Time for a Mini Budget?

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:42 pm

mantra wrote:
GeorgeH wrote:Greens are just Liberals, PUP is ridiculous.

BIG difference between FTAs agreed by Lib and by Labor. Look at the latest one signed by Robb—killed the car industry stone dead. Lib happy to sign the TPP, Labor had reservations and was negotiating away some of the worst clauses.
Labor hasn't pushed for FTA's as aggressively as the Coalition, but they've gone along with the Coalition and supported them when in opposition. And gone ahead without them in Government. On FTAs they are the same.

The Greens of course are fairly conservative, Not in a political sense, they are progressives and see themselves as such but that doesn't mean they're Liberals. There's a huge difference - the Greens care about the environment and humanity - the Liberals don't. Rubbish The Greens are having leadership problems at the moment. Christine Milne is making the same mistakes Meg Lees did. I doubt it Lees had some credibility Hopefully she'll step down soon and pass the leadership onto someone stronger.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:44 pm

GeorgeH wrote:No mantra, the Greens are conservatives just like the Libs.
Skippy, we need a GIANT CUCKOO BIRD EMOTICON....
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:50 pm

GeorgeH wrote:Conservative, as in a lot like the Libs.

Oh, they were a “progressive” figleaf—SSM etc.

BUT their actions not words:

1. Prevented Malaysian Solution and so the Greens ACTIONS led directly to the hell hole that is Manus Is That's right the Greens want Open borders and even more LW progressive lunatic position, nothing conservative about it.

2. Agreed to remove the debt ceiling—what is wrong with a Treas being required to explain ever more borrowing? Yes they showed more economic understanding than you do but that doesn't make them conservative

3. Want to sign up to the stupid PPL, just a “progressive–left figleaf” wanting to reduce top rate to $50K So womens rights and a more generous PPL is suddenly a conservative policy? :rofl :rofl :rofl

4. Their ACTIONS re action on climate change allowed monkey to easily remove the Carbon Price. They demanded the Carbon Tax... :du :du :du :du :du

Etc. Not environmentalists at all. Lip services to it only. Again not a progressive/conservative issue both sides have environmental policies.

They need to keep their inner city professionals happy after all. yes all those LW progressive Drs wives etc. we all know how conservative they are :roll: :roll: :roll:
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by GeorgeH » Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:20 am

mellie wrote:Abbott had all good reason to dismiss Clive Palmers idiotic calls for a mini-budget.

For one, it would be an expense that would unnecessarily increase the expenditure.

Why throw good money after bad?
They need a mini–Budget because:

1. They have increased spending to start, then increased it further with the security crap and Iraq adventure

2. Half their savings measures have been knocked back and half have been abandoned

3. Unemployment is increasing

At a time when deflation and recession are serious concerns they are trying to cut PS & military wages by reducing the purchasing power of those wages and tried to reduce the purchasing power of pensions too. All this leading to reduced spending by the household sector.

Furthermore, that some measures were never going to pass was obvious—throw our young people who become unemployed off the dole for 6 months in every 12, just when employment is dropping? Those ABS unemployment figures are suss and I believe closer to 6.4% than 6%—look at the hours worked figure released with the last unemployment figures.

The whole thing has been a display of staggering incompetence by monkey and Hokey! Staggering incompetence! So what are those idiots going to do now? Do they want to just release a MYEFO that shows a HUGE increase, a much more than doubling, in the deficit? They do nothing confidence will continue to plummet and do so faster and faster.

Whatever they do will have to pass the Senate, no more idiocy like in the main Budget will do.

Trouble is, I don’t think they are capable of coming up with a measure that is going to be fair, will work and be acceptable.

Throwing young people off the dole—did they think that was going to sail through the Senate? Sure, every knows there are some dole bludgers around. I sure know—I used to rent flats to dole bludgers, “potters” that would potter around doing pottery, some very good pottery too—but they made sure not to make and sell too much and so lose the dole and the concessions from the dole.

Youth unemployment is like 25% IIRC—1 in 4 families have a young son or daughter trying to find work, add in the extended family and way too many know that a policy like throwing all young unemployed off the dole was bloody unfair and counterproductive.

Families minister Kevin Andrews is a strict Catholic but by Christ he sure is different to the catholics I mixed with before I lost my faith as a young man. There sure is no charity—caritas—in Andrews!

The tax expenditures, especially the rorts around superannuation should be sliced into, same for negative gearing and the capital gains tax concession. Then the FBT can be tightened and the asset and income tax for the Aged Pension tightened. If you have $1.25m in assets excluding the family home (plus undeclared assets like gems, gold etc) you do not need any part of the Age Pension.

But instead of reducing spending the silly Libs want to increase it: Abbott still wants to have his idiotic PPL introduced and they are now paying subsidies to private education institutions like the one his daughter got the scholarship in.

Tighten your belts, people, it is going to be a crazy, unpredictable ride—mostly downhill!

