For the psychos who walk among us

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by boxy » Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:27 pm

Ottawa mother of 7 abandons anti-vaxxer views as kids hit with whooping cough
Tara Hills wrote in a blog post about how they gave their first three children some vaccinations then stopped: “We stopped because we were scared and didn’t know who to trust. Was the medical community just paid-off puppets of a Big Pharma-Government-Media conspiracy? Were these vaccines even necessary in this day and age? Were we unwittingly doing greater harm than help to our beloved children? So much smoke must mean a fire so we defaulted to the ‘do nothing and hope nothing bad happens’ position.

“For years relatives tried to persuade us to reconsider through emails and links, but this only irritated us and made us defensive.”

And she adds: “I said before that the irony isn’t lost on me that I’m writing this from quarantine. For six years we were frozen in fear from vaccines, and now we are frozen because of the disease.” ... o-science/
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by boxy » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:02 pm

Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will miss out on government benefits of up to $15,000 per child under a new measure announced by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Under current laws, families with children who are not immunised can still receive annual childcare rebates and other benefits if they have a personal, philosophical or religious objection.

Mr Abbott said the rules would now be tightened to only allow a small number of religious and medical exceptions, but he would not say how much the move was likely to save.
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by mantra » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:58 pm

$15,000 for vaccinating your child - or not? Unbelievable! No wonder the economy is stuffed. When my children started school from 1990 to 1994 - you had to produce a doctor's certificate stating that your child was up to date with his/her vaccines or they couldn't start school, although I don't know what happened to the children who weren't vaccinated. You didn't get a monetary reward for using a service which was once mandatory.

Most parents have some fear of vaccines - but the alternative is worse.

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by Neferti » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:32 am

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Social Services Minister Scott Morrison will today announce the historic reforms, which mean parents who fail to immunise their children will no longer be paid the $200-a-week childcare benefit, the $7,500-a-year childcare rebate or the $726 Family Tax Benefit A annual supplement.

The combined childcare and welfare payments at risk could amount to up to $30,000-a-year for a family with two young children. The changes will come into effect from January 1, 2016.
Those who have their children immunised will still get the payments.

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:35 am

[Redacted version]

Jan Albrechtsen usually has a keen sense of the obvious but is certainly no critical thinker, so generally sticks to easy topics.

You lot remind me of the kids on Southpark in a paranoid huff, believing their parents were involved in a bizare conspiracy because said parents were trying to make sure they all caught Chicken Pox.

Can't remember if it was Pasteur or Jenner (pronounced Yenner) but He (whichever) noticed milk maids never caught Small Pox, so speculated that the harmless
Cow Pox (which milk maids were typically infected with) protected them from Small Pox. He was correct and the age of vaccination was born.

Anyone that thinks unimmunised children are are threat to immunised children or the immunised public at large clearly doesn't understand the nature of disease, or
the point of being vaccinated in the first place, and is unwittingly implying that vaccines don't work. Which considering the plethora of evidence is ridiculous,
because they do work, most of the time quite well too.
On the contrary it is the vaccinated child that is a threat to the unvaccinated child because the vaccinated individual can be a carrier and remain unaflicted.
Where as the unvaccinated has no immunity, and so the reason everyone should be vaccinated.

In my know it all opinion, parents refusing to have their offspring vaccinated should have their children removed from their care and sterylised so they can't put any
future offspring at risk or pass on their stupidity.

[Waffle version]

I was going to insult you all regarding your average of 1400cc brain capacity being of little value, but remembered I too once was just as foolish.
So I'll be as diplomatic and informative as I can.

You lot remind me of the kids on Southpark in a paranoid huff, believing their parents were involved in a bizare conspiracy because said parents were trying to make sure they all caught Chicken Pox.

Can't remember if it was Pasteur or Jenner (pronounced Yenner) but He (whichever) noticed milk maids never caught Small Pox, so speculated that the harmless
Cow Pox (which milk maids were typically infected with) protected them from Small Pox. He was correct and the age of vaccination was born.

