Extract from Astralian article 'Lessons in new extremism'
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-dept ... de21479552
Days after authorities thwarted a plot to behead a random victim in Sydney, allegedly ordered by senior Islamic State figure and Australian expatriate Mohammed Ali Baryalei, the group’s spokesman, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, distributed a speech calling on jihadist fighters to hand out retribution for the attacks of coalition forces “and bring the war to their soil”. Australian intelligence agencies said then that they regarded the threat as “genuine”.
Islamic State urged individual Muslims to kill civilians by any means necessary, and to do so without waiting for instructions from the terror group’s leaders.
“If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely on Allah, and kill him in any manner or way, however it may be,” Adnani said.
Those who could not find a bomb or a bullet should use a knife to “slaughter” or a rock to “bash” a victim to death, a car to run them down or poison to kill them. Adnani said civilians deserved to die because they belonged to a state waging war against Muslims and the gathering alliance against Islamic State was the “final campaign of the Crusaders”.
“It will be broken and defeated, just as all your previous campaigns were broken and defeated,” he said, “except that this time we will raid you thereafter and you will never raid us. We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah the Exalted.”
Adnani said Islamic State was ready for a long war that would be fought by its children and grandchildren.
“They will sell your sons as slaves in the slave market,” he said.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?