Sunshine Coast rednecks

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Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:08 pm

I hear those Sunshine Coast people are all fucking idiots and a shameful representation of Australians. ... 0jqbu.html" onclick=";return false;
Ugly scenes at Sunshine Coast mosque protest

Police had to keep anti mosque protesters and supporters apart at an emotion-charged rally on the Sunshine Coast on Saturday.
More than 500 people - about 80% of them against the Islamic mosque - converged on land near the Stella Maris Catholic Church to protest the mosque plan.
Supporters of the mosque sang iconic Australian tunes, prompting outrage from a few of the anti mosque movement.
Streets around the protest were blocked off by police while plain clothes and uniform police had to repeatedly warn anti-mosque protesters to tone their comments and anger down.
An equally vocal contingent of young people defended the right of Islamic people to set up their own church, saying Australia was a democratic country.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by Super Nova » Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:52 am

Rednecks don't you just love 'em.

The right to practice whatever religion you want must be preserved.

The separation of state and religion must remain.

People need to be educated about what is really going on and that extremists are using the name of Islam when what they are on about has nothing to do with Islam, it's about politics and power.

Islam can do more to educate the rednecks however I'm sure any message will not get through, being a redneck means you are closed minded and bigoted typically from an early age.

I have stated this before here. My grand mother told me "not to play with the local abo kids". "Why is that nan?". "Because they are dirty". I never played with them again..... Bloody rednecks. It's handed down through the generations.

I have seen this guys on Facebook and often felt like reaching out to him and apologising. The racists teaching I had stayed with me until I left hicksvile and went to Sydney then to the rest of the world. I am teaching my daughter differently.. she is colour blind.... people are just different... everyone's different.

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Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:47 pm

Well they weren't all bogans and rednecks and the opposition protest weren't all LW Progs, just most by the look of it.
As for Muslims... happy to deport 'em all.
We know from experience in NSW that small groups with their small congregations often foster extremists and radicals. So I really can't be too upset with people who protest about such things. I do get annoyed when LW Progs jump in and name-call and slander people with concerns when they have a biased open immigration policy. Look what that has given us.
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Black Orchid
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Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:42 pm

Super Nova wrote:Islam can do more to educate the rednecks however I'm sure any message will not get through, being a redneck means you are closed minded and bigoted typically from an early age.
It's not only rednecks who oppose having a Mosque in their suburb.
Super Nova wrote:I have stated this before here. My grand mother told me "not to play with the local abo kids". "Why is that nan?". "Because they are dirty". I never played with them again..... Bloody rednecks. It's handed down through the generations.
It has nothing to do with race. Many applications for Mosques in Sydney have been rejected by Councils only to have the Land and Environment Court overturn their objections.

There are over 16 Mosques/Musallahs just in Auburn/Lidcombe. I think that is way over the top and I would think the same way if it involved 16 Churches. 16 Churches in one area would certainly not be allowed so why so many Muslim prayer sites?

Perhaps you have to live in Sydney to appreciate why residents of quiet family oriented and non Muslim communities are beginning to get more and more angry at the decisions being made by Courts that go against the grain of the neighbourhoods, Councils and the wishes of the residents.

Something has to give.

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Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by mellie » Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:01 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Super Nova wrote:Islam can do more to educate the rednecks however I'm sure any message will not get through, being a redneck means you are closed minded and bigoted typically from an early age.
It's not only rednecks who oppose having a Mosque in their suburb.
Super Nova wrote:I have stated this before here. My grand mother told me "not to play with the local abo kids". "Why is that nan?". "Because they are dirty". I never played with them again..... Bloody rednecks. It's handed down through the generations.
It has nothing to do with race. Many applications for Mosques in Sydney have been rejected by Councils only to have the Land and Environment Court overturn their objections.

There are over 16 Mosques/Musallahs just in Auburn/Lidcombe. I think that is way over the top and I would think the same way if it involved 16 Churches. 16 Churches in one area would certainly not be allowed so why so many Muslim prayer sites?

Perhaps you have to live in Sydney to appreciate why residents of quiet family oriented and non Muslim communities are beginning to get more and more angry at the decisions being made by Courts that go against the grain of the neighbourhoods, Councils and the wishes of the residents.

Something has to give.
I completely agree with you on this BO.
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Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:36 pm

Numerous times around Sydney locals opposed mosques in their street/neighborhood with council backing only to be over ridden by state govts pandering to the tent heads.
My solution is simple, just walk your pig past and let is shit on their grass every day.

