The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

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The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:38 pm

I cannot believe the path the UK labour Party want to go down. They appeal to those that only care what's in it for themselves in the short term in terms of handouts without looking at the economy as a whole.

They have not learned nothing from the past. We need a conservative government in the UK until the economy is fully humming before letting labour in to do their big spending and heavy taxation. They just don't learn.

David Cameron: Ed Balls has learnt 'absolutely nothing' from economic crisis

Prime Minister says Labour would drive economy into a wall and claims Ed Balls learnt nothing from the years leading up the economic crisis ... risis.html

Labour would drive the economy into the wall, David Cameron has warned, as business leaders savage proposals to increase the top rate of tax.

Ed Balls has learnt “absolutely nothing” from the years leading up the economic crisis, the PM said, after the shadow chancellor insisted Labour did not spend to much money while in power.

The party should have spent even more in some parts of the public sector, Mr Balls said on Sunday.

Mr Cameron told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: "I saw what Ed Balls said yesterday, which as far as I could see was that, if he had his time over again, he would probably spend even more.

"I think these people seem to have learnt absolutely nothing from what went wrong with our economy, that the problems were based on too much borrowing, too much spending, too much debt.

"They are really saying if you gave us the keys to the car, we would drive it exactly the same way into exactly the same wall."

Mr Balls said yesterday that the economic crisis, not the preceding years of high spending, was the cause of the deficit – a position disputed by many economists.

The former City minister and aide to Mr Brown said he was “proud” of Labour’s spending and would repeat much of it.

“There would be some spending things we wouldn’t do, some spending things we would do differently, some areas we’d spend more. But do I think the level of public spending going into the crisis was a problem for Britain? No, I don’t.”

That analysis view puts him at odds with Tony Blair, Alistair Darling and Mervyn King, who said spending should have been brought under control several years before the financial crisis occurred.

At the height of the boom in 2007. Britain had a structural deficit – that is, an underlying shortfall of tax receipts regardless of the ups and downs of the economic cycle - of 5.3 per cent of GDP, IMF figures show, the largest in the G7 club of advanced nations. Tony Blair and Alistair Darling have said they ought to have cut back sooner.

In a letter to The Telegraph, 24 business leaders including Ocado’s Sir Stuart Rose and Neil Clifford, chief executive of footwear retailer Kurt Geiger, warn Mr Balls’ promise to hike the top rate of tax for people earning over £150,000 to 50p would kill investment and cost jobs.

"We think that these higher taxes will have the effect of discouraging business investment in Britain. This is a backwards step which would put the economic recovery at risk and would very quickly lead to the loss of jobs in Britain,” they write.

Charlie Mullins, the head of Pimlico Plumbers, warned it would trigger a French-style exodus of financiers that would cost jobs.

And Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, said the policy was “stupid” and urged the Chancellor to cut the top rate to 40p to set out some “clear blue water” between the parties.

"Given the choice, [Mr Balls] would rather have a higher rate of tax than higher tax revenues. He would rather have the exquisite pleasure of seeming to stick it to rich people than stimulate the growth and the investment that actually produces more taxation. He would rather cut off his nose to spite his face. How can he possibly be so stupid?” he wrote in his Telegraph column.

The proposals has delighted much of the Labour rank and file, but those loyal to Mr Blair and Lord Mandelson are privately alarmed at the “attack the rich” message they say it sends to overseas investors.

Lloyd's of London chairman John Nelson warned the return of the 50p rate, together with Labour's promises to freeze energy prices and shake up banking, could damage investor confidence.

He told Today: "The confidence level is a brittle thing. We've got a number of policies that have been announced recently which could affect business and the economy in a serious way.

"We've had the issue of energy pricing, we've had the issue of bank reconstruction ... and now increasing tax at the top rate.

"All of this, I think, does not really encourage investment, particularly from overseas."

While some of Labour's aims were "laudable" the solutions "in economic terms and in business terms are not necessarily going to produce the right results".

He added: "As far as the Labour Party are concerned, they are saying they are not anti-business, but I think that some of the solutions that they are coming up with need to be thought through very much more carefully because one of the key issues that they have got to try and do is to encourage investment into the economy and get more balance into the recovery."

He called for measures to let wealth "trickle down" and warned: "If you keep on oppressing business and oppressing returns you will end up in a situation where you will not create the resources for increased rewards for the working community."
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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:07 am

After having a chuckle over the unfortunate name, Mr. Balls :giggle I realized I never have understood the mindset of a Brit, maybe because I have never spent any time there and the ones I have met overseas usually turn out of be completely corrupt when all is said and done.

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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:23 am

labour in britain have stated in the past that they wanted to change british culure and society and destroy what it was built on by creating a multicultural mailaise through mass immigration from disparate nations.
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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:36 pm

One could just as easily say that the multicultural malaise is the result of the conservative government's desire for empire ...

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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:40 pm

AiA in Atlanta wrote:A buck passing limpwristed apologist could just as easily say that the multicultural malaise is the result of the conservative government's desire for empire ...
Fixed that for you...
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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:09 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:One could just as easily say that the multicultural malaise is the result of the conservative government's desire for empire ...
No... one couldn't... not unless one wanted to be incorrect. :roll:
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:44 am

most every little brown and yellow person in london is there because they were colonized into the british empire. they just didn't fucking sprout from the ground.

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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:51 pm

Super Nova wrote:Ed Balls has learnt 'absolutely nothing' from economic crisi
Why would he? .. He's a pollie and they're immuned to the damage they cause.

Rorschach wrote:
AiA in Atlanta wrote:One could just as easily say that the multicultural malaise is the result of the conservative government's desire for empire ...
No... one couldn't... not unless one wanted to be incorrect. :roll:
Roll your eyes all you like face ache, but the simple fact is, most of those ethnics in Britain used the fact their country of origin was part of the British Empire/Commonwealth as a right of entry to Britain.
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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:09 pm

Fook off retard... is that an appropriate riposte to morons.
IQS agrees with me it seems.
Most sane people would.
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Re: The Left's intent in the UK - a warning

Post by Super Nova » Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:05 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Super Nova wrote:Ed Balls has learnt 'absolutely nothing' from economic crisi
Why would he? .. He's a pollie and they're immuned to the damage they cause.
True. They all will say anything to get into power however I find labour here to just be economic vandals. They have no idea on how to run an economy with any future in mind. It is spend big, borrow big, never save anything for a rainy day. They just want to buy votes from the left leaning bludgers that now think that handouts from the government is mandatory to support a lifestyle choice of doing fuck all to help themselves.

Don't get me wrong, I think some of the elements of the welfare state like universal health care and a safty net are necessary and approapriate for a model society.

Wasting money and selling the future now is always their problem and then the cycle begins with a conservative government coming in to fit it, become unpopular due to them making the hard but right decisions then labour get in again to use the credit card to implement unsustainable economics reforms to handout money to their voter.
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