Aboriginal referendum

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Aboriginal referendum

Post by Rorschach » Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:19 pm

Galarrwuy Yunupingu will listen to Tony Abbott but true recognition needs more than words
Date September 13, 2014 - 12:15AM
Michael Gordon
Political editor, The Age

When Galarrwuy Yunupingu greets Tony Abbott at Gulkula in north-east Arnhem Land tomorrow, the welcome will be warm but unsentimental, with Yunupingu's expectations shaped by almost 40 years of interaction with Australia's political elite.

One of his vivid memories is of taking Malcolm Fraser fishing back in 1977. "All the time I try to put words in his mind about the importance of land, about the importance of respect, about giving things back the proper way," Yunupingu wrote in 2008. "But he has his mind on other things – he's not listening. He just keeps catching barramundi, enjoying himself." With hindsight, Fraser's record would stand up well when compared with those who followed.

Then came a long association with Bob Hawke, culminating on Hawke's last day as prime minister, when Yunupingu went to Canberra to see the Barunga statement, the petition that prompted Hawke's promise of a treaty, hung in Parliament House.

"He sheds a tear as he hangs the painting," Yunupingu wrote. "I am sure the tears are for his own failure – we have no treaty; his promise was hollow and he has not delivered – but they are genuine tears from a genuine man who tried leadership and was caught out by politics."

Yunupingu did not greet John Howard at Yirrkala, but another strong Yolngu leader, the late Mr Djerrkura, played host to him in 1998. "I thought having him up there would have helped him understand our culture, our tradition, our customs and our strong attachment to the land and sea," Mr Djerrkura told me the following year. "But I look on that trip with a lot of regret and a lot of disappointment, because I don't think the trust and good intent on my part has been reciprocated in any form."

Towards the end of his prime ministership, Howard's minister for Aboriginal affairs, Mal Brough, secretly met Yunupingu to seek his support for the Northern Territory intervention. Yunupingu gave it, but only in return for measures that would advance the cause of self-determination.

In the essay he wrote for The Monthly in December of 2008, Yunupingu recalls making one additional request of Brough: "I wanted constitutional recognition, to bring my people in from the cold, bring us into the nation."

As Noel Pearson describes it in "A Rightful Place", his just-published Quarterly Essay, Yunupingu's dissertation is a seminal work. "It is no mere essay. It is an existential prayer," is how Pearson expresses it.

Underpinning the Yunupingu thesis is the lament that no one in power has the experience to understand the challenges facing Aboriginal people. "They have not had their land stolen, or their rights infringed, or their laws broken," he wrote. "They do not bury their dead as we bury our dead."

In a way, Pearson's essay is a sequel to Yunupingu's work, one that puts the unfolding debate about recognising the first Australians in the constitution into a wider perspective.

"To understand what Yunupingu is talking about here is to understand how misguided it is to reduce the indigenous predicament in Australia to the banal idea of 'closing the gap' on indigenous disadvantage," Pearson writes in his essay. "There is something more fundamental at stake."

That "something" is summed up in the question that both leaders have grappled with their entire adults lives: "Is there a proper and rightful place for the original peoples of Australia in the nation created from their ancestral lands?"

The recognition debate will go some distance towards providing an answer and, just now, there is no certainty of securing the level of consensus required to ensure a successful referendum. Why? Because indigenous Australians will reject as meaningless purely symbolic recognition, while conservatives oppose the kind of substantive change advocated by the expert panel set up by Julia Gillard in December 2010.

Against this backdrop, Pearson has suggested a third way, one that avoids the controversy over inserting a new rights power in the constitution that would outlaw racial discrimination, by inserting a requirement that indigenous people are given a say in laws and policies affecting them.

"My argument is that, if A is the expert panel's position, B is the constitutional conservative objection to it, I'm not trying to split A and B in half. I'm trying to say, well, actually, there might be a C position here and the C position is not half A, half B," is how Pearson explained it to Chris Uhlmann on ABC radio.

Problem is, it is premature (and potentially problematic) to be canvassing position C. The parliamentary committee Abbott established to draft a referendum question by year's end is expected to propose a form of words within weeks, based on a forensic examination of the expert panel's recommendations. It should be allowed to complete its work.

In the meantime, Abbott will have plenty of opportunity to discuss the issue with Yunupingu and Pearson, who is expected to fly in from Cape York during the PM's stay in Arnhem Land.

The goal should not be beyond them: to reach agreement around a form of words that meets the test of being "substantive" – and will be embraced by indigenous leaders, the Opposition and the states. If the judgment is that it is preferable to wait and put the question after the next election, then so be it.

As Pearson's essay makes plain, this is not the only priority for a new leader committed to making a difference. "Australia does not have a comprehensive agenda for recording, preservation, presentation and utilisation of the country's indigenous heritage," he writes.

The urgent efforts of filmmaker Rachel Perkins to record the songlines of central Australia are, says Pearson, just one example of "the work that needs to be done Before It's Too Late (BITL)".

Where does this sit within the government's focus on fiscal restraint and, so far, a narrow agenda of lifting indigenous school attendance and employment, and improving community safety? Where, for instance, does tackling racism sit?

While Yunupingu's mood was dark when he wrote his essay, many of the aspirations he outlined have since been realised, and Abbott will over the next six days immerse himself in a community in many ways transformed.

That Abbott will approach the opportunity with enthusiasm, empathy and a generosity of spirit is a given, but the worth of his contribution will be measured over time, and will be a matter for clear-eyed judgment in the decades to come.

Michael Gordon is political editor of The Age.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Aboriginal referendum

Post by Rorschach » Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:20 pm

From my POV, Aborigines already have recognition. As much as any other Australian.
I'll be voting NO in any referendum that puts them apart from other Australians.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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