In the early 90s I caught a taxi from Kings Cross to Sylvania.
It was July and freezing cold, but the Lebanese muslim taxi driver smelt worse than dog shit,
so despite the cold I kept the window down the entire 40 minute+ drive.

While on the gate of a bike clubhouse is South Granville (Sydney) I saw a Turkish woman
squat down between 2 cars and shit in the street. I shit you not.

I blame Al Grasby (in Whitlam govt) for bringing the Lebanese muslims in and all the trouble they've caused since.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

The Grappler

Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by The Grappler » Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:57 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Super Nova wrote:Islam can do more to educate the rednecks however I'm sure any message will not get through, being a redneck means you are closed minded and bigoted typically from an early age.
It's not only rednecks who oppose having a Mosque in their suburb.
Super Nova wrote:I have stated this before here. My grand mother told me "not to play with the local abo kids". "Why is that nan?". "Because they are dirty". I never played with them again..... Bloody rednecks. It's handed down through the generations.
It has nothing to do with race. Many applications for Mosques in Sydney have been rejected by Councils only to have the Land and Environment Court overturn their objections.

There are over 16 Mosques/Musallahs just in Auburn/Lidcombe. I think that is way over the top and I would think the same way if it involved 16 Churches. 16 Churches in one area would certainly not be allowed so why so many Muslim prayer sites?

Perhaps you have to live in Sydney to appreciate why residents of quiet family oriented and non Muslim communities are beginning to get more and more angry at the decisions being made by Courts that go against the grain of the neighbourhoods, Councils and the wishes of the residents.

Something has to give.
Excellent point about the sheer number of religious buildings in one relatively small area. Such a concentration of Catholic churches would raise some eyebrows. :pope , and suspicions of some sort of takeover. The Italians never did that when they came here and moved into relative ghettoes, for example.

An extension of the essentially ghetto mentality of MANY Muslims who come here, and the way they concentrate in groups and areas, and also have this rigid adherence to things religious as handed down.

If you have read any of my stuff, it is this handing down of absolute knowledge and understanding, and all already contained in the Koran, and its acceptance without question that is at the root of the Islam problem. Any 'new Caliphate' under IS would be an abortion of the Caliphate, with its spirit of inquiry and science and learning.

We do not need or want any 'new Caliphate' adherents here.

Footnote:- It is perhaps bizarre that movements such as IS claim that virtually all of their chosen enemies are pursuing 'Crusaderism' in attacking Islam - yet seem incapable of seeing that they are engaging themselves in a form of 'Moorism', perhaps 'Saladinism' (though Saladin was primarily defensive strategically in that he counter-attacked rather than initiated) by attacking others and wresting territory etc from them at the point of the sword.

Seems to me to be two irreconcilable issues there between the West and IS.

This has always been the way for some adherents of Islam and they know no other.

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Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by Rorschach » Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:56 pm

The West population Billions.
IS population 3000 disparate morons.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

The Grappler

Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by The Grappler » Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:04 pm

Rorschach wrote:The West population Billions.
IS population 3000 disparate morons.

.. who give the rest a bad name, deserved or not.

3000 - 20-30 killed in air strikes.... poor kill ratio per unit of expenditure... just playing around and giving a warning shot....

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Re: Sunshine Coast rednecks

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:42 pm

Years ago in Sydney, whenever I went past Auburn I saw this half finished wog temple with a big copper oxide coloured dome on top.
I wondered why this place/site sat idle/unfinished for seemingly years on end.

Turns out all work on the Auburn Mosque was halted for 2 years because some nice chappies stole 2 pigs from out Lepington way, took them into the unfinished mosque, cut the throats of the pigs and sprayed blood up the walls and all over the sponsor's plaques (anybody who put money into building the mosque got a plaque with their name on a wall).

When Mozzies started using Sutherland (public) pool (don't know why, Sutho shire didn't really have any tent heads) the centre had to be closed, the pool drained and scrubbed with high grade bleach due to Criptosporidium. The cause was tent head sheilas swimming in their filthy clothes.
A little while later Auburn pool banned swimming clothed and the tent heads were outraged. So their council had to organise a 'womens' only' day so the stinking tent heads could swim with the gear on.

I don't see why Australians should have to alter things to suit blow ins, but we do ad infintium when it concerns Mozzies.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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