Double Dissolution

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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:08 pm

skippy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Malcolm already failed as leader...
The Libs would lose the conservative vote.
He is a Labor PM not a Liberal PM.
That's why so many of you prog rusted-ons want him as liberal leader.
I disagree. Conservatives going to vote Labor? No they aren't. They have to preference someone above the other, no matter the spin you put on it you can vote for the free midi em free the marijuana party et al but eventually it come down to putting Liberal or Labor before the other and conservatives are not going to preference Labor before Liberal. So the argument you would lose conservative votes is null and void.
Turnbull would win an election for which ever major party installed him as leader. Half the Liberal voters would happily vote for him as would half the Labor so he doesn't even need the preferences of those not happy.
Australia is in a position where both major parties have total fuckwits leading them and every opinion poll tells us Turnbull is always the people's choice above everyone else. I had to laugh at the news lmd press last week pushing Bishop, she polled half of Turnbulls popularity. :rofl :rofl :rofl
I hope the Libs don't install Malcolm, they ignore the public wishes thinking they know best so fuck them they don't deserve to govern any more than Labor do. Labor ignored their own rank and file too with Shorten over Albo.

PS thanks for posting up that article, Solonoid. :thumb
I never said they'd vote Labor Skip... now did I... :oops
I think you'd find the vote very fractured and Labor would get in. They would make a protest vote and believe me he isn't well liked amongst the Liberals the Wets are a very small minority.
Turnbull is like Rudd, he is always right and never listens to others. He puts people off side. He makes poor political decisions and policy decisions. I doubt he'd even get up as leader. He'd still be leader and PM if all that was not true of him.
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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:10 pm

skippy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:
skippy wrote:They are my opinions, it seems I agree with the 55% TPP of news poll this week that Abbott is not worth Re electing. After trailing for fourteen polls in row no government has gone on to win an election. You're entitled to prove me wrong, good luck.
Please post the poll question and stats....
so far I'm thinking the next election will prove you wrong Skip...
What has Labor offered except more of the same.... and we just voted them out resoundingly. :roll:
What did Abbott offer at the last election?
I don't care if you believe me or the polls or not I saw the same thing when Labor were in power. What I have never seen is a party win an election after losing fourteen straight polls in a row starting only three months after they were elected. Feel free to prove me wrong.
I can't prove you wrong without an election Skip so stop asking me to. :roll:
I already explained your flawed logic please don't keep repeating it when I already refuted it.
Oh and it is hard to prove anything when you fail to post the very thing we are debating about. Where's that poll question?
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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:32 pm

I don't need to think anything, the overwhelming g majority of voters look at the leader, they did it with Labor and are doing it now. Pretending voters elect a party and not a leader is delusional.
Ok lets forget that crap for starters ok we don’t elect the PM most educated and interested people know that.
They also know leaders get changed and those that didn’t prior to 2010 certainly know now so lets not call most voters ignorant morons.
The right wing press hammered Gillard and now Abbott is coping the same.

Yes all 5 of them… Don’t be so disingenuous or repeat ALP propaganda.
But hey you don't need to take my word for all this the biggest Lib fan boy in the country says the Abbott government must change now or die it's not a lefty conspiracy that Abbott is very unpopular along with the government he leads.
Personally I think one A.Jones is the biggest, by a country mile.
As for your assertion the Abbott gov will win against Labor you obviously didn't learn anything from the last election when Labor were up against a clutz like Abbott. Abbott has now proven he is a loser as PM and only the apologists are holding on. Even Bolt knows Abbott is about to die, just read his article.
Your opinion is biased. I don’t suffer from that problem. I’m no fan of Abbott or the Libs, but unlike you I won’t lie about them or Labor. I won’t even colour Bolts opinions like you did. BTW his article doesn’t say what you said it did. Did you actually read it. Or did you do what you told me ages ago you do… and didn’t read Bolt?

Thanks for the article post Sol… next time include the title please.

Dust Yourself Off and Fight

That is the title not what skippy was saying and you strangely enough left off.

Oh and don’t edit the article in future just quote it as a whole article please… now I have to go buy a paper and retype the whole bloody thing.

I take the thanks back.
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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by skippy » Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:41 pm

The Abbott Government must now change or die

Are you intentionally lying or illiterate? This is the title of the article.
Dust yourself off and fight was a line near the bottom of the article, the heading was what I have quoted. In fact you can even see it in the link. :roll if you don't want our opinions don't ask for them as you did in your opening post. :o

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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by skippy » Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:52 pm

A screen shot to prove my point. :rofl
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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:22 pm

The DT has the Andrew Bolt column/page and the large title at the top says..
and I quote...

Dust yourself off and fight

Are you looking at the blog and not the article?
Could it be that different papers make up different titles and Andrew Bolt has no say in it?
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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:25 pm

When you've finished chucking a fluffy Skip perhaps you could be more reasonable like me... and go out of your way to check things more thoroughly first before calling people names.
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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:37 pm

Now, as I was saying, it would seem the article is indeed about fighting back and not letting labor and it's media supporters get away with lies and never ending ad hom.
It would seem Skippy is wrong if he believes Bolt has chucked in the towel or thinks that Abbott and the Government are doomed and will lose the next election. Much as Skippy would love this.

From the horses mouth...
To explain my recent criticism...
Andrew Bolt
Thursday, November 20, 2014 (7:17am)

I like Tony Abbott. Indeed, in many ways I admire him. He is warm, kind, selfless, thoughtful, modest and introspective. I also think his Government means well and has done many good things.

That I criticise him and his Government’s performance in no way reflects some disenchantment or dislike of Abbott.

It comes more from a frustration that the Government isn’t doing as well in the polls as it deserves and that it cannot do as much good as it intends.

And there is this: I am often asked by people who don’t like the Abbott they see on TV what he’s really like, and always I respond that if they knew the real man as I do they would change their minds.

The very opposite was true of Kevin Rudd.

Niki Savva suggests many other Abbott supporters feel the same:

Those who know Abbott have trouble reconciling the public with the private persona. Some leaders come alive in front of cameras. Abbott shrinks. He looks awkward, his speech is stilted and he slips too easily into slogans or inappropriate rhetoric.

His narrow opening remarks to the G20 leaders retreat were embarrassing. Inside the privacy of the meetings, participants were taken by his warmth and sure handling of proceedings.

Matching this reality with the image is a key job of the Abbott team.
Now I've always criticised Credlin and this backs up why.

If I was Abbott I'd be calling a DD and labor would be lost in my dust floundering. There is no other competition and they are still the same old party with the same old policies.
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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:40 pm

You may recall Skip that those rabid prog ferals of the darling prog Left; Mike Carlton and Peter Fitzsimons are always giving Labor advice on how they should be doing things...

Yet I've never heard you bleating the same way about them... now why is that :roll:

BTW I read the article after buying the DT and agree almost 100% with all of it, it is constructive criticism, unlike what you interpreted it as.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Double Dissolution

Post by Neferti » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:49 pm

Solonoid wrote:I would accept Turnbull as PM- I like him and it has been said that he should be a member of the labor party, that his values reflect that more of the Labor Party than Liberal...if he stepped up as leader, I would have no problem with a Lib. govt. I would even vote for him.
:rofl :rofl :rofl

He was Leader of the Liberals for about a year and was peakers wiss. He got shot down by the Monarchist female. Can't remember her name. Somebody will.

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