Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

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Re: Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

Post by Rorschach » Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:58 pm

It is just a more generous form of the ALP policy, but it's funding comes from a company levy that is compensated for by a cut in company tax. Well that was the original policy.

It will cut out like the ALp policy does, after a specific period. Duh! :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

Post by Neferti » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:40 pm

The leftards are trying to make it sound that the Federal Government (i.e. Centrelink/Human Resources) will be paying women up to $75,000 (or some figure) to stay at home to look after their baby. ABSOLUTE LIES. If you read the link to the Human Resources that I posted, the payment will be commensurate with the current Average Income which is currently around $620 a week. Plus the PPL will NOT be paid by the taxpayers, except in certain circumstances. The Federal and State Public Services already have this in place and have done for decades. Certain large Companies have this facility as well. Read the link I posted!

DaS Energy

Re: Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:46 pm

Rorschach wrote:It is just a more generous form of the ALP policy, but it's funding comes from a company levy that is compensated for by a cut in company tax. Well that was the original policy.

It will cut out like the ALp policy does, after a specific period. Duh! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Coal-ition kept quite, 3.3 Baby Bonus Rate Baby bonus Note: On 1 March 2014, NBS (1.2.18) and SBP (1.2.19) replaced baby bonus to provide assistance to those families not eligible for or not accessing PLP (PPL Guide 2.2).

For children born or entrusted to care as part of an adoption process on or after 1 March 2014, baby bonus will no longer be available.

DaS Energy

Re: Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:55 pm

Reply to Nefti

]The leftards are trying to make it sound that the Federal Government (i.e. Centrelink/Human Resources) will be paying women up to $75,000 (or some figure) to stay at home to look after their baby. ABSOLUTE LIES. Its another Government Department scooping in a new Abbott tax. If you read the link to the Human Resources that I posted, the payment will be $3125.00 per week for those earning $150,000 per year. Read the link I posted! Those not working get nothing, zilch! Baby bonus Abbott withdrawn.

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Re: Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

Post by Neferti » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:52 pm

Folks like DaS are always complaining about something that they think The Government should provide for them.

Shit Happens! OFTEN. Governments come and go.

Instead of wasting your time worrying about what you will NOT get from The Government, spend some considerable time organising yourself to NOT being reliant on getting anything from The Government. Assert yourself and you will be a better and happier human being.

DaS Energy

Re: Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:24 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Folks like DaS are always complaining about something that they think The Government should provide for them.

Shit Happens! OFTEN. Governments come and go.

Instead of wasting your time worrying about what you will NOT get from The Government, spend some considerable time organising yourself to NOT being reliant on getting anything from The Government. Assert yourself and you will be a better and happier human being.
Assert yourself and you will be a better and happier human being.[/quote]
Mean try harder?

"Plus the PPL will NOT be paid by the taxpayers, except in certain circumstances"

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Re: Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Apr 26, 2014 12:05 am

Can you try to make sense for once dipshit?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

DaS Energy

Re: Abbotts big secret to the pregnant women!

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:45 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:Can you try to make sense for once dipshit?
Neferti by another name?

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