Pathway to a Caliphate

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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by Rorschach » Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:20 pm

So Useless, what is your point re John the Baptist? :roll: :roll: :roll:
This'll be good. :rofl
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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by mantra » Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:50 pm

Rorschach wrote:Funny the quote things seems a bit dodgy lately
skippy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:That's not true name one non-secular Christian country that is doing that.
You never heard of missionaries that go into countries and convert its population? Ever heard of places like Samoa? Philippines the list is endless. What about the crusades? What Islam country is doing it? It's not countries per se it's members of a religion that do it. My point is many major religions try to push their belief system down the throats of anyone that will listen.
Like I said name one non-secular Christian country doing what you claim they were doing... it ain't happening.
Are you talking about developed countries? What about third world countries? The Philippines are a good example of how the Catholic Church controls the government and the people. Birth control clinics aren't publicly funded and if occasionally one does happen to emerge amongst that poverty - the people running them to help their community are dirt poor and can only manage a few clients at a time. The slums over there are worse than in India. It's common for young women in their early 20's to have 7 or 8 children. The Catholic Church even in 2014 and in this crowded world still won't condone birth control.

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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by Rorschach » Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:03 pm

Are you talking about developed countries? I was, but hey, I won't hold you to it. What about third world countries? Yes what non-secular Christian country is 3rd world and invading other countries in the name of Christianity?
The Philippines are a good example of how the Catholic Church controls the government and the people. Really? Yet the Philippines is a secular nation with a constitutional separation of church and state. The church does not run the state.
Birth control clinics aren't publicly funded So how many are here? and if occasionally one does happen to emerge amongst that poverty - the people running them to help their community are dirt poor and can only manage a few clients at a time. That would seem to be in your words a funding problem in a 3rd world country.
The slums over there are worse than in India. Really? Have you been to India? Are you saying that is a due to Christianity?
It's common for young women in their early 20's to have 7 or 8 children. The Catholic Church even in 2014 and in this crowded world still won't condone birth control. Yet Catholics all over the world do not have 7 or 8 children. Indeed Filipino women average 3 children. Italians even have birth control... :roll:
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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by AnaTom » Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:41 am

Rorschach wrote:BO's point and mine is that the Crusades and all the other crap you lot are bringing up is well and truly in the past... Christianity had a Reformation... the West is non-secular, but Islam is still based and will forever be based in the past.
That's a lot of people who think backwards. It is said that there are between 1.2 to 1.5 billion Muslims. That is a large social power base to fall back on.
In this country, a lot of the counter narrative involves the chant of racism. This has caused me to think that only whites are racist. Therefore 3/4 of the world is not racist. And secular perhaps.
One could make a nifty formula here about whites, minorities, racism and religion.

Are we to believe that even the killer cult IS/(etc) is not somehow racist? Is their supposed piety what prevents the west from saying things which might be deemed counteroffensive? PC has a lot to answer too hear as well. Should a minority country such as Australia be allowed to speak freely when reporting or talking about Islam?, for fear of upsetting the commentariat?

My theory about how a caliphate could develop is actually quite wild, even silly. But it has been bothering me for some time.

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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:38 pm

Well we have suggested we just deport them all wall them in and let them kill each other off.
That way they have their caliphate and we get rid of them.
It's like having your cake and eating it too. :lol:
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by mantra » Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:44 pm

Rorschach wrote:Well we have suggested we just deport them all wall them in and let them kill each other off.
That way they have their caliphate and we get rid of them.
It's like having your cake and eating it too. :lol:
Do you think we'd have so many Muslims seeking asylum if we weren't continually interfering in their affairs through military invasion? They would all be contained and killing each other if we had stayed well away from them.

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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:51 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Well we have suggested we just deport them all wall them in and let them kill each other off.
That way they have their caliphate and we get rid of them.
It's like having your cake and eating it too. :lol:
Do you think we'd have so many Muslims seeking asylum if we weren't continually interfering in their affairs through military invasion? They would all be contained and killing each other if we had stayed well away from them.
Yes, what idiot told you they are only a problem because we are interfering or invading them? Provable nonsense mantra.
Apparently they come here for a better life mantra. Newstart, baby bonus, disability pension, etc, etc, etc...
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by Jasonofabitch » Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:02 am

To reply to the first post...

