What is it with the left these days?

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What is it with the left these days?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:08 pm

Sob bew hew for Hicks - a self admitted terrorist who trained with the Taliban and shot at the Indians.

Sob bew hew for Bali drug peddalers - caught red handed and were the financiers of trafficking 8.5kgs of heroin.

Sob bew hew for Gillian Triggs - biased partisan old bitch who dumped her own disabled child and didnt give a fuck about the 2000 kids in detention under the ALP and delayed a report after she notified ALP ministers and the coalition reduced the numbers by 90%

I remember when the lefties were at least a little ashamed of their stupidity.
Now they are wearing it like a badge of honour.

Fucking retards - do you have no shame at all?
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Re: What is it with the left these days?

Post by Neferti » Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:43 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Sob bew hew for Hicks - a self admitted terrorist who trained with the Taliban and shot at the Indians.

Sob bew hew for Bali drug peddalers - caught red handed and were the financiers of trafficking 8.5kgs of heroin.

Sob bew hew for Gillian Triggs - biased partisan old bitch who dumped her own disabled child and didnt give a fuck about the 2000 kids in detention under the ALP and delayed a report after she notified ALP ministers and the coalition reduced the numbers by 90%

I remember when the lefties were at least a little ashamed of their stupidity.
Now they are wearing it like a badge of honour.

Fucking retards - do you have no shame at all?
"They" (leftards, the unemployed, etc. mostly) have been spoiled and to expect "something extra back" because they are unemployed. They pay the GST, remember. :roll

Afraid to say it but Howard started the "hand outs for being alive and having kids". Then, once that sort of hand-out happens, getting it back ...... means votes and no politician wants to lose votes.

Endless irritation and annoyance with Politicians, causes one to become totally devoid of interest.

However, it is In Your Face, so something one must face and get irritated about to satisfy the moment. Fucking idjits. :hlo

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Re: What is it with the left these days?

Post by boxy » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:59 pm

Ironically, the rightards have been doing much more sobbing about all three of those subjects, for much much longer.

Hicks. Yeah, years of "eek, he's a terrorist, torture hiiiimmmm!".

The drug peddlers. Yeah, Abbott's been doing his best to piss off the Indonesians because they have the audacity to murder Australian drug runners.

And don't even start with the sob-fest that has been the response to the HRC in the last week or so, despite the HRC being critical of the treatment of asylum seekers, by the Australian government, even while Labor was responsible.

Tissue, IQs? :rofl
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Re: What is it with the left these days?

Post by Rorschach » Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:34 pm

boxy wrote:Ironically, the rightards have been doing much more sobbing about all three of those subjects, for much much longer.

Hicks. Yeah, years of "eek, he's a terrorist, torture hiiiimmmm!".

The drug peddlers. Yeah, Abbott's been doing his best to piss off the Indonesians because they have the audacity to murder Australian drug runners.

And don't even start with the sob-fest that has been the response to the HRC in the last week or so, despite the HRC being critical of the treatment of asylum seekers, by the Australian government, even while Labor was responsible.

Tissue, IQs? :rofl
Got any more bullshit to post tonight Toxic?
Give it to Tourettes sure, he deserves it, but no need to lie or be disingenuous to do it.
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Re: What is it with the left these days?

Post by boxy » Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:19 pm

You're such a sook, you can't even handle reading his bullshit, so how about you just shut up and ignore how I choose to reply to what you obviously are ill equipped to handle? There's a good boy :thumb
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Re: What is it with the left these days?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:20 pm

What a fervent imagination you have, swampy.
boxy wrote:Ironically, the rightards have been doing much more sobbing about all three of those subjects, for much much longer.

Hicks. Yeah, years of "eek, he's a terrorist, torture hiiiimmmm!".
More like years of leftard whining "*sob* Leave Daoud Awoooone *snivel*"
While conservatives have been saying who give a fuck about this admitted terrorist.
The drug peddlers. Yeah, Abbott's been doing his best to piss off the Indonesians because they have the audacity to murder Australian drug runners.
Barman, another round of soft cock shooters for the lefty sook in the corner.
And don't even start with the sob-fest that has been the response to the HRC in the last week or so, despite the HRC being critical of the treatment of asylum seekers, by the Australian government, even while Labor was responsible.
She a blatant partisan and the old bitch should get the sack, even if it is because she sees armed guards where there are none and has handy little meetings with ALP ministers to discuss when she should and should hold her partisan piss fests.
Tissue, IQs? :rofl
Your mum wouldn't like you wiping your dick on the curtains again...
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Re: What is it with the left these days?

Post by Rorschach » Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:01 pm

boxy wrote:You're such a sook, you can't even handle reading his bullshit, so how about you just shut up and ignore how I choose to reply to what you obviously are ill equipped to handle? There's a good boy :thumb
Got nothing as usual eh
You and Tourettes spring from the same mold.

If you cant sustain an argument and back it up with facts and not just mindless propaganda then perhaps you can do everyone with a brain a favour and stfu Toxic.
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Re: What is it with the left these days?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:12 pm

Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: What is it with the left these days?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:30 pm

I grew up in a staunch ALP background, fund raisers were sometimes held in my parent's mansion (Google streetscape 24 Poulter Ave Engadine, NSW). Labor Womens' coffee mornings were held in our old house (the one my father built). ALP MPs like Les Johnson, Robert Tickner, Rex Jaxson ect were semi regular visitors, and I as a child witnessed first hand ALP corruption and ridiculous rationales. Since a teen I have thought the ALP needs to be destroyed for the sake of Australia's future.

As a history buff I actally think it's good the left wingers have become so moonbatly absurd.
Y'see political sentiment is like a pendulum swinging back and forth, and when it swings one way too hard, the public backlash often tends to be even more extreme in its polar opposite.

Pre-WW2 Germany is a prime example. Regarded as the most progressive nation in Europe in the 1920s & 30s, it became the most totalitarian conservative nation in modern history.
Brown shirts could bash undesirables in public while the police watched. Brown shirts would bash those deemed communists in church and the congregation did nothing.

Pre-WW2 Italy too was going left before Musolini's fascists took over. Once the black clad fascists had run of the country they would home invade communists and force the family watch them bash the head of the household.

Those who forget the past are bound to repeat it. And our current societies must have extremely short memories because a large demographic seems addicted to self destruction.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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