mantra wrote:
I have always voted for the party who I believed had the best interests of the country at heart.
That is why I have always voted Liberal.
Since Bob Brown left the Greens - they have become more mainstream and strayed away from their grass root policies.
When Bob Brown was on his Environment-saving kick, he was well thought of in certain circles. Once he added all sorts of other rubbish to the Greens Agenda, he lost credibility. He should have stayed hugging trees.
I don't think I dislike Abbott as much as some of his former supporters. His stance reminds me of the conservatism experienced by some of us who grew up in the sixties. There is something comforting and familiar in this, but it is also regressive and obviously doesn't appear to appeal to the majority of the voters.
I have never, ever met Tony Abbott in person so I can't say whether I like him or dislike him. He is the Prime Minister and I don't bow down to politicians but I have the decency to acknowledge his position. However, that doesn't mean I agree with everything he (or his Cabinet) says or does. His Party (the Coalition) was voted in, in good faith and he should be given a decent time to get things done.
Australia in the sixties? Were you old enough to worry about who was the Prime Minister back then? I certainly was NOT. ... the-60s-15
I'm not happy with Labor and never have been. We should have tightened our belts in 2007, but the government today is trying to go too far and too quickly with their austerity measures. If they were moving a little more slowly, there wouldn't be such a backlash.
Keep an eye on how Good Old Queensland handles this if this Anna-thing-a-me actually gets in. Queenslanders have rocks in their heads and they deserve EVERYTHING that they wished for. She didn't even know what the current GST rate was. Huh? Her Father is Polish. Enough said.
You're on your OWN Queensland. Don't come whining to the Federal Government for hand-outs.