Calling Greg Hunt

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DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:22 pm

After Greg Hunt and his personal need for Coal before all other has destroyed manufacturing in Australia he will pop off his punter paid pension.

That's why we give a fuck about Greg Hunt and what he is up to!

Interesting that a piece of American shit America has no time for keeps staining these pages.

DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:41 am

"Worsening droughts, longer and fiercer bushfire seasons, hotter days and more intense heatwaves: the outlook for Australia in the latest State of the Climate Report is grim at best.

The Abbott government should be worried, not just because these scenarios obviously warrant real concern but because it's their chief climate advisers sounding the alarm bells."

DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:01 pm

"Thank you for coming here today. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you about the Coalition Government's plan to tackle climate change and reduce pressure on electricity prices.
Let me set out the points of bipartisan agreement in this area:
##We agree on the science
##We agree on the targets
##We agree on market mechanisms"

You wouldn't be Gillard clone eh Hunt, she was a liar up there with the best of them!

DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:41 pm

Greg Hunt's magnificent bluff
Tristan Edis 19 Aug 2013, 10:36 AM

Last week the Climate Institute called Hunt’s bluff, releasing a study examining the economics of Hunt’s Direct Action fund. In spite of its generous assumptions in Hunt’s favour, the study concluded Direct Action was underfunded by at least $4 billion to achieve the minimum Coalition emission reduction target.
Hunt’s immediate response was not to release his own detailed costings and supporting evidence but further bluff and bluster.

DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:04 pm

The Australian
Graham Lloyd
11 January 2014
A senior government figure told The Weekend Australian yesterday that Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane were the only cabinet members supporting the RET.

Greg Hunt knows there's money for him keeping Labours con, and boy can he shovel it in, even the bore stands back when Hunt has his head in the trough!

DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:47 pm

Still no Greg Hunt denial he is keeping for himself that which the property of others.

Greg Hunts reason for stealing another's present is so those paying him can make big money rather be faced with less Coal pollution and vastly cheaper power which means less tax revenue for Greg Hunt and mates.

When it comes to con men and thieves Greg Hunt takes the cake.

Wonder if he has Abbott backing him, which would place Abbott in on it!

DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:40 pm

Quote Abbott, There shall be no clean green electricity without Coal backup being burnt.

The DaS Valve provides clean green electricity 24/7 without burning Coal. Greg Hunt keeping the DaS Valve from copy in Australia is ensuring the Coalitions Sovereign Risk is not breeched by the people copying clean green electricity that not need Coal back up.

Who is Greg Hunt and the Coal-ition governing for again, how much kick back are they getting from Coal?

DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:49 pm

Well done Greg, the more business you can shift out of Australia the more likely Coal is to pay a bonus for all your lye's and deceptions. How's the score so far, Ford, Holden, Toyota, Alcoa, and Qantas teetering god how great that make you feel!

By Giles Parkinson on 10 March 2014

Clean energy investors abandon Australia, head overseas

Clean energy and low-carbon investors are abandoning Australia as the new Federal government, and its conservative colleagues at state level, turn their interests and policies away from renewables and long-term abatement incentives.

DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:10 pm

What Greg is keeping from you. Can be used in combustion engines for cars. Bugger electricity prices forced them all car manufacturers to abandon Australia.
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DaS Energy

Re: Calling Greg Hunt

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:03 pm

Greg Hunt Speech!

Let me set out the points of bipartisan agreement in this area:
##We agree on the science
##We agree on the targets
##We agree on market mechanisms

If ever there was a problem requiring new solutions to be unearthed, it is climate change.

DaS Valve with Carbon-CO2 replaces steam and begins power generation at -30*C not Steams +100*C. Steams 350 megawatts at +600*C is replaced by Carbon at +50*C. Which at +100*C replaces fifty +600*C Steam.

Keep it concealed Greg, keep kidding yourself the world has not got this technology, but above all never let Coal think your slipping!

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