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by mantra » Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:44 am

Abbott is all over the place and doesn't seem to have a clue what he's doing. Is Hockey even capable of creating a mini-budget? All he sees is the bottom figure and can't deviate from his original budget. The debt is even more worrying now. It's doubled in a year and what have we got to show for it? They know how to spend, but that's about it.

The unemployed are the biggest worry. There are so many people looking for work, yet Abbott keeps outsourcing jobs and removing restrictions on 457 visas. It makes you wonder who he's working for - us or big business.


Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by GeorgeH » Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:57 am

The debt hasn’t doubled yet but the deficit has more than doubled and if they keep on going like they are—a total shambles—they will double the debt by the time of the next election. They are borrowing at a staggering clip!

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by mantra » Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:08 am

We pay interest on our borrowings either way, whether we spend it or not. When does the government have to come clean about how much extra debt they've accumulated? It was $268 billion when Labor left office - what is it now?


Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by GeorgeH » Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:27 am

Don’t remember the exact figure but thought the debt was under $200Bn on 7/9/13?

Can you imagine this shambles managing the economy during the GFC? :OMG


Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by GeorgeH » Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:29 am

Some of the borrowing is good—borrow at a lower rate to retire borrowings made at an earlier higher rate. But increasingly borrowings are to finance the debt these idiots are just running up and then they are borrowing more than that.

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Rorschach » Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:40 am

GeorgeH wrote:
mellie wrote:Abbott had all good reason to dismiss Clive Palmers idiotic calls for a mini-budget.

For one, it would be an expense that would unnecessarily increase the expenditure.

Why throw good money after bad?
They need a mini–Budget because:

1. They have increased spending to start, then increased it further with the security crap and Iraq adventure Wrong

2. Half their savings measures have been knocked back and half have been abandoned wrong

3. Unemployment is increasing true -but we all know the figure are never correct anyway and it isn't due to any budget measures :du

At a time when deflation and recession are serious concerns wrong they are trying to cut PS & military wages by reducing the purchasing power of those wages and tried to reduce the purchasing power of pensions too. wrong All this leading to reduced spending by the household sector. wrong

Furthermore, that some measures were never going to pass was obvious true, but every government does it —throw our young people who become unemployed off the dole for 6 months in every 12, just when employment is dropping? Those ABS unemployment figures are suss and I believe closer to 6.4% than 6%—look at the hours worked figure released with the last unemployment figures. reality check.... unemployment is much more likely to be in double figures, I don't consider working 1 hour a week employment.

The whole thing has been a display of staggering incompetence by monkey and Hokey! wrong Staggering incompetence! drunk again? :lol: So what are those idiots going to do now? Do they want to just release a MYEFO that shows a HUGE increase, a much more than doubling, in the deficit? They do nothing confidence will continue to plummet and do so faster and faster. YAWN

Whatever they do will have to pass the Senate, no more idiocy like in the main Budget will do.

Trouble is, I don’t think they are capable of coming up with a measure that is going to be fair, will work and be acceptable. Fairness is largely subjective, it certainly is in your case.

Throwing young people off the dole—did they think that was going to sail through the Senate? Probably just an ambit claim Sure, every knows there are some dole bludgers around. I sure know—I used to rent flats to dole bludgers, “potters” that would potter around doing pottery, some very good pottery too—but they made sure not to make and sell too much and so lose the dole and the concessions from the dole. they probably sold it for cash - black economy Monkey Boy.

Youth unemployment is like 25% IIRC—1 in 4 families have a young son or daughter trying to find work, add in the extended family and way too many know that a policy like throwing all young unemployed off the dole was bloody unfair and counterproductive. Oh dear how many times are you going to bring up the same point? BTW isn't the 6 months being negotiated as you rant? Odds are it will be dropped or amended.

Families minister Kevin Andrews is a strict Catholic but by Christ he sure is different to the catholics I mixed with before I lost my faith as a young man. There sure is no charity—caritas—in Andrews! No one cares what your religion or lack of is Monkey Boy.

The tax expenditures, especially the rorts around superannuation should be sliced into, same for negative gearing and the capital gains tax concession. yeah we sure saw Labor doing that didn't we. Then the FBT can be tightened and the asset and income tax for the Aged Pension tightened. Ditto If you have $1.25m in assets excluding the family home (plus undeclared assets like gems, gold etc) you do not need any part of the Age Pension. The way Sydney is going Monk $1.25 M will be the average cost of housing within the decade.

But instead of reducing spending the silly Libs want to increase it: wrong Abbott still wants to have his idiotic PPL introduced and they are now paying subsidies to private education institutions like the one his daughter got the scholarship in. Even this morning on The Insiders the Leftwing progs conceded it wasn't an issue and labor were being disingenuous about it because it was funded by a company levy. Not from ordinary taxpayers. As for private education, well I have always stated it should be privately funded. But both major parties disagree with me.

Tighten your belts, people, it is going to be a crazy, unpredictable ride—mostly downhill!
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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