Immigration and Multiculturalism

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:05 pm

boxy wrote:Posting right wing, racist lies on the forum? Tsk, tsk :oops:
care to back that little Prog rant up with some facts poxy?
Like where the racism is?
What proof you have that the RW has anything to do with it?
Like where you disagree with the sentiments in the piece?
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:14 pm

Muslims Segregated From French Society in Growing Islamist Mini-states
By Rowan Scarborough
Washington Times
Posted 2015-01-09 20:33 GMT

A backdrop to the massacre in Paris on Wednesday by self-professed al Qaeda terrorists is that city officials have increasingly ceded control of heavily Muslim neighborhoods to Islamists, block by block.

France has Europe's largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day and casting aside Western legal systems for harsh, Islam-based Shariah law.

"The situation is out of control, and it is not reversible," said Soeren Kern, an analyst at the Gatestone Institute and author of annual reports on the "Islamization of France."

"Islam is a permanent part of France now. It is not going away," Mr. Kern said. "I think the future looks very bleak. The problem is a lot of these younger-generation Muslims are not integrating into French society. Although they are French citizens, they don't really have a future in French society. They feel very alienated from France. This is why radical Islam is so attractive because it gives them a sense of meaning in their life."

While not a complete safe-haven for al Qaeda-type operatives, Paris and other French cities have become more fertile places for Muslim extremists in the past decade. City leaders have allowed virtual Islamic mini-states to thrive as Muslims gain power to govern in their own way.

"There are no-go areas not just in Paris, but all over France, where they are effectively in control," said Robert Spencer, who directs, a nonprofit that monitors Muslim extremists.

"They're operating with impunity, apparently secure in the knowledge that authorities cannot or will not act decisively to stop them," he said. "And with the universal denial and obfuscation of the clear motive for the Charlie Hebdo attack, they have good reason to think that."

The attackers who killed 12 people at the offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo claimed to be members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen. Witnesses said they spoke perfect French, a strong indication that they are homegrown terrorists who received help from AQAP or another group.

Mr. Kern said the connection between the attack and the Islamization movement is that French jihadis are becoming bolder in trying to stamp out any criticism of Islam.

"What they are trying to do is shut down any sort of criticism of Islam, any sort of speech, cartoons, discussion, anything," he said. "Essentially, the French government and the other European governments have lost control over the situation. It's a snowball that is growing bigger and bigger, in particular over the past 10 years."

Last year, AQAP put Charlie Hebdo editor and cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier on a "Most Wanted" poster for lampooning the Prophet Muhammad. He was among the 12 killed by hooded assailants firing assault rifles Wednesday morning at a weekly staff gathering.

The Middle East Media Research Institute reported that French jihadis on Twitter were openly chattering about how to retaliate against Charlie Hebdo for its comic book biography of Muhammad. One idea was to immediately start killing French nationals.

While French jihadis were plotting a wave of violence, Mr. Kern and the Gatestone Institute issued a report on the Islamization of France in 2013, and a follow-up in December.

The think tank, led by John R. Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said the country's Muslim population last year reached 6.5 million, or 10 percent of its 66 million people. That makes France the European country with the largest Muslim minority.

Some Muslim activists gleefully predict that France will be a Muslim-majority country in the not-too-distant future.

"Who has the right to say that France in 30 or 40 years will not be a Muslim country? Who has the right in this country to deprive us of it?" said Marwan Muhammed, a spokesman for Collective Against Islamophobia in France.

Gatestone reports that an intelligence document leaked to Le Figaro said Muslims are creating a separate public school society "completely cut off from non-Muslim students."
Over 1,000 French supermarkets are selling Islamic books that call for jihad and the killing of non-Muslims. A poll commissioned by the newspaper Le Monde last year found that 74 percent of French citizens view Islam as intolerant and as incompatible with French values.

Some French politicians are speaking out.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said last year, "We are fighting terrorism outside of France, but we are also fighting an internal enemy since there are those French who fit into this process of radicalization. This enemy must be fought with the greatest determination."

