Neferti~ wrote:The AFP have taken responsibility for giving Tony Abbott the incorrect information about Monis having a gun licence.
As reported by the ABC ... ce/5976112
Here is the Official AFP Media Release. ... monis.aspx
Thats now where the information came from Nef.
I can see now how this "Commonwealth Enquiry" will be nothing short of an elaborate series of cover-ups and back-scratchery.
I'm starting to wonder if ASIO intended for this madman to finally snap his cap.
As for every crazed Muslim demanding to speak to Tony in the wake of him having taken this madmans call.... Dont kid yourself!
Are any of you aware that he claims to have worked for Iran's intel ministry which the madman claims was conspiring with ASIO to have him imprisioned under charges of murder and sexual assault?
At his final court hearing, he requested ASIO documents, what were these documents I wonder?
They were published on his website, however, his website has since been pulled by our authorities, as was his facebook page.
Have you read the article I posted from Global research and the wiki.en page also?
Something smells off here, and it's not the cheese under Roaches dick.