1/The government argues that the polls flatter Labor and come the election, voters will reject an Opposition that won't turn back the boats, cut spending or axe its planned carbon tax. There is only 1 poll that counts.
2/The government argues it's making the hard decisions now to fix the Budget and has still 2 years left to make voters feel better. Like most governments do.
3/It didn't schedule the MH17 disaster. Sure, its free trade deals with China, Japan, and South Korea are huge wins. And yes it has handled them brilliantly. Yet to be seen but they didn't mishandle them.
4/To many voters this packed foreign agenda will increasingly seem an evasion from their domestic priorities.
5/What Media Strategy? I blame Credlin.
6/There is little sign of a long term selling strategy for everything from the Budget to the Trade deals. This is deadly given the ferocious hatred of Abbott in the media Left, especially the massive ABC. Check out Monday's Q&A, which even one participant, Malcolm Turnbull agreed was another "Abbott hatefest". And what is the Liberal strategy for calling outABC bias? Yes, yes, yes and yes. Even your hero recognises it for what it is.

7/Stop playing nice. I suggest you read all of that one direct from the actual article.
8/The government has picked too many fights it simply cannot win and, which risks making it seem hapless. It must ditch the undoable, argue only for what it can win. Yep, again Credlin.
9/The Minister most admired by the Left Wing media, Malcolm Turnbull. Yep.
10/ Treasurer Joe Hockey must lift. But is weighted down by ideology from Cormann and Robb. Perhaps they should make Turnbull Treasurer.
11/Fresher faces - women particularly - are also needed. But advancement only on merit.
12/It's one big moral cause is the constitutional recognition of Aborigines, which is of marginal interest and divisive. Yep, I won't vote for it they are already recognised as Australians like the rest of us.
13/Labor is great at funding interest groups to say it is wonderful. Yep.
So you see Skip the actual article is not all doom and gloom at all. it's a call to action, which is why the DT title is totally appropriate...
Dust yourself off and fight...