Said Mr. Kern, "Europe is very committed to multiculturalism. So any speech critical of Islam is immediately branded as being Islamophobic or racist or something like that. There's not really an honest debate about what's going on in Europe because the European elite have so much invested in this multicultural society that they're trying to build."
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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:17 pm

boxy wrote:Posting right wing, racist lies on the forum? Tsk, tsk :oops:
Boxy thinks its racist because his mum is a fat fucking pig.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by AnaTom » Sat Jan 31, 2015 2:16 pm

Here ... y_Preview/

I found a mini documentary about enforced multiculti. They make a point of China and other nations not undergoing mandated migration.

It makes me wonder who is doing this. I mean how are the politicians in say Europe making this happen. Can we blame them, and if not who? The video postulates that in about twenty years some European countries will have minoritised their white populations. How does this come from white leadership?

I wonder what will become of these places in thirty or so years. Will they be trashy places, or vibrant democracies like they used to be. There are too many questions.

Where is the world going too.

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jan 31, 2015 2:39 pm

To hell in a handbasket if Progs like the Greens get their way.
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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by mellie » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:23 pm

I am opposed to multiculturalism, think we should be integrating all races here in Australia and pandering to minorities less so.
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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by AnaTom » Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:41 pm

Here is a victory for those who scream whites are racist:

"The girls were specifically selected by the Muslim rape gangs because they were white. They were seen as “easy meat”. Their so-called “white privilege” didn’t help them at all – in fact it was an integral reason why they were targeted by the criminals and then abandoned by the authorities, who feared being labeled “racist”." ... lege-myth/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

What a disgrace, people are letting us down with their screams of racism and bigotry. Those who are usually tough and charged with representing us, are now so cowed, they cant even protect their own.

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:43 am

Police have claimed the two men arrested by counter-terrorism officers planned to carry out an attack on the community yesterday.

Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn admitted the force did not know anything about the men, aged 24 and 25, just hours before the arrests were carried out at a Fairfield residence on Riverview Road just after 4pm yesterday afternoon.

"These men were not on our radar," she said.

Ms Burn said police had seized a machete, a knife, a flag "representing" terrorist group ISIL, and a video which showed a man talking about carrying out an attack.

She said the attack was planned as "revenge" for incidents overseas.

"The type of act that we will allege was going to take place is consistent with IS messages," she said, referring to another acronym used to describe the militants.

She said police had been forced to act quickly to stem what she believed would have been a violent attack on Australian soil.

"We received information that an attack was imminent and we acted," she said.

ISIL has in the past urged homegrown extremists to carry out attacks on Western police and other authority figures.

The group has also become notorious for its filmed beheadings of hostages.

Ms Burn said the men posed no further threat to the community, but emphasised the need for the public to come forward with any information.

"The concerning thing is that it represents the nature of the environment we currently face," she said.

"We are ready, willing and more than able to respond to disrupt the plans of those who think they can engage in what can only be described as hideous offences so strongly opposed by the community."

The men will face Fairfield Local Court today charged with plotting to carry out a terrorist act.

The officers who carried out the arrest were from Operation Castrum, which is composed of officers from the Joint Counter Terrorism Team Sydney and members of the Tactical Operations Unit.

Read more at ... ToigG9m.99" onclick=";return false;

What's the bet they get bail?

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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:35 pm

Ah yes.... immigration/multiculti and the enemy within...
Prime Minister Tony Abbott accused of bullying Muslim leader Ibrahim Abu Muhammad
Date February 22, 2015 - 2:55AM
Natalie O'Brien

Dozens of Muslim leaders and organisations around the country have hit out at the Prime Minister Tony Abbott for "bullying" the mufti of Australia and Islamic groups that criticise his government.

In a joint statement signed by 64 organisations and 42 community and religious leaders, they have opposed Mr Abbott's "politically convenient" threats to tackle and crack down on Islamic groups whose only crime has been to speak out about his stance towards Muslims.

The statement said that they "opposed" the bullying of the nation's highest Islamic leader, Ibrahim Abu Muhammad, because of his opposition to Mr Abbott's attempts to silence people.

The community released the statement before an address to parliament by Mr Abbott on Monday outlining changes to the nation's national security framework. It is believed that it will include moves to strip Australians with dual nationalities of their citizenship if they become involved in terrorism. It comes as a university student from Perth is the latest recruit to the terror group ISIS. It has been reported that Muhammed Sheglabo told his family he was going on a camping trip, but he has turned up on the Iraq-Syria border with ISIS militants.