In my mid 20s while still working for my father in a custom wheel business a bloke came in with red blotches all over him. I asked "What are the red spots?"
He replied "Chicken Pox" and I avoided him like he had Bubonic Plague. When he left I bitched to the old man "How's that bloke's form, going into public places with
Chicken Pox?". The old man replied "What are you worried about? .. You've already had it, so are immuned"

The avantage of catching Chicken Pox as a child is it's just Chicken Pox, and the disadvantage of catching it as an adult is it's Shingles. In 2010 I was picking on
a farm on a rainy day. When the sun came out it was too hot to wear a rain coat, and as it's a camo army rain coat I put it on a blue irrigation hose known as a
lay-flat (because it lays flat when not in use) so I could find it easily when it rained again. A Swiss bloke took my rain coat and put it in the cab of a tractor
without saying so. Come morning break ("smoko") I can't find my coat. I spent most of smoko looking for it but had to get my older camo rain coat out of my P/van.
During smoko I found out the Swiss bloke took it. After smoko in a different block/paddock someone got up him, I told the Swiss he should leave other peoples stuff
alone. He said "You probably took it home you stupid fluffy bunny". I didn't get to go home at smoko because I was searching for my coat, so charged bounding over 2 and 3
rows at a time like the Increadible Hulk and rugby tackled him.
We both fell over and my knee wound up in his back, then I pushed his face into the mud. I didn't know he had Shingles, which reduces the afflicted's pain threshold
considerably, and they are subject to constant pain, so I apparently hurt him and got the sack.

Anyone that thinks unimmunised children are are threat to immunised children or the immunised public at large clearly doesn't understand the nature of disease, or
the point of being vaccinated in the first place, and is unwittingly implying that vaccines don't work. Which considering the plethora of evidence is ridiculous,
because they do work, most of the time quite well too.
On the contrary it is the vaccinated child that is a threat to the unvaccinated child because the vaccinated individual can be a carrier and remain unaflicted.
Where as the unvaccinated has no immunity, and so the reason everyone should be vaccinated.

In gaol/jail I met a bloke nic named Wocky from Liverpool who'd had polio as a child. His legs were not much thicker than broom sticks. If only his mother had taken him to get the jab.

In the 80s Hepatitus B came on the scene and is actually worse than AIDS because it is so easily transmitted and a virtual guarantee of death via liver cancer or
cerosis of the liver. Back then I was a Wax head/surfer (yeah I know I was a bikie but before that I was a wax head who'd grown up on dirt bikes) and junkies were
leaving their dirty syringes in the sand after shooting up on the beach. Eloura surf club at north Cronulla did a Hep B vaccination programe of $10 per shot, so
I got vaccinated, because it's so easy to contract - from a bong, a kiss, sharing a bottle of plonk or picking up the wrong glass in a pup.

As far as I know, all this anti vaccine hysteria emanates from two events, the first quite tragic. The first was in the late 60s (1969 I think) when the Congo was
still a Belgian colony. The Belgians ran a polio vaccination programe for the Congolese and the Congolese willinglt turned up in droves. The Belgian medics were using
chimpaze livers to formulate their vaccines, completely unaware some of these chips had Simian Immuno Defficiency Syndrome. They injected thousands of Congolese with
the polio vaccine not realising they were creating a health disaster called AIDS, and that's why AIDS first appeared in Africa.

The second event was due to one American pharmacutical company using traces of mercury as a vaccine preservative for longer shelf life. As we all know, mercury
like lead and aluminium is a nuerotoxin, but in small doses is unlikely to harm an adult. A child of course is still developing so far more sensitive to potential
damage and thus can have a far greater impact. Thus the 'vaccines causes autism scenario'. The blunder was soon realised and the mercury laden vaccines removed from
use. But the boogey man story was now public, and our navy had to send 3 personel back to OZ from a ship on its way to Iraq because those 3 refused to be vaccinated
with American vaccines.

