The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

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Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:48 am

My apologies if you thought i was being condescending, I rolled my eyes because you are clueless.
It is also important to note that by feeding energy made by solar and other renewables into the grid this creates a benifit for wholesale customers as they use that energy without the extra costs associated with the levy and then use less dirty energy and the cost of health issues and such associated with the dirty energy are then deminished.'s like magical solar energy is injected into the grid and people,can pick and choose those magical clean electrons rather than the dirty coal created electrons. (This is an example of why I roll my eyes :roll: You do not understand power or power distribution)

Solar is nothing but a feel good namby pamby measure designed to make clueless idiots feel good. You can put solar power into the same basket as a Prius.

No environmental benefit whatsoever and expensive to boot.
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Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by Rorschach » Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:10 pm

Huh.... the rebate for people using solar and putting power back into the grid is bought at above market price.
The power companies have increased the prices for everyone to compensate. So those without Solar panels are in fact subsidising those with.
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Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by skippy » Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:23 pm

I do not think that solar energy is the answer to all our problems but I do think it is ridiculous that we are unable to utilise the renewable energy to the same or greater extent to countries that do not have the luxury of year round sunny days.
Exactly, no body I know lobbies for total solar power we can have a variety of power sources but the anti solar brigade like to pretend its coal or solar or nothing.

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Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:36 pm

Anyone can go for total solar as long as they want to go off-grid and provide the batteries and maintenance if they want, but you lefty fuck poles don't want to do that, you just want it subsided by the people who know its a fucking scam.

When you snotty green sponges go off-grid without any backup genset and claim that its wonderful, I might start looking into it but you don't because you know as well as I do, it doesn't work, its really expensive and its completely unreliable.

I still remember when solar hot water systems came on the market. It wasnt long before every single one was fitted with an electric booster that immediately made it more expensive than a gas system to run, because for all the hype, people realised they don't actually like cold showers- its exactly the same with solar power, except worse.

There's a reason why most don't go off-grid. Living on solar power sucks arse.
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Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:46 pm

skippy wrote:
I do not think that solar energy is the answer to all our problems but I do think it is ridiculous that we are unable to utilise the renewable energy to the same or greater extent to countries that do not have the luxury of year round sunny days.
Exactly, no body I know lobbies for total solar power we can have a variety of power sources but the anti solar brigade like to pretend its coal or solar or nothing.
All solar does is make the overall power bill more expensive to everyone because those piddle little KWs you generated at 2.00pm in the middle of summer don't magically go back "into the grid" to help power some orphanage 130kms away. They go back into the grid where engineers have to be employed and transformers upgraded to deal with a stupid policy that does nothing for no one. Meanwhile the coal fired generators at the other end are using exactly the same amount of coal and spinning at the same rate as they have always done. If you think your piddly little solar panels have any influence on 'demand' you are seriously uninformed and I would suspect just have your hand out for a subsidy.

Solar panel enthusiasts are the Prius drivers of the electricity network.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by Ravi » Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:19 pm

You would probably have better luck getting your views across if you stopped being so condescending, do you actually think that eye rolling and carrying on like you are some sort of oracle who knows so much more than everyone else makes the person you are talking down to think "Whoa this condescending fucker knows so much, I will change my point of view immediately" ? I am not quite so stupid as to think that the user of energy can choose to bypass the dirty energy, I was just stating that the more people use alternate energies then the more goes back into the grid and the less we will have to rely on dirty energy into the future.
I did not say that this is happening now, I am not quite backward enough to think that the pissy amount of renewables we use in this country at this point in time will make any difference. What I am saying is that we will never make a difference if this fucktard government continues to take money away from the renewable industries. If you have no money to research more efficient methods then the technology will never get better, it will never get cheaper - my point being that in Germany the costs are decreasing considerably due to government investments. Even you would surely be able to stop rolling your eyes for long enough to see that advances in renewable energy has occurred in the last twenty years. If everyone had an attitude like yours nothing would happen. we would having this argument via the post on hand typed letters because computer were too big and expensive to worry about.
fossil fuels are infinite, whether you believe in global warming or not, at some point there will be a lack of coal. at this point there will be no choice but to look to alternatives, would it not make more sense to deal with this head on. Perhaps you are so self centred that you care only about your life time and future generations can look after themselves, if that is the case it is a sad state of affairs

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Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:41 pm

I couldn't give a rat fuck whether you change your mind or not. All I'm doing is telling you where you are wrong. Do with it what you will. I don't care.
I was just stating that the more people use alternate energies then the more goes back into the grid and the less we will have to rely on dirty energy into the future.
Power and energy transmission doesn't work anything like that. You should go and educate yourself and figure out why.
What I am saying is that we will never make a difference if this fucktard government continues to take money away from the renewable industries. If you have no money to research more efficient methods then the technology will never get better, it will never get cheaper - my point being that in Germany the costs are decreasing considerably due to government investments.
Its not the "fucktard" governments job to give money to the renewable industry, you fucktard :roll: When an industry is viable, the govt doesn't need to give money to it. When it is not viable the govt shouldn't give money to it. You point about Germany is wrong. Power is getting more expensive in Germany because of useless solar power and is doing sweet fuck all for the environment.

...and I will roll my fucking eyes at you all I like while you keep making eye rollingly stupid statements. Fix that and you will fix the eye rolling. The ball is in your court to educate yourself and stop my condescension in its tracks.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by Ravi » Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:37 am

It is the fucktard governments job to support growth. They give subsidies to agriculture, to mining, to whatever else. If the subsidise renewables to begin with then later down the track when the technology has improved and the industry has grown the subsidies will no longer be needed. The price of solar panels has plummeted in Germany due to the early government investments, and the total cost of electricity is high, however the overall cost is only partly due to the solar levy, the other taxes and charges would be high with or without renewables.
If more energy is being made by renewables then less would need to be made with coal.

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Re: The stain of left wing politics has been removed.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:17 am

Agriculture and mining are self sustaining industries.

The renewable industry is anything but self sustaining. It cannot exist without the taxpayer forking out for it for no essential return. No environmental return, no cost benefit, nothing.

Renewables must be able to compete on their own merit and until they do, the taxpayer shouldn't have to prop up an insolvent business model simply because Green whiners shriek wildly enough.
If more energy is being made by renewables then less would need to be made with coal.
You are incorrect.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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