Mr Abbott has angered the community for criticised the mufti, Dr Abu Mohammed, for speaking out against a possible ban on Hizb ut-Tahrir, saying the mufti's comments were wrong-headed and unhelpful. Which they were... but at least we know where he and his followers are coming from... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Dr Abu Mohammed, the leader of Muslims in Australia, has said it would be a "political mistake" to ban the group.

The community statement comes amid more reports that Muslims are feeling a backlash and are being targeted by the community and authorities. Ah yes the old old lie about being victims, their first fall back blame others.

A Muslim woman picking up her child from the Christian school which she attends, has said she was questioned by police while she was sitting in her car waiting across the road from the Sydney primary school.

The statement said: "We deplore and denounce the continued public targeting of Muslims through abominable 'anti-terror' laws. The laws passed in late 2014 have been used to justify opportunistic raids on Muslim homes, have created media and community hysteria where in the majority of cases no crime was committed, and have created distressing and harmful backlash towards Muslims, especially women and children." And have caught wannabe terrorists...

Hizb ut-Tahrir has said attempts to ban its organisation would be laughable if they weren't so serious. So says the organisation that supports ISIS/ISIL/IS want an end to; democracy, the west, israel, non-muslims and our system of law. That sees no problems with angry muslims bombing innocent civilians.

A spokesman said their media statements made their position very clear. "We don't support the methods, the crimes of ISIS, or their claim to a caliphate. What else do we need to say to show we don't support them?" LOL... you support a caliphate and their goals you lying shyt.

"The threat to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir is laughable, for Hizb ut-Tahrir is nothing but its ideas and it would be disingenuous to believe one can ban ideas," a media statement from the organisation said. Yet you are banned in many countries many Muslim countries.

"There is nothing courageous about employing the entire resources of the state apparatus to prevent an already disadvantaged group from merely expressing themselves and their faith."
Time we started to get tough on the people who we cannot rely on and take us for fools.
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Re: Immigration and Multiculturalism

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:52 pm

Release of Lindt cafe siege inquiry to inform Prime Minister Tony Abbott's national security address
Date February 21, 2015 - 10:56PM
Heath Aston
Political reporter

The first inquiry into the deadly Lindt Cafe siege will be released on Sunday, with its findings to shape Prime Minister Tony Abbott's address on national security this week.

Mr Abbott will join Premier Mike Baird to launch the joint Commonwealth – state investigation into the Martin Place terror tragedy in December.

It is expected to recommend changes to welfare and legal procedures and call for tighter immigration procedures after siege gunman Man Haron Monis was granted refugee status, existed for years on welfare and managed to remain outside jail despite facing a string of criminal charges against him.

But the joint inquiry, authored by Michael Thawley, head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and Blair Comley, head of the Premier's department, is not expected to identify any systemic failure by public agencies. typical...

The inquiry report will be expanded upon by Mr Abbott when he addresses the House of Representatives on Monday.

He has already signalled an intention to get tough on potential terrorists playing society "for mugs".

"For too long, we have given those who might be a threat to our country, the benefit of the doubt," he said last week.

On Saturday, Mr Abbott took aim at the 57 jihadists who have left Australia to take arms for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria – 55 of whom were recipients of the dole or disability benefits.

This is not good enough. If you are fit enough to go overseas to fight for a terrorist organisation, surely you should not be abusing the welfare system back in Australia," he said.

"For too long, we have given people who don't have this country's interests at heart, the benefit of the doubt."

In an opinion piece for News Ltd, Mr Abbott wrote: "Rightly, Australians will be angry that their hard-earned taxes have been supporting people who are identifying themselves as bloodthirsty killers."

"Australians don't like being played and they recognise that, along with the enormous privilege of belonging to our great nation, with all its benefits, come obligations. This is why my government legislated last year to ensure that welfare payments to people who are assessed by ASIO to be a threat to security can be promptly terminated." On Monday, Mr Abbott is expected to outline plans to join other countries like Britain, France and Canada in stripping citizenship from dual nationals engaging in terrorism. Hear, hear...

He will also urge Labor to support the government's legislation that will require telecommunications companies to store customer metadata for at least two years.

Under the government's proposal, phone and internet firms would be forced to store details such as the time and place of phone calls, and the origin and destination of emails. It does not include the content of communications.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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