At the Movies...

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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Chard » Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:31 am

Rorschach wrote:Oh oh... wait are you back pedalling faster than the road runner without an apology?

Eat a dick, Rorschy. Keanu's character does not fucking belong in this film. The only, and I mean ONLY, reason Kai even fucking exists in this version of the story is because one of the producers wanted Keanu Reeve's face on the fucking movie poster because they knew there's no way in hell an American audience is going to watch two hours of Japanese people speaking accented English.

The character is jarring, the reason for the character being there is lame and historically fucking impossible. It's a bullshit copout designed entirely to sell movie tickets (Oh, and it failed at that. Turns out this turd cost something like $200mil to make and so far hasn't even come close to making that much back).

But sure, keep going on with your imaginary race trip while ignoring the above point, you ignorant fucking wanker.

Rorschach wrote:He spends the whole movie being referred to a THE HALF-BREED or a demon or a monster.

A half-breed that either would have been killed at birth or would have never been allowed to roam free of the trade enclave where his Eta mother got raped by a British sailor. Kai simply should not exist.

Rorschach wrote:BTW, I've always thought he looked a bit Asian actually.

Have you actually even seen what the fuck various Asian ethnicity even look like? The closest Keanu gets to looking Asian is his paternal grandmother was fucking Hawaiian.

Yet you were the one who brought it up you blithering fucking idiot.

And you're the one making an issue of it, you dishonest asshole. You also have yet to even add anything to this discussion, no justification why Keanu is in this film beyond having his face on a poster. Nothing, just your standard issue ignorant flame-baiting horseshit.

I already commented on the movie...
Yes, and based on your enjoyment of this terrible movie I'd say you're the kind of cretin that will unironically enjoy Michael Bay movies.

you've been ranting and raving and calling me names in amongst the aggression and expletives.

Go cry to someone who gives a shit about your feelings then, you thin skinned pussy.
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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:12 am

Surrender accepted. :rofl :rofl :rofl
You really do need help. :roll:
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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Chard » Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:04 pm

Do you ever actually address arguments directly or are you a passive-aggressive little bitch all the time?
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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:33 pm

You're the one having the argument, I commented accurately on the movie... that is the idea of this topic after all.
You have issues... don't try to transfer them onto others. :roll:
You have serious aggression problems, along with quite a few others it would seem.
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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Chard » Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:39 am

Rorschach wrote:You're the one having the argument, I commented accurately on the movie... that is the idea of this topic after all
Yes, and you totally didn't start this entire episode by trying claim my difference of opinion about this movie is motivated by racism, you lying half wit. :thumb

Rorschach wrote: You have issues... don't try to transfer them onto others. :roll:
You have serious aggression problems, along with quite a few others it would seem.
I freely admit I take issue with liars. You are a lying sack of shit and therefore deserve any and all abuse I choose to give you.
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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Rorschach » Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:33 am

Chard wrote:Oh god... Keanu is playing Kai. Seriously, who the fuck green lit this? They've inexplicably cast a white guy as a Japanese guy. I might go see this just for the sheer what-the-fuck factor. After watching a few promo clips and hearing all the Japanese actors and their accents, Keanu's bland generic American English accent is like suddenly having someone pour a bucket of ice water on your junk.
This was the comment YOU made.... not me.
I don't speak in colours like you, I'm not a racist... I'm guessing it is ingrained in you for some reason non-racists like me can't fathom.
It was also an inaccurate/incorrect/erroneous/wrong comment re the movie and in particular Reeve's character, which with every added comment became more inaccurate..

YOU are the one making mistakes and going off (literally) half-cocked.

Whose a liar? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :oops :c
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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Chard » Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:39 pm

Rorschach wrote:I don't speak in colours like you, I'm not a racist... I'm guessing it is ingrained in you for some reason non-racists like me can't fathom.
I brought up skin tone, as in a movie set in medival Japan with an all Japanese cast except of own guy who is in fct ethnically classed as white by the US government. That's when you tried to twist into some sort of racist argument, you dishonest twat.

Rorschach wrote:It was also an inaccurate/incorrect/erroneous/wrong comment re the movie and in particular Reeve's character, which with every added comment became more inaccurate..
Reeve's character, "Kai", does not appear in any other telling of this story. Every single other version of this story does not have some half-assedly researched character whose sole purpose is to introduce a white character. None. Not a one.

But, you did bring up the phenomenon of "transference". Google "Keanu Reeves Audience Self Insert". At least my black ass doesn't try to insert myself into every other ethnicity's shit, you cultureless fucking ofey bitch.

Seriously, listening to a white Australian talk shit about racism is like listening to a fucking Nazi talk about antisemitism.
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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:24 am

:rofl :rofl :rofl
You do have severe problems don't you... :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Chard » Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:45 pm

Rorschach wrote::rofl :rofl :rofl
You do have severe problems don't you... :rofl :rofl :rofl
Mostly with people who actually like Keanu Reeve's acting.
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove

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Re: At the Movies...

Post by Super Nova » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:11 pm

Has anyone seen gravity.

Saw it at an IMAX cinema with full 3D. Bloody amazing in 3D.

Strongly recommend it.

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