skippy wrote:I'm not going to embarrass you anymore.
You didn't embarrass me at all. Oh and I wouldn't make that a goal in life either Skip so far over the years it hasn't been working for you.
It's clear I quoted the Bolt article as written and as titled by Bolt in its original media form for the publication he writes for. It's even titled Herald sun.
I quoted the article and you said it was a spurious copy... The article in the Herald Sun is called
High Time for Abbott Government to do or die that is as I stated, a call to action not capitulation.
The DT as a sister publication may have toned down Bolts original title but honestly you're just looking really delusional trying to deny Bolt isn't writing about Abbott's government being in it shit and diluting the title.
What I've been saying is that your focus is not only biased but so narrow you think a title which varies from paper to paper covering the same article and not titled by the author as you state, is the guts of the article. It is NOT. Pretty simple really, and not the least bit embarrassing, because my mind isn't closed about it or the meaning of the article itself. Unlike yours.
I even addressed most of the points in it unlike you.
To answer the question Re a DD
If I was Abbott I'd be calling a DD and labor would be lost in my dust floundering. There is no other competition and they are still the same old party with the same old policies.
Proof you are delusional if you think Abbott could win an election now.
I think Shorten is the worst Labor leader I've ever seen but he's still better than Abbott. I'm so sure Abbott will lose I won't be voting myself as I don't want to have to preference either of the parties while these dickheads are leader.
Well I'm not delusional or a rusted-on nor do I suffer from hating politicians or any particular bias. You can't say that and be truthful.
I think that any party 2 years out from an election can win it.
I think given the right strategy now Abbott could win one, I certainly believe I could in his position.
I don't think Bill is the worst Labor leader ever. I think Rudd was atrocious and Julia was bad. She was IMO a great Deputy though.
You vote policy Skip,
not party leader you put your country first and vote policy.