Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:42 am

Neferti~ wrote:
Black Orchid wrote:Fake IDs aren't hard to come by and I imagine they are quite prolific out in places like Auburn/Lakemba/Bankstown etc.
I can imagine many eyes rolling back or glazing over when a new customer says his "christian name" is Mohammed .... what comes after that would put off any kid on a desk in such an establishment, especially a Government one. Call yourself what you wish but make sure you have "papers" to apply to Centrelink and have a Bank Account. Somebody, out there, must be aiding and abetting this lot of freeloaders.

The concern is BO, how he was able to use these "aliases" in our judicial system.

And according to our national security agency, he was registered as having firearms, possibly under one or more of his aliases, despite NSW police claiming otherwise following Abbott raising the matter.

I don't believe they were fake ID's so much as they were aliases he was permissioned for whatever reason.

He was able to use at least two of these known aliases in our court system, so they weren't "fake ID's" rather were "permissioned" aliases, perhaps by ASIO?

His political ideology seemed to change abruptly with each incoming government, as though he were a patsy at their disposal.

Ie, when he was being John Howards propaganda poster boy on the ABC, he was anti Iranian and pro-war + invasion.

Then when Rudd came in, his political ideology and stance altered abruptly.

He became increasingly agitated when he realised the new Rudd/Gillard government had no intentions of allowing him to bring his wife and children from Iran to Australia, who remain under house arrest in Iran.

Now, around 1:30 am on Monday morning, before the siege ended I placed a link to his now pulled website on this forum, of which had not been pulled at the time I posed it. ... 0&start=30

Some of you who saw it might recall actual images of dead children (due to war) on the front page.

Did any of you think to save the website's pages, and it's associated links to other documents such as the redacted document he attached to his website in October, 2014 in the lead up to this siege?

I'll place them here again. <----the site they pulled shortly after the siege ended <---- Still up (this was linked to the original website that got pulled) ... dacted.pdf<----- Still up, redacted October final letter (this was also linked to the original website that got pulled)
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:11 am

I'm left wondering how long it will take before they pull the last two documents he attached to his website.

I'm also left wondering why there appears to be more questions than answers surrounding this entire affair/operation.

But you need not worry, if our authorities have their way, this will all be swept up, done and dusted by the end of January 2015.

And finally, i'm left wondering how long it will take before the penny drops and people start raising the important questions.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:36 am

He not only claimed to have worked for Iranian intelligence agency, but also published a book of poetry in Persian in 1996. ... gws_rd=ssl

I wouldn't mind getting a translated copy of it.

Mad-man -vrs- man driven mad I wonder?
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:21 am

Interestly, it seems Iran warned Australia, and even sort his extradition back to Iran for fraud offenses , which our government declined apparently.
No, because we were too busy using him as a pro-war liberal Muslim poster boy, amongst other things it now seems.

Interestingly, Irans media depict Monis as a western dressed con-artist, whereas our media depicted him as a devout liberal Muslim asylum seeker dressed in sheikhs robes.

I cant help but think ASIO knew exactly what he was the whole time, and took advantage of his Iranian intelligence background and shape-shifting attributes. ... tist.html#

A Muslim you say?

Well, i'm not so sure about that now.

Just because someone claims to be a Muslim, and dresses in Sheikhs clothing isnt to say they are.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:49 am

Monis, posing as the high ranking liberal "Ayatollah" Islamic poster-boy for our ABC radio national ........
David Rutledge: Ayatollah, can you tell me how long have you been resident in Australia?

Manteghi Boroujerdi: I have been in Australia more than four years.

David Rutledge: And why did you leave Iran?

Manteghi Boroujerdi: Because my life was in danger, and if I would leave Iran maybe few weeks late, maybe I couldn't leave Iran.

David Rutledge: What was your position in the government?

Manteghi Boroujerdi: In Iran, mostly I have been involved with the Ministry of Intelligence and Security.

David Rutledge: Your family is back in Iran and they're not allowed to join you, is this correct?

Manteghi Boroujerdi: Yes, more than four years I have not seen my family, and the Iranian regime doesn't let them come out. In fact I can say they are hostage; as a hostage the Iranian regime wants to make me silent, because I have some secret information about government, and about their terrorist operations in the war. I sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and somebody on behalf of Mr Kofi Anan sent the answer, and they want to do something. I have hope and always I pray and ask God to solve my problem.

David Rutledge: What would happen to you if you went back to Iran?

Manteghi Boroujerdi: I would be executed.

David Rutledge: So now you're here, outside the State Houses of Parliament on Macquarie Street; how long have you been here for?

Manteghi Boroujerdi: This the 19th day I am in this protest, and chaining myself, my hand and my leg, to this Parliament. I want first of all to show to people of Australia that the Iranian regime is against human rights, and I am gathering some signatures in this petition. I have more than 1,000 signatures, Australian people are really nice and kind people, and I want to send this petition to Mr John Howard to ask the Prime Minister to ask the Iranian regime to free my family, because the Iranian regime has a good economic relation with Australia, so I think if the Prime Minister asks the Iranian regime to free my family, they will do.

David Rutledge: In Australia, the Iranian government is usually referred to as an 'Islamic' government; do you think this is a true representation of the Iranian government, are they truly Islamic?

Manteghi Boroujerdi: If we explain about the meaning of the word 'Islamic' as a religious society, if we say Islamic society is a religious society, and a society which has a relation with God, and wants to be honest, we can say Australia, Canada, England, USA, so many western countries, they are religious societies. They don't say 'We are religious', but in fact the spirit of religion, we can see the spirit of religion in these societies. And some other countries in the Middle East, in Asia, they say 'We are Islamic' they have a name of Islamic, but in fact they are not religious societies and religious governments.

Whenever I walk in the street, whenever I go out in Australia, I feel I am in a real religious society. I don't want to say it is perfect, we don't have a perfect society on the earth, but when we compare, if we compare Australia with Iran and other countries in the Middle East, we can say it is heaven.

Stephen Crittenden: And we are in paradise.

That's all this week. Thanks to John Diamond and our new producer, David Rutledge. ... in/3478556
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:56 pm

Iran says Australian intelligence is behind it.

Director of strategic research centre for Iran's Expediency Council called it an ignominious plot.

How or why he's arrived at this conclusion is anyones guess. :roll:
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Bart » Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:17 pm

mellie wrote: Perhaps you could put your Jewish penis in Boxy's Muslim mouth and help bring peace to the middle east?

Bazingaaa! :beer

At least now we know how IQ got circumsized!
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Neferti » Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:15 pm

Bart wrote:
mellie wrote: Perhaps you could put your Jewish penis in Boxy's Muslim mouth and help bring peace to the middle east?

Bazingaaa! :beer

At least now we know how IQ got circumsized!
:clap :clap :clap
and you're not? :du :du :du


Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by AshLee » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:36 pm

mellie wrote:Roach, did I say he wasnt a Muslim?

No, what I said was that an extremist nutcase from any religious group could have gone off their rocker.


Because to my knowledge, mental illness doesnt discriminate.
Neither does the Koran as long as you aren't a muslim like monis WAS.

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:42 am

Neferti~ wrote:
Bart wrote:
mellie wrote: Perhaps you could put your Jewish penis in Boxy's Muslim mouth and help bring peace to the middle east?

Bazingaaa! :beer

At least now we know how IQ got circumsized!
:clap :clap :clap
and you're not? :du :du :du
Mellie likes to collect dick cheese so she can dip her Jatz crackers in it.
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