Jolie wins the world’s admiration

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Jolie wins the world’s admiration

Post by Super Nova » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:05 pm

Ladies - is this deserved....?

Jolie wins the world’s admiration


To be a universally admired woman whose popularity transcends cultures and countries is easy. Have a phenomenally successful film career followed by a stint as a UN ambassador, or be a royal.

Angelina Jolie (Tomb Raider, then UN special envoy for refugees) has been named the world’s most admired woman in a survey of 25,000 people from 23 countries, leapfrogging the Queen in the rankings.

One in ten of those polled considered the actress to be more worthy of respect not only than Her Majesty, but also Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton and Sonia Gandhi, among others.

The YouGov poll, which broke down results by country, is not all bad news for Britain. Emma Watson (Harry Potter, then UN women goodwill ambassador) is a new entrant, coming in at No 11 in Britain. In Germany she beats Aung San Suu Kyi, she is only slightly below Sarah Palin in the US and on a par with Malala Yousafzai in Malaysia.

For men, the formula for success is simpler. Either give away your money like Bill Gates (No 1 globally), Jack Ma (eighth) and Warren Buffett (tenth); be good with your feet like David Beckham (12th) and Jackie Chan (an unexpected fourth); or be married to Jolie — Brad Pitt is No 13.

Britain’s highest-ranking man is less easy to categorise. After the success of the film The Theory of Everything — and, to give him his due, a career in physics that culminated in holding Isaac Newton’s chair in Cambridge while also suffering from motor neurone disease — Stephen Hawking came top in the UK and ninth globally.

Perhaps validating Britain’s decision to allow female succession, male royals generally only ranked in the top 30 in their own realm.

The Queen was admired in every country surveyed — in Nigeria even defeating the formidable Jolie — and the Duchess of Cambridge managed to impress so consistently that she overhauled Beyoncé Knowles in Saudi Arabia.

Prince Harry, whose achievements last year included downing champagne from the prosthetic leg of a wounded veteran, pipped Pope Francis to eighth place among Britons but was not alone in finding he was only appreciated in his home country.

Female politicians suffered similarly and despite strong UK rankings for Caroline Lucas, Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May, all have yet to make an impact internationally. Unlike Bono, who was ignored everywhere except for Finland.

The poll was conducted by asking almost 30,000 people to name the man or woman they most admired, then compiling a list of the most common answers in each country for a subsequent vote.

People were allowed to choose one favourite and select any others they also respected. The final rankings combined these two factors.

One mystery remains. There is a woman who appears in sixth position globally, is first in Nigeria, fourth in Indonesia and middle-ranking almost everywhere else despite having done little of international note for a decade since she sang the theme song to Titanic. Whoever thought there were so many closet Celine Dion fans? ... 340421.ece
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Re: Jolie wins the world’s admiration

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:11 pm

I've admired her since... Hackers, more even after Girl, Interupted.

Sorry cant attach a photo :huh :WTF :roll:
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Re: Jolie wins the world’s admiration

Post by boxy » Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:29 am

Such a poll is only ever going to come out with the person who is kinda alright, but the most widely known. Basically, what you have here, is the best know celebrity who has managed to keep from getting arrested or publicly shamed for being a complete dickhead (like so many of the rest).

Don't get me wrong, she's done quite a bit to help out others... but a lot of it has been publicity related (ie. bringing it to our attention) or throwing money at it. She's deserving of respect... but I just see the "most admired" tag as meaningless when you consider that it's just a measure of the publicity they get.
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Re: Jolie wins the world’s admiration

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:36 am

Adopt a black baby and lefties will slobber all over you.

...just like boxy has here.
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Re: Jolie wins the world’s admiration

Post by boxy » Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:15 am

Get dragged out to awards ceremoines by your minders, who still can't stop you from spouting racist/sexist rubbish at every opportunity, and conservatives will slobber all over your feet just because you're royalty, and want to knight you, just like Tony just did :rofl
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Re: Jolie wins the world’s admiration

Post by Neferti » Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:53 am

Back in the 90's Angelina was a heroin addict. There is a YouTube recording around, do a search for it. She has also confirmed this in various interviews.


She has come a long way. However, she also stole Brad off Jennifer. I think she is attractive. Most Movie Stars are Democrats.

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Re: Jolie wins the world’s admiration

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:20 am

Rorschach wrote: Girl, Interupted.
i liked her in that movie as well. didn't zoe deschanel get her start in that movie?

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Re: Jolie wins the world’s admiration

Post by lisa jones » Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:54 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:
Rorschach wrote: Girl, Interupted.
i liked her in that movie as well. didn't zoe deschanel get her start in that movie?
I thought the movie was meh.

Then again, I was never into Angelina Jolie.
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