Information Technology Discussions
Re: Information Technology Discussions
If you read my post of last night you will read I did have wifi via broadcast also had (and have now) ADSL. I also had unhappy experience with 3G with Hutchinson, Optus and Telstra.
I have also read a fair bit, set up networks (Appletalk, ethernet) and set up a multi user database with three workstations. And wrote a long program in BASIC (TRSDOS, Microsoft Basic compiler) to do order entry and invoicing.
A lot of reading as well.
I do not claim to be an ITC professional but I am not unaware of the issues re networking
I have also read a fair bit, set up networks (Appletalk, ethernet) and set up a multi user database with three workstations. And wrote a long program in BASIC (TRSDOS, Microsoft Basic compiler) to do order entry and invoicing.
A lot of reading as well.
I do not claim to be an ITC professional but I am not unaware of the issues re networking
- Posts: 939
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:11 pm
Re: Information Technology Discussions
Read my post again IDIOTGeorgeH wrote:It wasn’t a typo on your part, with all that crapping on about replacing Telstra copper—at least you know that the existing Telstra copper can’t give superfast internet. Congratulations—that puts you one up on roach, IQ and SN!
If we have FTTH who cares about some stupid boys-own wifi crap?
- Posts: 939
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:11 pm
Re: Information Technology Discussions
Really what WIFI via broadcast did you use then ?GeorgeH wrote:If you read my post of last night you will read I did have wifi via broadcast also had (and have now) ADSL. I also had unhappy experience with 3G with Hutchinson, Optus and Telstra.
I have also read a fair bit, set up networks (Appletalk, ethernet) and set up a multi user database with three workstations. And wrote a long program in BASIC (TRSDOS, Microsoft Basic compiler) to do order entry and invoicing.
A lot of reading as well.
I do not claim to be an ITC professional but I am not unaware of the issues re networking
(In other words explain the system that you used)
- Posts: 939
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:11 pm
Re: Information Technology Discussions
What stupid boys ? You're a frikken nutjob.GeorgeH wrote:It wasn’t a typo on your part, with all that crapping on about replacing Telstra copper—at least you know that the existing Telstra copper can’t give superfast internet. Congratulations—that puts you one up on roach, IQ and SN!
If we have FTTH who cares about some stupid boys-own wifi crap?
WIFI runs almost 3 times as fast as the quickest NBN Internet plan that you can buy currently on the market.
But you knew this already didn't you.
Re: Information Technology Discussions
Oh dear, big aerial on the roof, TPG sent signals from a bigger antenna somewhere in town. There was a wire from the aerial that came inside the back of the shop and connected to a box of electronics.
While, I repeat, it was better than the ADSL I had there it was nothing startling, 11mbps IIRC and I cannot remember what the upload speed was.
Wifi may—Apple Airport will serve data that fast. But the wifi tower has to be connected back to the internet and each user on the wifi network reduces the bandwidth available—towers have that problem, many-to-one, the more users the less bandwidth available to each.
While, I repeat, it was better than the ADSL I had there it was nothing startling, 11mbps IIRC and I cannot remember what the upload speed was.
Wifi may—Apple Airport will serve data that fast. But the wifi tower has to be connected back to the internet and each user on the wifi network reduces the bandwidth available—towers have that problem, many-to-one, the more users the less bandwidth available to each.
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Re: Information Technology Discussions
Don't know why you bother Lucas.
Monk is a complete IT retard and thinks that reading Wikipedia and bias blogs accounts for knowledge. This is a guy who uses the "apple airport"
Unless you are using them creatively, Apple computers are the equivalent of Lego for spastics and retards who can't use a normal computer. Monk shifted to Apple when he finally got sick of all the viruses he kept getting from visiting zoophilia and child porn websites.
Monk is a complete IT retard and thinks that reading Wikipedia and bias blogs accounts for knowledge. This is a guy who uses the "apple airport"

Unless you are using them creatively, Apple computers are the equivalent of Lego for spastics and retards who can't use a normal computer. Monk shifted to Apple when he finally got sick of all the viruses he kept getting from visiting zoophilia and child porn websites.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
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Re: Information Technology Discussions
He is I.T. illiterate clearly.
- Rorschach
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Re: Information Technology Discussions
Yes, he certainly is something...
Here ya go Monkey Boy straight from ZDNet.
Here ya go Monkey Boy straight from ZDNet.
NBN Co says powering nodes cheaper than fibre
Summary: NBN Co has said that the annual cost of powering the nodes in the multi-technology mix will be cheaper than the capital cost of rolling out fibre to the premises.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
Re: Information Technology Discussions
Oh dear, wet blanket falls for some silly spin:
Who cares, powering the nodes, replacing the batteries, maintaining the rotten Telstra copper are ongoing expenses. Rolling out FTTH is a capital cost. Did you really not get that, wet blanket?NBN engaging in some bullshit spin" onclick=";return false; ... 000034130/
Yeah, powering the nodes costs $120m per year. Yes, the expense is less than the capital cost of a FTTH rollout. So bloody what? Cost of installing power to the nodes? More than $120m I bet.
60K nodes, not really enough, let that slide—I still doubt FTTN will happen in a big way. Power use per node:The average power consumption per node would be 6,709kWh per annum, NBN Co said. The batteries to power the nodes in the event of a power outage will cost AU$3,000 per node. Each battery has a life of 15 years, and can run VDSL with vectoring for up to six hours in the event of a power outage for 192 premises, NBN Co said.
6709KWh per annum, wonder if that includes airconditioning? And forget 15 year battery life, 5 is more likely and removing/installing batteries has a cost higher than just the cost of the battery. (see the comments on the ZD Net article.)
I wonder if the power use is based on overseas experience? With thin Telstra copper there is higher impedance so more power needed so more heat in the node—and if based on UK experience, well, they don’t really need to use much airconditioning there, do they? 30°C is a HEATWAVE, man!
The most interesting question tho—why did NBN Co feel the need to publish this spin? Are they under some pressure we don’t know about?
- Posts: 939
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:11 pm
Re: Information Technology Discussions
Come back here when you know what you are talking about and are capable of posting without abuse little man.
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