The Middle-East is a process where Religion is designed for the 'mass' of people and Military is the empowerment of the Individual. In North America, Art is the expression of the Mass and Politics is that of the Individual. Every one of the x8 'regions' of the world is different (and will be as the world turns once again).

"What the Germans did to the Jews,
the Moslems will
(very fucking soon! :OMG ) do to the French."

What goes around, comes around. Just like you could say: What was Jesus's lasts words to his Jewish peoples as they crucified him upon the cross? "Wait till me little brother Hitler gets yas ya bastards!" :twisted:

So we saw an 'unarmed' Jewish people (crucified upon the broken Nazi cross) preyed upon and are now fully armed and more like a Military Nation than a Religious one - in Israel.
So to will we see the last of the 'armed' Moslems from a history of great 'Empire' thrust itself on a very weak France. The Moslems are seeking a 'sacrifice' to crucify. Doesn't matter how many 'Terrorist' organisations USA tries to snuff away, another one will emerge. You can't stop History! So when the USA is caught up helping Russia against China :WTF . The Moslems are going to come calling at Europe and everyone will take a step back to leave France out in front to take the 'Wrath of Khan'.
Islam will expend the last of its Military might out on France. Now you know why France was testing its Nukes out in French Polynesia :hush

So this will be World War 3.
But the story isn't finished yet - so the good news is, there are more World War's to come. :b

So later, the Moslems will be 'unarmed' and the Jews 'armed'.
This is where Italy comes into it and does to the 'unarmed' Moslems a genocide, like what the Moslems did to the French and the Germans did to the Jews. But this is where the Jews (possibly the following World War 5) come to the aid of the Moslems and unleash 'hell' upon Italy. :pope Christianity itself is 'crucified'.

Israel & Islam 'unite' = Ishtar. :beer

It's just a 'process' of Religion 'leaving' Europe because of the emergence of the New Worlds showing a 'new truth'.
The world changes with every turn so to speak. Yesterday's hero of Islam is now a Terrorist today.
It's just a 'process' of what expresses the 'mass' of superior breeding peoples (love) and the 'individual' of personal 'Empowerment'. In the Middle-East, the poor - but well breeding peoples are expressed by Religion and the powerful, less populating peoples are expressed by Military might.

Religion, you could say - is a Middle-Eastern thing. It was plagerised by Asia, oppressed Europe and kept Africa in the dark.
It expressed these three surrounding 'Old Worlds' in themes known as Christianity: Medical/Culinary (Healing/Last Supper) of Europe, Judaism: Sport/City (Human Image/Holy City-Jerusalem) of Asia and Mohommedism: Maths/Land (Maths/Holy Lands) of Africa.
...but now we have some 'New' players on the block with North America, Oceania, South America (Draconia) and Sahul - to which Australia is a part of.
x8 Regions of the world for x8 Races and every Region has a representation of every Race in a different way. A Green (Olive skinned) person may breed best in South America, but will attain Individual empowerment in the Middle-East, etc.

Australian Politics, as an expression, will break down into various 'Independent' nations eventually. Going the opposite way of USA Politics that 'unites' from the many into one. So Pauline Hanson's 'One Nation' is a bit of relapse onto something that already exists :roll: Australian Art will rise up from the 'breeding' of painting nudes to something more 'empowering' and represent Individual expression to go beyond an Opera House, the great achievements of Ramses 2 and the peoples of Minoa, etc. :stay

Currently Australia is still in its 'easy' age of just riding the UK for want of being like the USA and is yet to become its 'real self'. But things are coming to an 'End' at one side and will 'Start' here soon. The World needs change and Australia's turn at providing that change is practically 'here and now'! :c

The World is like a machine: Push a button here and a wheel turns there. ;)

By the time, Humanity has achieved World peace and tranquillity - it will be the 'End of our Era'.
Replaced by something that we create our own image (to take to the Stars). :Hi

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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by AnaTom » Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:27 am

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Re: Pathway to a Caliphate

Post by mellie » Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:37 am

AnaTom wrote:

This is islamism, Islamic extremism, not all western Muslims are of this view.

Not unlike white supremacists, who claim to be christian and wear a cross around their necks.

Racial/religious supremacism occurs across all creeds, I find the above clip both sad and divisive.

Muslim and Islamism arent one in the same.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~

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