I've never had children, but had dogs most of my life and vaccination is importent for animals too. But nowhere near as crucial as vets make out.
My G/shepherd X B/Cattle dog had his puppy shots and nothing else. Vets claim they need booster shots, but I'm inclined to think booster shots are more for the vet's
financial benefit than the dog's health benefit. I figured if vaccines are effective then his puppy shots should give him adequate protection.
This meant I could never board him at a kennel, but I won't use boarding kennels because AFAIK there's no vaccine for Kennel cough. If I need my dog minded while I go
away I always get friends to do it.

In my know it all opinion, parents refusing to have their offspring vaccinated should have their children removed from their care and sterylised so they can't put any
future offspring at risk or pass on their stupidity.

I could go on about places where human vaccination levels are dangerously low, like Townsville or Mullumbimby but I guess we've all got the picture now.
Hope so anyway.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by boxy » Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:33 pm

Was that some sort of cut'n'paste reply from another forum, Yogi? :?
Outlaw Yogi wrote:Anyone that thinks unimmunised children are are threat to immunised children or the immunised public at large clearly doesn't understand the nature of disease, or the point of being vaccinated in the first place, and is unwittingly implying that vaccines don't work. Which considering the plethora of evidence is ridiculous, because they do work, most of the time quite well too.
The issue is that a significant population of unvaccinated people give the disease somewhere to incubate, and then break out, infecting those who can not be vaccinated (very young, or those with compromised immune systems). If they live in a fully vaccinated population, they are relatively safe...

(And that's ignoring the fact that it's borderline neglect, to allow your child to be susceptible to diseases that are easily prevented.)
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:07 pm

Allowing multitudes of unvaccinated people into the country is dangerous and hypocritical too. There have already been several outbreaks of Tuberculosis in asian schools and communities in Sydney.

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:26 pm

boxy wrote:Was that some sort of cut'n'paste reply from another forum, Yogi? :?
How could it be from another forum? ... this is the only forum I bother to participate in.

Actually it's a select all and copy from my own USB stick, which I wrote in advance to pre-emp typos as the 'o' key on my laptop isn't functioning properly, and to save time. And I don't risk having to sign in again because I've taken too long editing mistakes/typos ect.
Is that OK with you Sir?
Outlaw Yogi wrote:Anyone that thinks unimmunised children are are threat to immunised children or the immunised public at large clearly doesn't understand the nature of disease, or the point of being vaccinated in the first place, and is unwittingly implying that vaccines don't work. Which considering the plethora of evidence is ridiculous, because they do work, most of the time quite well too.
boxy wrote:The issue is that a significant population of unvaccinated people give the disease somewhere to incubate, and then break out, infecting those who can not be vaccinated (very young, or those with compromised immune systems). If they live in a fully vaccinated population, they are relatively safe...
Point taken/accepted as fair/reasonable.
boxy wrote:(And that's ignoring the fact that it's borderline neglect, to allow your child to be susceptible to diseases that are easily prevented.)
Didn't dispute that. Although I would substitue the term 'borderline' with 'outright'.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by Neferti » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:24 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Allowing multitudes of unvaccinated people into the country is dangerous and hypocritical too. There have already been several outbreaks of Tuberculosis in asian schools and communities in Sydney.

Yes, TB has been re-introduced into Australia due to lack of Health Checks during the Rudd/Gillard years. The "progressives" have no fucking idea about what can/would/could happen to the rest of the Aussie Citizens.

I think it is time to CEASE immigration. We do not need 150,000 new immigrants per annum.

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Re: For the psychos who walk among us

Post by miketrees » Sun May 24, 2015 10:21 pm

I want to know what causes this madness

What is it about our society that creates this festering little pimple of malcontents that jump on these bandwagons.

Perhaps we need a few insane people for when the world goes mad and they will be making sense?

I am too tired at the moment to imagine a scenario when this demented minority will be of use.


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