Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation laws

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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by mellie » Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:59 pm

Lefy scum?


Why spend your days on PA bitching and moaning about things that don't matter?

Even Abbott was furious re- the frozen berry atrocity.

I think you'll find our government will go about making changes after this.

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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by mellie » Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:11 pm

I agree with Barnaby Joyce. ... MdX9tlLY7I

And if Abbott wont come to the party, then I might think about boycotting his government the way I have foreign produce.

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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by mellie » Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:16 pm

Labels that read like “Made in Australia from local and imported products” are simply not good enough.

We want to know exactly where our produce comes from, and if it's been grown in human excrement.


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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by Rorschach » Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:37 pm

Not sure why mel is carrying on in boxy's post... it is policy for both major party to enter into free trade agreements.

One Nation was the only party actively working against them when Hanson was in Parliament.

Emerson was all for free trade and only ON stood up and debated him in public forums. Mind you he just did what he always did... moth propaganda and platitudes.

Of course we should hold others to high standards like ours and if they fall short we should not be forced to enter into agreements that allows those standards to be lowered.
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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by mellie » Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:42 pm

Rorschach wrote:Not sure why mel is carrying on in boxy's post... it is policy for both major party to enter into free trade agreements.

One Nation was the only party actively working against them when Hanson was in Parliament.

Emerson was all for free trade and only ON stood up and debated him in public forums. Mind you he just did what he always did... moth propaganda and platitudes.

Of course we should hold others to high standards like ours and if they fall short we should not be forced to enter into agreements that allows those standards to be lowered.

Is it policy to expect our nations people to ingest human excrement and not question it Roach?

I'm with Barnaby on this one... sorry!

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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by Rorschach » Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:28 pm

I gather you just made another stupid statement mel... how usual for you. :du :du :du
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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by mantra » Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:27 am

This is only the beginning. Roach is right - governments won't do anything about it because we're committed to FTA's. Maybe when there's a massive health scare and a few thousand people are poisoned - the government might tighten the labeling laws, or at least they might say they will. We don't have much of a choice in what we buy at the supermarket - most of the food is imported. We need to buy more fresh food only from our local greengrocer or grow our own food.

We're committed to buy unregulated food products from overseas. If they're labelled properly - many products wouldn't sell.

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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:07 am

Pretty soon we will all look like pin cushions as it becomes more and more necessary to be immunised against diseases we should not have to be concerned about.

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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by mellie » Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:43 am

This article is a bit of an eye opener. ... es/6164494

Our food standards and importation regulations need to change, it's as simple as that.

People have the right to know where their food comes from, "Made in Australia from local and imported ingredients" is unacceptable, and does not tell us where our food comes from, much less what percentage of it is in fact locally produced.

Time our government made the necessary changes to labeling criteria, at least give us the opportunity to avoid contaminated produce from polluted water short nations like China.

In not doing so, they are being deceptive by omitting information that's important to the consumer.

Abbotts a bit of a Chinaphile, so I doubt he'll take this on board.

Barnaby might however.

Someone has to, because it's just not good enough.
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Re: Government needs to tighten food standards &Importation

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:55 pm

mellie wrote:After the recent scare re- Hepatitis A infected frozen Nannas berries, what will our government do to ensure our imported food supply is safe?

Sorry, not good enough, this should never have happened.

This event was inevitable since we started signing upto Free Trade Agreements.
For over a decade now, Ozzy fruit and vege growers have been complaining about having to comply with regulations that don't apply to imported goods.
A Zuccini and squash grower in my valley got so jack of it, coupled with continually being raided by feral pigs, he walked off his land (2-3 years ago) and now drives a bus in Melbourne. Recently the council was about to auction his property for rates arrears, but some neighbors paid the rates, and are holding onto his machinary (tractor ect) as collateral.

Anyway, I don't buy American fruit because it's irradiated with Strontium 90.
The irradiation doesn't make it radioactive per se, it mostly just kills bacteria, which gives the product a longer shelf life. But irradiated fruit and vege has about the same nutritional value as flavoured cardboard. The vitamins (especially vitamin C) and enzymes (required to extract the nutrients) are destroyed.

The reason I don't buy Chinese fruit and vege is because I've known for a long time that spraying crops with raw human excrement is common practice in China. Something completely prohibited in OZ for basic health reasons. If you want to fertilise with black water/human faecal matter in OZ, it must be via underground irrigation, such as trickle tape ect.
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