Is IS becoming civilised?

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Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by mantra » Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:50 am

We hear so many grisly stories about the victims of IS, but it looks like they're promoting a new image - one of caring and security. Who better to represent them than an intelligent and capable Australian doctor who is happy to be part of this new regime.

IS might very well become the new Islamic Israel. ... mt603.html

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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by mantra » Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:41 am

"Ethicist Tony Coady says it can help us see more clearly complex issues we prefer to avoid, particularly those relating to just and unjust war. And terrorism expert Greg Barton argues humanising radicalised local jihadis is urgent, "to understand it so we can find a way to defeat it"."
Do Australian jihadis have anything in common with World War I Anzacs?

Young men, many from migrant families who came to Australia seeking a better life, going to the Middle East to fight in a war that shows their fellowship with an international brotherhood, fighting for Empire. Exploited as fodder in battle and put into unwinnable situations. The parallels have their limits but they are compelling.

Is it helpful to look for analogies between these two historical moments? It's certainly timely in a week when news about the latest alleged terrorist attack planned for Melbourne repeatedly punctuated the coverage of Anzac commemorations, the former relentlessly demonised as an evil death cult, the latter valorised as the ultimate sacrifice in the making-of-the-nation.

But he cautions there are significant limits to drawing analogies between each era's recruits. One is the disparity in the hundreds of thousands of Australians who served overseas in World War I , compared to the mere dozens of IS recruits now. "Most of the people with similar social and religious views to [the local jihadists] are not interested in going over there," Coady says.

Monash University's Professor Greg Barton broadly agrees. As well as "youthful idealism", recruits to the two wars share "a positive sense of self sacrifice, supporting [their] mates, and wanting to be seen to be courageous fighting for something bigger than oneself," he says. However, the recruits 100 years ago were joining a regular military as regular combatants, "not an irregular militia that was fighting against their own state" – and this marks a stark difference in moral equivalence, he says.

Those signing up to World War I believed they were responding to aggression, battles would be fought in an ethical and proper way, and it was a just war. They didn't have to wrestle as individuals with the moral dilemma of violence because that was the responsibility of the state – and the state justified the violence, Barton argues.

Those signing up to a jihadi militia in Syria and Iraq, however, are moving against the country of their birth, or the country they grew up in, and engaging in something that many family members or friends regard as "deeply, morally wrong but also foolish".

"They've come to a point of radicalisation where they regard mainstream society as corrupt and deserving of punishment," Barton says. "They've crossed over and made a foreign allegiance – in technical terms, its a conscious decision to treason." As a result they can't outsource their moral responsibility to the state, he says, but must take individual responsibility for the violence they commit.

They also bear moral responsibility for atrocities and war crimes perpetrated in their name. Although war crimes were committed by the allies in World War I, Barton says, the slow pace of communications meant that it could take years for news to travel. Now, we live in an age of easy communication via mobiles and social media. "Today, there's no reasonable excuse for saying they didn't know IS or al-Nusra Front were involved in atrocities. Instead, they are forced to engage with it, to wrestle with the issue of constant reports of violence – falling back on asserting 'I don't trust mainstream media' or that 'the violence is justified'. It's a very different context." ... ms8he.html

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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:55 pm

Is IS becoming civilised?

What an absurd question.
Would you prefer to be a sex slave or decapitated?

The only thing young Mozzies running off to join IS (or like minded rivals) have in cmmon with WW1 ANZACs is using battle/war as a rite of passage - which is older than civilisation itself.

And the reason IS has public support from Turks (Turkish intel agency in particular) is partly because IS give Kurds (the true indigenous people of the Mid East) a hard time, and because they still mourn the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. There's a Turk further up my valley who bitches about Churchill because he regards Churchill responsible for destroying the Ottoman Empire.

If you read 'Duante's Dream' which is about how and why Henri Dunant founded the Red Cross, you'll learn that in WW1 Muslim Turks cut arms of captured doctors because they wore a Red Cross arm band, and so to prevent this and get Muslims to recognise medics were not combatants the Red Cross formed the Red Cresent - the muslim equivalent of the Red Cross.

It has been widely noticed that despite IS (and their ally Boko Harem) enslaving women and girls (eg an 11 year old used as a sex slave for months by multiple suicide bombers is now pregnant) the feminist movement rather than displaying their typical outrage, has been silent (thus condoning sex slavery) or supportive of IS.
So the question of why femi-nazis and lefty nutters would vocally support IS despite pure hatred for the very ideals feminists and fabians spruik? needs asking.
And the only answer I can come up with, is they want to destroy Western civilisation, feel too wimpy to do it themselves, so imagine barbarians will do it for them.

