondering useless fluffy bunnies that only masquerade as our representatives . the Triggsses and Hanson Youngs and the rest of you rotten bastards would still whine even with a 90 percent vote against you . They need to fuck the senate off and let the people have their say with a majority vote . the current form of democracy in this joint has left us a country full of imported shit that will be a constant cancer and pretty well failed us at every level

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Re: Government to revoke citizenship of dissenters

Post by Rorschach » Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:25 pm

These morons don't consider themselves Australian, therefore revoking their citizenship will hardly affect them. Their priority is Islam, The Caliphate, and global dominion and the end of the West as we know it. :thumb
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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