If you look at the histry of Islam, you will see that with the exceptins of Pakistan and Bangladesh there is not a single muslim nation on Earth that became muslim by choice.
Every muslim nation (except Pakistan and Bangladesh) on the planet was Ilamacised by force. Mohammed told his followers to spread Islam with the sword.

IS and muslims fundamentalists in general are are not civilised, they're socially retarded.
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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by boxy » Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:40 pm

lol, they may be "promoting a new image", but only a clueless fucking newb would take a blind bit of notice, while they're still lopping off heads :roll:
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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by mantra » Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:38 pm

Of course only a fool would fall for their propaganda, but the clip was clever and more effective than their usual show of a beheading. When you think of IS - you generally think of a huge plague of feral males slaughtering everything in their path. The clip would probably appeal to young females who are thinking of going over there to marry and have a family.

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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:00 pm

IS might very well become the new Islamic Israel
Sounds like you already swallowed the propaganda. Well done for being one of the first fuckwits out of the block. I can only hope you and your ilk buy a ticket sooner rather than later. You could do so much more good over there than here with your constant whinging about the govt.

Let us know how it goes for you :thumb
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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by mantra » Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:12 am

No - I didn't fall for the propaganda, but just pointing out that its taken a new direction.
You could do so much more good over there than here with your constant whinging about the govt.
This is a political forum. What else are we supposed to discuss here? You did more than your fair share of whinging about Labor when they were in power.

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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:37 am

THE Australian doctor appearing in a video on behalf of ISIS was a “fraud”, “sleazeball” and a “creep” who had slept with nurses, doctors and even patients — one of them a sex worker — former colleagues claim.

Tareq Kamleh, who referred to himself as Abu Yusuf in a stylised IS propaganda video, said he was a doctor who had travelled to the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa from Australia to offer his medical services as part of his “jihad for Islam”.

The former Adelaide University medical student was previously referred to as a “womaniser” and a drinker; however, according to The Australian, Kamleh was also a “sexually manipulative fraud” whose “immorality” led him to exploit patients and girlfriends in the name of sexual gratification.

His Facebook site shows photos of him surfing and hunting but does not list his crude party trick — sneaking up behind seated women and placing his exposed penis on their shoulder.
According to the Adelaide Advertiser, Kamleh was a hard drinking, promiscuous party boy who one time employed the trick during an official function to farewell overseas doctors leaving a secretary in shock.

He was pretty drunk at the time, but when I rang him the next day to tell him the woman was quite upset he thought it was just one big joke,” a former colleague who was at the function recalls.

“That was typical of him — impulsive, reckless, immature, absorbed with himself and with a total lack of concern about social consequences for his actions.”

Another colleague — who declined to be named — said Kamleh claimed to have had sex with a Mannum District Hospital patient — a former sex worker — after first checking her medical records from Royal Adelaide Hospital.

“I feel reluctant to speak ill of a former colleague, but as he is now portraying himself as a jihadist and calling others to join the so-called caliphate, I feel I should,” the colleague said.
“At the time, he was one of the most immoral people I knew, in terms of promiscuity at least.”

The former colleague said Kamleh operated a second Facebook page under the name “Adam Kamlah” to pursue women while hiding his indiscretions from girlfriends. The page has since been deleted.

The colleague said Kamleh admitted to being forced out of a shared house following “improper conducts” towards a female housemate.

“I could tell he was a bit conflicted and confused about himself. Whenever his parents would visit, he would take them to the university mosque and pretend he was a regular attendee.’’
More at ... 7322478122

They can keep him.

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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by Rorschach » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:27 pm

Good grief.... the prog left and its stupidity strike again... you now know why we call them usueful idiots eh mantra... people like you so foolish and gullible they think singing Kum bay yah will save them.

I suggest you watch last nights program on the kurdish woman or tonights on the ABC.
then re-evaluate. :du :du :du
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Re: Is IS becoming civilised?

Post by mantra » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:47 pm

Rorschach wrote:Good grief.... the prog left and its stupidity strike again... you now know why we call them usueful idiots eh mantra... people like you so foolish and gullible they think singing Kum bay yah will save them.

I suggest you watch last nights program on the kurdish woman or tonights on the ABC.
then re-evaluate. :du :du :du
I wasn't fooled by it for a second. He obviously had some serious flaws which weren't initially exposed and BO's article did just that. I don't accept IS in any way, shape or form, but as they're forming a caliphate - it's interesting to see them trying new forms of propaganda. All I said was that some susceptible females might fall for it.

No matter how it's portrayed - fact or fantasy - the ME is an ugly place for women.

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